Chronic gastric ulcer and methods of treating the disease

Because of the deep damage to the gastric mucosa, which develops for a long time without pronounced symptoms, a chronic ulcer is formed. It may not cause any special problems for several years, but sooner or later there is an exacerbation of the disease, which is often characterized by serious complications.

Chronic gastric ulcer occurs in the vast majority of people suffering from pathological changes in submucosal tissues. At this stage the disease passes gradually and almost imperceptibly. The first alarm signals may be nausea, heartburn and minor pain in the stomach after eating. If such symptoms are observed, then this is already a reasonably important reason for contacting the gastroenterologist.

The main danger of chronic peptic ulcer disease is that when it progresses, internal bleeding may occur. That is why it is very important to identify the pathology in time and start the appropriate treatment. Also, with a chronic course of the disease, the size of the lesion of muscle tissues can reach a significant value, which significantly complicates healing.

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Methods for treatment of chronic gastric ulcer

Chronic ulcer is practically not treatable. Localized only acute attacks of the disease, after which the patient prescribed a sparing diet, helping as long as possible to live without relapse. From the diet are completely excluded:

  • Fat broth;
  • Fried, smoked and spicy dishes;
  • Marinades and Pickles;
  • Fruits and vegetables containing high fiber( white cabbage, carrots, beets, sweet peppers, apples, oranges, etc.).

You also need to give up cigarettes, carbonated and alcoholic beverages. We must try to avoid stressful situations, overstresses and high physical exertion. Only a measured way of life and proper nutrition will help for a long time to eliminate manifestations of acute symptoms of chronic gastric ulcer.

In especially neglected cases, when chronic stomach disease turns into perforation, surgical treatment is prescribed. But usually drugs such as Metronidazole, Amoxicillin, Tetracycline and Clarithromycin are used for drug therapy, which destroy the Helicobacter pylori bacterium.

Recently, the so-called Proton Pomp Inhibitors( abbreviated IPP), which act on the secretory functions of the stomach and neutralize the increased acidity, are actively used for the treatment of ulcers, including the chronic form of the disease. The most well-known remedy is omeprazole, but there are also a number of other equally effective drugs, which should only be prescribed by a qualified doctor.

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