How to cope with constipation at home, how quickly to defeat it, how to make the intestines work with folk remedies?

According to statistics, every third inhabitant of our planet knows what a stool delay is. Therefore, the question of how quickly to cope with constipation and make the intestines work, continues to be relevant. The reasons for the appearance of indisposition are many. This can be irregular irregular nutrition, and a sedentary lifestyle, a lack of fluid in the body, experiments with mono diets. Provoke a stool is capable of various diseases, long-term use of certain medications, therefore, in order to defeat constipation, it is necessary to determine its cause.

If constipation is not a companion for internal diseases, you can try to cope with them at home. For this it is useful to adhere to the following recommendations:

  • In the morning, without getting out of bed, you need to perform light gymnastics, which should make the intestines work. Exercises are quite simple. This is a bicycle, pressing the legs, bent at the knees, to the stomach, a deep breath and exhalation of the peritoneum, lying on the back. Then you can get up and start doing active gymnastics: walking in place, squats, jumps.
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  • Coping with constipation helps an abundant drinking regimen. Immediately after gymnastics it is useful to drink a glass of warm water on an empty stomach and then go to do other things. During the day with constipation it is important to drink up to three liters of fluid. Water will soften the stool and form a volume that stimulates the work of the intestine.
  • Making the intestines work at home and cope with the described syndrome is capable of a therapeutic diet. To defeat constipation, there should be often( 5-6 times a day) in small portions. From the diet is to remove foods that reduce peristalsis( baking, ground rice, chocolate, fried foods, fatty foods).You can eat boiled meat, stewed vegetables in large quantities, vegetable salads, seasoned with vegetable oil. In the afternoon it is useful to sprinkle all the food with bran. Such a folk remedy for constipation acts smoothly and very quickly. Instead of dinner, it would be good to eat sour-milk products. If you want a sweet, introduce into the diet any dried fruits.
  • Cope with constipation at home and defeat the syndrome is possible by observing the correct mode of bowel evacuation. It would be good to learn how to be cleansed at the same time. In the toilet it is undesirable to read, listen to music, perform other activities that can distract from emptying. If there are desires for defecation, they can not be suppressed, this behavior leads to the formation of psychological constipation, it will be impossible to cope with them without the help of specialists. The begun process of defecation can not be interrupted, too, it should be finished. Otherwise, the situation will only worsen.

Is it possible to cope with constipation with laxatives?

When it comes to the question of how quickly to deal with constipation in the home and to overcome malaise, the first thing that comes to mind is to take a laxative drug bought in a pharmacy. Immediately it does not work, the effect usually comes hours after 8-12, so it's important to calculate the time, drink a pill at night, for example, that in the morning without any problems go to the toilet. This option, as a one-off measure, is permissible, but in the presence of chronic constipation, laxatives can not be drunk. They are addictive and form a persistent effect of the "lazy" gut. Therefore, at home, wanting to cope with constipation and make the intestine work, it is better to give preference to infusions and broths prepared from medicinal herbs.

They have a physiological effect, which well stimulates peristalsis in the presence of psychological reasons for the formation of fecal blockages. The buckthorn, Tungus rhubarb, licorice root, fennel seeds, field harness, senna leaves help cope with the stool delay. Wanting to cope with constipation folk remedies at home, it is important to know how to prepare medicines correctly. Brewing can be done only in dishes covered with enamel. It is impossible in any case to experiment independently with the formulations and with the volume of single doses. Filter decoctions is important only in a hot form, treated at home is only allowed by one folk remedy: using two or three collections at the same time, it is possible to reduce the protective functions of the liver. If you need long-term treatment of constipation, doctors recommend taking breaks in taking herbal medicines, withstanding weekly pauses. This is the only way to defeat the syndrome and achieve the desired result.

Quickly cope with the malaise and make the guts work and microclysters help. In pharmacies are sold ready-made formulations - enemas, inside which there is a laxative solution. With the help of them, the cork is quickly softened and the feces go out without effort. Use such a tool at home should be extremely cautious, the victory over the problem may be questionable. And all because the enemas have a number of contraindications. It can not be put, if there is:

  1. Inflammatory processes in the large intestine.
  2. Erosions, ulcers and cracks in the mucous layer of the hollow organ.
  3. Internal hidden bleeding.
  4. Tumor neoplasm.
  5. Hemorrhoids. Rectal prolapse.
  6. Surgical pathology of the stomach and intestines.

In the absence of contraindications, an enema is another type of symptomatic treatment of the described ailment. If there is no opportunity to buy ready-made microclysters, oily microclysters and cleansing enemas performed with Esmarch's mug will help cope with constipation at home. This procedure is not very pleasant, but force yourself to carry it out.

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