Spasms of the pancreas - symptoms, treatment, how to remove?

Alcohol, fatty, spicy food, exotic spices, unusual for our gastrointestinal tract, preservatives used to extend the shelf life of products - all these factors can trigger an attack of acute pancreatitis. Even the drink of ice water in a strong heat can cause a spasm of the pancreatic ducts and lead to its inflammation.

Spasm occurs when the pressure in the pancreas rises and its enzymes are thrown back. All the gland or some part of it inflames. The patient has severe pain in the upper abdomen, vomiting, diarrhea, body temperature rises.

Symptoms and treatment of

The main symptoms of pancreatic spasms are sharp acute pains in the epigastric region and hypochondrium. A sure sign of such disorders is nausea and vomiting, the degree of strength of which depends on the height of the pain threshold - the stronger the pain, the more pronounced the gag reflex. An attempt to eliminate them with spasmolytics rarely leads to success, since pain is caused by the constitutional structure of the human body and the posture taken by him. The best option for primary measures aimed at removing pancreatic spasms is to ensure rest for the patient in a comfortable position. After immobilizing the patient, it is necessary, urgently, to call a doctor.

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Symptoms of pancreatic spasms are one of the main problems in gastroenterology and require their timely treatment. Quickly and effectively eliminate painful attacks can only a highly qualified specialist who is familiar with the general principles of the emergence of local foci of pain and who knows the specific effects of certain drugs on patients suffering from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

How to relieve pancreatic spasms?

If a patient has spasms, it is urgent to begin to take measures to eliminate them. For this it is necessary: ​​

  • to establish the patient a mode of temporary fasting for a period of not less than 24 hours;
  • provide the patient with a sufficient amount of therapeutic mineral water with a high content of alkali;
  • apply ice compress to the projection area of ​​the pancreas;
  • give the patient to take one tablet of an antispasmodic drug( No-shpa, Papaverin);
  • call a doctor.

Removing pancreatic spasms is not an easy task, especially at home. That is why, for their complete elimination, it is best to call an ambulance, whose employees always have everything necessary to deal with acute bouts of pain associated with the pancreas.

At primary treatment of spasms it is necessary to consider a degree of individual resistance of an organism of the patient. Regular acute attacks can cause a person a certain level of addiction to them and prevent, in the future, the correct diagnosis of the symptoms of the disease.

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