What does the increase in protein concentration in the urine in a child mean: methods of diagnosis and treatment

Violation of the filtering function of the kidneys leads to proteinuria - the appearance of protein in the urine( urine).Proteinuria is noted in children and adults, but the reasons for its appearance are different. The protein in the urine of the youngest does not always serve as a symptom of the disease, although it must necessarily become a signal for treatment to the nephrologist.

Protein in urine in children

Elevated protein in the urine of a child is not an independent disease. With little deviation from the norm, proteinuria in children is not associated with kidney disease, diabetes, infection or other causes that contribute to the appearance of protein in the urine of adults. Proteinuria in children may turn out to be a reversible phenomenon, a feature of metabolic processes in the body, but it is important to determine why its content is elevated.

Informative analysis of protein in the urine allows you to apply it to control the child's condition, especially in the first weeks of life. The analysis of urine helps to identify the disruption of the kidneys at an early stage, in time to begin treatment of diseases, the symptom of which is proteinuria.

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Causes of

Proteinuria in infants, toddlers, adolescents is not associated with a serious disease, if not more than 0.033 g / l - the limits of the physiological norm:

  1. Proteinuria can occur in children with fever, colds, flu.
  2. Elevated protein may simply be a feature of an actively growing organism, especially if it is noted in the daytime, and after a night's sleep tests do not show its presence. Such proteinuria is called orthostatic and is considered the norm for children.
  3. A newborn child with increased physical exertion may have movements with pens, legs, which also leads to proteinuria.

Detection in urine protein can be caused by nutritional features. The increased concentration of protein molecules can be explained by the use of protein foods that have not been heat treated, for example, raw eggs, milk.

In infants, the protein compounds in urine can be the result of an excess of complementary foods in the form of purees, juices. In older children - an unbalanced diet, an abundance of protein foods.

After reviewing the diet of the mother, the baby is repeated for protein analysis, and if it repeatedly exceeds the norm, a nephrologist is connected to the examination to determine what this increase means.

In addition to the above, the causes of proteinuria in children are:

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  • hemolytic disease in newborns;
  • fasting;
  • anemia;
  • hypervitaminosis D;
  • allergy;
  • epilepsy;
  • heart disease;
  • leukocytosis.

The cause of the disorder, especially in infants and newborns, may be a wrong collection of a portion of urine for analysis. But when re-surrender, if hygiene rules are followed, this error is usually excluded.

Symptoms of

A slight increase in protein in the urine does not affect the baby's condition. External symptoms of the disorder appear with pronounced proteinuria, which most often means kidney disease.

Signs of an increase in urine protein connections are:

  • deterioration of general well-being;
  • complaints of bone pain;
  • appearance of signs of intoxication - lack of appetite, nausea;
  • darkening of urine;
  • appearance of swelling of the legs, eyelids after sleep;
  • rapid urge to urinate, severe thirst.

Kidneys are considered a "silent" organ, the disruption of their function can be painless for a long time. The kid can not feel any discomfort, but, nevertheless, suffer from kidney disease. Kidneys in children are especially painful - the localization of pain kids often point in the abdomen, not the lower back, as in adults.

It is even harder to recognize proteinuria in an infant who may have symptoms:

  • fever without colds;Swollen eyelids;
  • restless sleep;
  • pallor of the skin.

Indications of kidney dysfunction in infants can be swelling of the tissues. Identify it visually difficult, but in the wake of the rubber bands of nappies, socks, we can assume proteinuria.


To determine the protein in the urine, the following assays are used:

  • colorimetric diagnostic methods;
  • test strip method.

Test strips are easy to use at home, however, this method does not always give an unmistakably correct result. It is more reliable to use laboratory diagnostics, which makes it possible to quantify the degree of proteinuria in children.

When the protein content in the urine( in g / l):

  • less than 0.033( traces of protein) - the value corresponds to the physiological norm;
  • up to 0,099 - the kidneys work with voltage, which can be connected with physical overstrain, hypothermia, food peculiarities;
  • from 0,099 to 0,2 - the condition characteristic for recovery after a cold;
  • from 0,2 to 0,3 - since there are many proteins, this stage indicates possible kidney damage, the patient is assigned a urinalysis according to Nechiporenko, repeated examination for proteinuria;
  • from 0.3 to 1 - significant proteinuria, requiring consultation of the nephrologist.

The indicator of the presence of protein in the urine are cylinders - a form of protein molecules with salts deposited on them are taken in the renal tubules. According to the varieties of cylinders that are found in the baby's urine, they conclude that the kidneys are functional.

Cylinders are found in urine:

  • hyaline - pure protein, present in urine analysis in physiological proteinuria;
  • granular - a protein with epithelium with glomerulonephritis, diabetes;
  • erythrocyte - a protein with red blood cells;
  • leukocyte - a protein with leukocytes in pyelonephritis.
In the table, the main causes of increase in protein in the urine

Norm of protein in the urine

Normally protein in the urine should not be, but there is a so-called physiological proteinuria, in which the presence of protein molecules at a concentration of 0.033 mg / l is allowed in children.

The daily urine protein for newborns and infants up to 1 month of age is 200 mg, for children older than 30 to 60 mg. In newborns, protein in the urine is allowed to exceed 0.036 g / l.

Treatment of

When a proteinuria is detected, a diet with a reduced salt content, a restriction of physical activity is recommended to the child, and then a reanalysis is recommended.

If the increase in protein in the urine is diagnosed and it is more than 0.5 g / l, the child is prescribed treatment aimed at eliminating the cause, which caused deterioration in the functionality of the excretory system.

With a high level of protein in the urine appoint:

  • hormones corticosteroids - Prednisolone, Methylprednisolone;
  • cytotoxic drugs - Cytoxan, Clafen, Sendoxane;
  • antiplatelet agents - Dipyridamole, Penselin, Trombonin;
  • diuretics - Kanefron;
  • antispasmodics.

The use of prednisolone is explained by the ability of this hormonal agent to reduce the synthesis of globulins, to enhance the breakdown of proteins in the body. Prescribe Prednisolone to children in a short course, since this remedy has dangerous side effects.

Kinefron is used for diuretics from diuretics. This tool contains only natural ingredients, possesses, in addition to diuretic, the properties of the uroseptic.

In the case of proteinuria caused by a urinary tract infection, an antibiotic from the macrolide group can be assigned to the child. Representatives of this group( Oleandomycin) have a wide spectrum of action, are effective against most pathogens of diseases of the urinary system.

The use of all these drugs with uncontrolled use can cause serious complications. Successful treatment of a child with the appearance of protein in the urine is possible only with systematic laboratory monitoring, medical control over the process of recovery.
On video advice to parents if the child has increased protein in the urine:

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