Causes, symptoms and treatment of a cyst of a transparent septum of the brain

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1 What is the pathology of

? The human brain is a rather complex structural formation, which until now has not been fully studied. Many representatives of the scientific field are still conducting various studies that would help shed light on the secrets of the structure and functional activity of the cortex. After all, it is known that each of its departments is responsible for fulfilling one or another task.

Human brain research or its diagnosis for various reasons sometimes allows to reveal and a cyst of a transparent septum of the brain. Usually this happens quite accidentally, during the diagnosis in connection with other diseases. Its detection is possible in almost a quarter of people who underwent examination using magnetic resonance imaging.

The cyst of the transparent brain septum is also called in the medical environment of the Virgo cyst. Describe it as a benign neoplasm, located in one of several meninges. At its core is a capsule located in the slit-shaped cavity of the human brain, which is formed midway between the corpus callosum of the anterior part of the brain and the very front part.

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The capsule is filled with liquid. The walls of the cyst of the transparent septum are based on the cells of the arachnoid membrane. The liquid that fills the capsule is nothing else than cerebrospinal fluid, or cerebrospinal fluid.

Among the varieties of a similar developmental anomaly, two main ones can be distinguished:

  • congenital;
  • purchased.

If we take the location of an abnormal phenomenon in the brain as a basis for dividing the types of such a pathology, then we can note the presence of the following types of cyst:

  • cyst localized in the anterior part of the interventricular septum;
  • cyst, located in the area of ​​the cerebellum and corpus callosum.

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Medical specialists dealing with the study and treatment of this pathological phenomenon in the human body, this variant of anomalous development preferably refers to the types of arachnoid cyst.

2 Etiology of the disease

A similar anomaly, as already mentioned above, can be congenital, or, as it is called in the medical environment, primary. It is also possible the formation of a secondary cyst, that is, acquired over a lifetime.

In most cases, the occurrence of a cyst is associated with intrauterine fetal development. The diagnosis of the "cyst of the transparent wall of the brain" is put 60% of the children who just appeared. Later, more than half of the children this diagnosis is removed, as the cyst disappears without the use of any treatment.

Secondary cysts can also arise due to various injuries, inflammatory processes affecting the membranes of the brain. The causes of the appearance of pathology can be hidden in various diseases of infectious etiology.

3 Symptoms of abnormal neoplasm

In many of the described cases of detecting the cyst of the transparent septum of the brain, its detection was not an end in itself of a diagnostic examination. The thing is that this benign neoplasm, affecting the meninges, does not cause obvious uncomfortable sensations in humans. Most often, its detection is a matter of chance. Experts can see the already developed cyst of a transparent septum during other diagnostic studies, the causes of which are often completely different ailments.


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The vast majority of specialists working in this field do not recognize this abnormal neoplasm as an independent disease. But this is only if in the course of further medical monitoring there is no growth of the cyst. If an increase in the size of the cyst is detected, it becomes vital to visit the office of a neurologist to consult on this issue and to clarify the level of development of pathological changes.

If it happens that the cyst changes its size, it inevitably leads to the appearance of its pressure on the tissues and vessels of the human brain. In this case, the patient may have painful symptoms. Among them there are severe attacks of headache, increased pressure inside the skull, disruption of the normal functioning of the hearing organs, the occurrence of a buzzing in the ears, there are sensations of the "cast iron" head and the fact that the head is squeezing something.

In case of detection of at least several of the above symptoms, it should be as soon as possible, in the shortest possible time, go to a medical medical institution and get a consultation from a neurosurgeon. And this is completely justified, because the continuous squeezing of the brain tissues with an enlarged cyst of a transparent septum can provoke the onset of degenerative pathological disorders, which in exceptional cases can lead to disability of the patient.

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The revealed secondary cyst of a transparent septum of the human brain requires constant medical supervision, the results of which will allow specialists to prescribe timely and, most importantly, effective treatment.

4 Medical measures

Modern medical science, despite the fact that the human brain is not fully understood, now has reliable data that the cystic formation of the transparent septum of the human brain is not a disease as such, but a developmental defect. In many cases, the Verga cyst is recognized as an option for the normal structure of the brain and does not carry a mortal danger to the life and health of the patient. As a rule, this phenomenon is almost invisible to the person, because his symptoms are not pronounced.

The main danger of cyst lies in the fact that in the absence of medical control, its increase can adversely affect the work of the brain. Therefore, a patient who has found such an anomaly should periodically resort to the help of diagnosticians and undergo a magnetic resonance examination, a computer tomography.

In order to correctly diagnose and differentiate the cyst from other possible diseases, for example, brain cancer or various inflammations, the treating physician has the right to prescribe additional tests, including a blood test to eliminate infectious diseases, a blood clotting and cholesterol assay, studiesheart, ultrasound examination of the cerebral vascular system.

As a rule, the cyst of Verga is stable in its size, and its appearance is not accompanied by a bright symptomatic picture. In this case, there is no need for special treatment, it is enough to conduct appropriate examinations every six months.

If during the medical monitoring the tumor growth was registered, the patient complains of worsening of the condition, then conservative treatment will be required, during which osmotic diuretics, nootropics, stimulators of cerebral circulation, as well as resorptives are prescribed.

In the case of ineffectiveness of the selected treatment for fixing the size of the cyst or with a worsening of the patient's condition, neurosurgeons can perform surgery.

In order to avoid undesirable consequences, it is worth taking care of yourself and your health, which implies regular preventive check-ups, and when symptoms appear you should not postpone the visit to the doctor.

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