Bactroban: form of release, mechanism of action, instruction, price, analogy

The British pharmaceutical company GlaxoSmithKline has developed a nasal ointment with an antibacterial action called Bactroban. Currently, the ointment is produced by three Russian offices of an English company. The need to create an ointment is associated with the resistance of certain bacteria( strains of Staphylococcus aureus, streptococcus, etc.) to the effects of antibiotics. Initially, the infection developed in hospital conditions, later its appearance became not uncommon in the home.

The active substance of Bactroban effectively removes pathogenic microorganisms as an external antibiotic. This article is intended to tell you about what the instruction on the use of nasal ointment Bactroban is, what is its price, analogues and patient reviews about it.

Features of the preparation

Composition of Bactroban

The main active ingredient in all dosage forms is mupirocin.

  • Ointments for external use use additional substances - polyethylene glycol 400 and polyethylene glycol 3350.
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  • In the ointment for intranasal use, instead of polymeric compounds of ethanediol, a paraffinic base with the inclusion of propanetriol( glycerin) is used.

Dosage forms

  • Ointments for external and intranasal use are white, packed in an aluminum tube that is in a cardboard box.
  • Mupirocin is contained in a 2% concentration.
  • Aluminum tube with ointment for external use contains 15 g of ointment, for intranasal use - 3 g.

. Pharmacological action of

. Bactroban has a pronounced antibacterial effect, destroying prokaryotes that other antibiotics can not cope with. The mechanism of action of the drug is based on blockade of protein synthesis in the prokaryote cell due to blockade of the enzyme isoleucine transferase-RNA synthetase.

The chemical nature of the antibiotic and the unique pharmacological mechanism of action make it possible to avoid cross-resistance with other antibiotics while strictly observing the instructions for use.


The minimum concentration of Bactroban has an inactivating effect against pathogenic bacteria. When using the drug at a higher concentration, the bacterial infection is destroyed. The drug is effective for external application in relation to:

  • gram-negative bacilli of non-enzymatic origin;
  • of gram-negative anaerobic bacteria from the genera Neisseria, Pasteurella, Branhamella, Enterobacter, Bordetella, Haemophilus, Proteus, Citrobacter;
  • of Gram-negative bacteria of the Enterobacteriaceae family;
  • Gram-positive aerobes coagulase-negative and producing β-lactamase( some genera Staphylococcus and Streptococcus);
  • insensitive forms of Corynebacterium and Micrococcus.


In the absence of damage to the epidermis, Bactroban has a poor absorption of the cells of the subcutaneous tissue. When penetrated through the epidermal barrier, the chemical compound is half-decayed to monic acid, which is not the physiological successor of mupirocin.

The metabolites of mupirocin, found in vivo, are excreted through the excretory system for a short time.

Indications for use

Bacterial is effective in the following skin infections:

  • primary or secondary( after neurodermatitis) impetigo;
  • pyoderma in the form of folliculitis both in the initial stage of the disease, and as a result of developed purulent complications in the form of an abscess or phlegmon;
  • streptococcal, less often - a staphylococcal infection with a deep implantation in the skin( ektyma);
  • purulent-necrotic lesions of the hair follicle( furunculosis);
  • small and shallow wounds;
  • 1st and 2nd degree burns;
  • abrasions and bites of insects that present a danger of infection with a bacterial infection;
  • allergic skin reactions with bacterial complication( eczema);
  • prophylaxis of bacterial invasion of the skin when obtaining minor skin lesions.

Instruction for use

  • As an external agent, Bactroban ointment is applied by lightly rubbing movements into the affected area of ​​the skin. The duration of exposure to mupirocin is about 8 hours, so it is recommended 3-fold use of the drug during the day. Over the ointment, a sterile dressing is allowed.
  • The treatment regimen assumes a 10-day course of use of Bactroban if during the first 5 days dynamic manifestations of clinical signs are noted. Otherwise, the treatment scheme is subject to correction.

Elderly age, renal and hepatic impairment are not an obstacle to the use of Bactroban. Although the negative effect of mupirocin on the physiological state of fetal development in pregnant and nursing babies in nursing mothers has not been revealed, the use of Bactroban in these cases should be considered as an extreme necessity, exceeding the risk of possible negative effects on the fetus or infants.

Contraindications, which has a nosebane ointment, are described below.

Contraindications to

  • Restriction to the use of Bactroban is an individual intolerance to mupirocin.
  • It is not recommended for extensive and deep skin lesions to use an ointment preparation for patients with renal insufficiency in moderate to severe development due to the mild toxic effect of polyethylene glycol and the need to remove it through the kidneys.
  • In the absence of renal insufficiency, the risk of insufficient removal of the macrogol is minimal, but Bactroban should be administered with large skin lesions or lesions with caution.

Side effects of

Usually Bactroban ointment does not cause side effects. However, one in two hundred patients complained about the initiation of allergic reactions by mupirocin. One of a hundred patients after the application of Bactroban noted local allergic reactions, redness and dryness of the skin, rash and swelling at the place of application of the ointment.

Special instructions

  • The use of ointment should be limited to places with developed epidermis.
  • Accidental or targeted penetration of mupirocin into mucous membranes, in the eyes and in drainage areas should be avoided. When the ointment gets into these places, it requires washing and removing traces of the ointment.
  • When detecting an individual intolerance to mupirocin or macrogol, Bactroban is removed from the treatment regimen, replacing it with an alternative ointment antibiotic.
  • Data on the negative impact of Bactroban on the ability to drive a vehicle has not been received.
  • Ointment Bactroban does not interact with drugs used orally or by injection. The use of other external agents on the affected area of ​​the skin is unacceptable due to a decrease in the concentration of mupirocin and its limited effect.


Negative feedback on the use of Bactroban is not found. Positive feedback from users of the ointment indicates a variety of indications and the effectiveness of the remedy:

  • "Bactroban was recommended to me in a pharmacy by a pharmacist. It is not good, of course, that the doctor did not consult, but the boil was treated with Bactroban. After the autopsy, Levomikol was still using it. It is happy with both preparations "- says Varvara.
  • "At night I often take the girl home, when I return to the hostel, a dog bites me on the way, unexpectedly crossing my path. In the hostel he found friends from Bactroban, smeared the wound for two days, everything quickly dragged on and without complications. Everyone will recommend this ointment "- writes Ruslan.

Let's find out if Bactroban has an analog in its nose.


  • Among the analogues of Bactroban's ointment used in the Russian pharmaceutical market are domestic products for external use( Levomecol, Levomycetin and Levosin).
  • British analogues of Bactroban - Supirocin and Mupirocin.
  • An analog of Bactroban - Hexaliz is supplied from France.
  • Sometimes used and Baneocin.

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