Thrush( candidiasis) and intestinal dysbacteriosis, candidiasis, fungal - symptoms and treatment

Candidial dysbacteriosis is a mucosal lesion of fungal agents of the Candida genus, normally present in the intestinal cavity, but gaining pathogenicity under certain factors. This place for them is the main and habitual habitat, however, its increased reproduction can lead to disruption of the normal state of microflora and the manifestation of a typical kind of symptoms in the gastrointestinal tract.

Thrush and dysbiosis can develop with:

  • Immunodeficiency.
  • Oncological diseases.
  • Unbalanced, poor quality and improper nutrition.
  • Antibiotic therapy.

Thrush or dysbacteriosis of the intestine manifests itself without strong inhibition of the body. A mild form of thrush can occur in the case of a severe impairment of immunity. Symptoms of a mild form of dysbiosis include:

  • Diarrhea.
  • Flatulence.
  • Often and poorly designed stools in the presence of whitish curdled flakes.
  • Discomfort and pain in the abdomen, and a constant feeling of incomplete emptying.
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In the case of a severe form of candidiasis dysbiosis, the lesion of the intestinal tract begins, which provokes the appearance of ulcerative pathological processes. In some cases, the presence of blood and mucus impurities in the stool.

During the period of exacerbation of candidiasis dysbacteriosis, the patients begin to develop manifestations that are similar to a stomach disorder and accompanied by diarrhea. Mostly thrush can be confused with indigestion.

In general, the intestinal form of candidiasis can be characterized by lesions of the external surface, and if there is no treatment, Candida will cause a chronic course with functional changes in the activity of the liver, kidneys and heart.

In the treatment of thrush and dysbiosis, drugs not adsorbed in the lumen of the intestine are prescribed.

Various kinds of antimycotic agents have systemic effects and are used for oral and intravenous oral candidiasis. However, they can almost completely be adsorbed from the upper sections of the digestive tract, because of which they can not reach the ileum, where the greatest development of Candida occurs. In addition, such drugs for thrush and dysbiosis have some side effects.

Nestatin, Levorin, Pimafucin can act as non-adsorbing agents for the treatment of candidiasis and dysbiosis. Although they often give side effects with thrush, however, they are not absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract. It should be noted that the use of such drugs can cause an allergic reaction and toxic damage to the liver.

Therapy in the case of the appearance of candidiasis dysbiosis has the focus on eliminating risk factors and restoring the basic microflora. Prescribed funds that contain bifidobacteria, and reduce the growth of pathogenic fungus in fecal masses. In addition, with thrush and dysbacteriosis, they can create conditions for natural reproduction and biological recovery of microflora equilibrium, providing a nourishment for the epithelial layer of the mucosa.

In the process of choosing a method for treating thrush, one should remember the therapy of the underlying disease, as well as the correction with individual selection of antimycotic agents.

Fungal dysbiosis

Such a violation of the intestinal microflora can be provoked:

  • Treatment of immunodeficiency, immunodeficiency, antimetabolic and antibiotic agents.
  • Immune Deficiency.
  • Serious occurrence of metabolic disorders.
  • : Oncological neoplasms.
  • Candida fungi.

Symptoms that indicate the onset of thrush in the cavity of the gastrointestinal tract are expressed in changes in stool structure, watery diarrhea, alternating with constipation, bloating, excessive gas formation, sensation of satiety, itching, or eczema around the anal passage. The manifestations of fungal dysbiosis in the form of weakness, apathy, fatigue, metallic taste in the mouth and unbridled desire and appetite for sweets are quite common.

The effect of medications in the treatment of fungal dysbiosis should be supported by proper nutrition. Its goal is to prevent the further development of infection and to supplement the lack of vitamins and minerals.

From medicinal preparations from thrush and dysbiosis, pro and prebiotics are prescribed, which help in restoring the normal state of the intestinal microflora, as well as antibacterial agents for getting rid of the fungus. In addition, therapeutic and cleansing enemas with herbal solutions can be prescribed.

In a diet with fungal dysbacteriosis, alcoholic beverages, coffee, and black tea are prohibited. Preference should be given to mineral waters, due to which the body should be helped in removing toxins released during thrush in a sufficiently large amount.

In addition, it is worth to abandon all flour products, monosaccharides, disaccharides, which are derived from fruits and dairy products. The diet with fungal dysbacteriosis of the intestine should be based on fresh vegetables and products containing oligosaccharides. It is allowed to eat meat of low-fat variety, fish and seafood. Of the legumes, you can include in the diet only dietary varieties, for example, chickpeas, soy, lentils and the like.

In some cases, depending on the course of fungal dysbiosis, repeated courses can be prescribed. Supportive therapy may also be prescribed.

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