Inflammation of the auditory tube( Eustachian): symptoms and treatment of the house with folk remedies

The auditory or eustachian tube is the structural component of the ear that connects the tympanum and nasopharynx, ensuring a uniform distribution of pressure within the auditory canal.

Also the pipe performs a kind of protective function, preventing the penetration of bacteria and infections inside. With the development of inflammation, these functions are violated and a person is exposed to a number of diseases, including eustachitis, salpingitis.

Inflammation of the auditory tube

Inflammation of the eustachian tube spreads directly to several sections of the auditory canal.

Often, the middle ear gets hit, which results in a number of abnormalities characterized by unpleasant pain syndromes, hearing loss and general malaise. At first, the diseased can and do not feel the presence of inflammation, because with an infectious disease it progresses rather slowly.

Internal ear structure

Causes of

Often, inflammation of the auditory tube occurs due to infection with streptococci and staphylococci. But at an earlier age, the cause of inflammation is more often pneumococcus bacteria, as well as various viral infections.

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They have the property of passing into the middle ear through the Eustachian tube. In this case, the patency of the pipe deteriorates significantly, which creates a favorable environment for the development and activation of pathogenic microorganisms.

The likelihood of a symptom is significantly increased if a person has a predisposition to allergic edema, as well as an increased volume of secretory secretions. There are several other causes of inflammation:

  • Adenoids( especially in children) and nasopharyngeal tumors;
  • Frequent and prolonged infections of the nasopharynx;
  • Nasal septal defects;
  • Atmospheric pressure surges.

Symptoms and signs

Symptoms directly depend on the form of the disease. Inflammation of the auditory tube is divided into:

  • Chronic;
  • Acute;
  • Allergic.

Acute form most often occurs due to viral diseases, colds, which, in the first place, affect the upper respiratory tract. In acute form, the patient feels stable. The temperature rarely rises above 38 degrees, and the pains are of low intensity. Most often a person complains of such signs of inflammation as:

  • Zalozhennost in the ear;
  • Uninterrupted noise;
  • Significant hearing impairment;
  • A more distinct perception of one's own voice during speech;
  • Nasal congestion, which resembles a cold.

The luminaire of the auditory tube is considerably narrowed during examination, swelling is noticeable.

The chronic form has the following symptoms:

  • Deformation of the tympanic membrane, its extension;
  • Hearing impairment;
  • Narrowing and obstruction of the auditory lumen;
  • Partial redness in some areas.

Diagnosis of the form and stage of the disease can only be diagnosed. Negative factor is the persistence of symptoms in the chronic form of inflammation. There may also be a pain syndrome.

Chronic inflammation is characterized by atrophy of the mucous membrane and the tympanum. The membrane itself becomes turbid with time. In addition, parts of necrotic tissue, that is, necrosis, may appear.

A distinctive feature is the normalization of hearing when yawning or coughing. Since the pain syndrome is very weak, and the symptoms are general, it is impossible to diagnose the inflammation of the auditory tube alone. The only solution is to go to a specialist. Only a qualified otolaryngologist can give an opinion.

As for the allergic form, it arises from the reaction of the body to the stimulus. It is accompanied by such symptoms as nasal congestion and runny nose, lachrymation. Pain almost never annoys, but there may be a slight increase in temperature.

Differences in the structure of the Eustachian tube in adults and children

When does the disease occur

Symptom occurs when the inflammation passes to the mucous membrane of the tube. The inflammation itself passes from the area of ​​the nasopharynx, as a result of acute and chronic forms of pharyngitis, angina or rhinitis.

Both acute and chronic inflammation can lead to the appearance of otitis media. But the following reasons may accompany the onset of inflammation:

  • Adenoids;
  • Hoanal polyps;
  • Hypertrophy of the inferior( nasal) shell;
  • Curvature of nasal septum;
  • Sinusitis;
  • Sinusitis.

How to treat

Treatment of a problem begins only after visiting a doctor. So, after collecting the anamnesis and getting the results of the prescribed tests, the degree of inflammation and its neglect is determined. Based on such data, the doctor prescribes the necessary treatment plan and makes a prediction.

How to treat the inflammation of the auditory tube:


Drugs are always assigned individually. Despite the fact that doctors focus on medications, they do not refuse physiotherapy involving compresses made on the basis of liquid antibiotics. They perfectly relieve inflammation and accelerate recovery.

Most often, inflammation of the auditory tube is prescribed drugs from a number of vasoconstrictors. They help to normalize the mucous membranes of the Eustachian tube, the nasopharynx and, of course, the nose. Among such preparations it is possible to allocate:

  • Оксиметазолин;
  • Naphazoline;
  • Nasol;
  • Naphthysine;
  • Xylometazoline.

Means can be purchased at the pharmacy even without a doctor's prescription. However, you do not need to make appointments yourself, even if you have previously got acquainted with a lot of sources, and you were convinced of the presence of this particular problem.

People's means

As for the people's means, everything is relative here. Without informing the doctor, you can not administer additional drugs, even if they are made on the basis of purely natural ingredients.

The best option is to use compresses and some varieties of tinctures. It is impossible to treat eustachyte and other diseases of the ear canal with purely folk methods, they can only alleviate the course of symptoms.

The compresses and infusions made on the basis of:

  • Camomile proved to be the most effective in the treatment of inflammation;
  • Blueberries;
  • Celandine;
  • Lavender;
  • Mint;
  • St. John's wort;
  • Nettles;
  • Immortelle;
  • Donnik;
  • Burdock;
  • Anis;
  • Kalina.

It should be noted that taking infusions perfectly strengthens immunity, which favorably affects the prevention of the disease in the future.

What is possible and what can not be done

In case of inflammation of the auditory tube, one should not resort to self-medication, by using "proven" grandmother's methods. If you have felt pain in the auditory canal, do not rush to resort to the traditional method, which consists in methodically warming up the painful place. This can lead to the progress of the inflammatory process and the growth of the number of bacteria.

When treating the disease, you can use a combination treatment, namely, to use medicines, physiotherapy and folk remedies. It is also useful in the treatment of diversify their diet to quickly strengthen the immune system.

Popular video on auditory tube diseases:


Preventive measures can significantly reduce the risk of recurrence. For this, it is necessary to implement the following recommendations:

  • Pay due attention to health;
  • Timely cure colds and infectious diseases;
  • Do not overcool;
  • Dressing for the season;
  • Maintain an active lifestyle;
  • Call the doctor in good time if you feel unwell.

The disease is much easier to prevent, than in the future to treat it fully. Therefore, performing simple rules, it is enough just to avoid such an unpleasant illness as inflammation of the auditory tube.

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