Preparation Phytolysin: composition, indications, instructions for use, analogues, reviews

In patients with nephrolithiasis, patients are often prescribed Phytolysin. What is this preparation and how to take it?


Paste Phytolysin refers to preparations of plant origin and combined action. It is widely used in nephrology, antimicrobial and diuretic, anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic, which has a relaxing effect on the musculature of the urinary system, helps to remove excess fluid and prevents the appearance of new concrements.


The paste is of vegetable origin and contains essential oils of sage and orange, pine and mint, as well as water-alcohol herbal thickened extracts based on:

  • Onion husks;
  • Goldenrod;
  • Rhizome of parsley;
  • of the Bird Highlander;
  • Root of wheatgrass;
  • Fenugreek seeds;
  • Horsetail of the field;
  • Rhizome rhizomes;
  • Birch leaves.

Additionally, flavone and saponin fractions and silicates with a diuretic effect are present in the formulation. Present in the paste and auxiliary substances like vanillin, wheat starch, agar-agar and glycerin.

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The preparation Phytolysin is produced in the form of a paste placed in aluminum tubes with a capacity of 100 g. The paste specifically smells of grass, has a greenish-brown color and a soft consistency. A special suspension is prepared from the paste.

Photo of the preparation Phytolysin

Principle of action

Paste is intended for the treatment of the kidneys. Its action is based on such effects as:

  • Diuretic;
  • Anti-inflammatory;
  • Spasmolytic;
  • Removing stones;
  • Prevention of kidney stone formation.

Phytolysin favorably influences filtration glomerular activity without disturbance of electrolyte balance. In addition, the components of the paste remove the ions of chlorine and sodium, preventing the increase of existing stones. The silicates present in the composition excrete urea, which also prevents the formation of stone.

We recommend
For prevention of diseases and treatment of kidneys, our readers advise the Monastery collection of Father George. It consists of 16 useful medicinal herbs, which have an extremely high efficiency in the purification of the kidneys, in the treatment of kidney diseases, urinary tract diseases, as well as in the purification of the body as a whole. Read more ยป

The action of saponins is aimed at the destruction of staphylococci, and flavonoids - to eliminate gram-positive bacteria. The agglutin substances present in the paste perform spasmolytic functions.


Combined action paste Phytolysin has such indications for use:

  • Cystitis or pyelitis;
  • Urethritis or prostatitis;
  • Urolithiasis;
  • Various forms of pyelonephritis;
  • With a preventive purpose to prevent the development of urolithiasis.

Video review of the preparation Phytolysin:

Instructions for use

Paste Phytolysin is taken in the form of a suspension, which is prepared by dissolving the drug in warm water, which is recommended to sweeten with sugar or honey.

In the process of treatment, certain requirements must be met:

  1. The medication should be taken after food intake, and during the treatment the patient should observe a healthy diet( exclude alcohol and pickles, marinades and smoked products, preservatives, etc.).The daily rate of fluid intake is at least 2 liters.
  2. Adults and patients older than 15 years of age should be diluted in 100 ml of water over a teaspoon of the drug. Take the suspension three to four times a day.
  3. The duration of the course is usually from two weeks to one and a half months.

The instructions do not specify how to take the drug to children, because there have been no special studies on the effects of the drug on small patients. However, in pediatrics, phytolysin is successfully used to treat pathologies of the genitourinary tract in children of any age, even in newborns. Usually, small children are prescribed 1 / 4-1 / 2 teaspoons three times a day.

Studies in the field of treatment with this drug in pregnancy have not been conducted, although practice shows that no negative effect on the fetalisin does not have. But the appointment of the drug should be done by the obstetrician, as well as the calculation of the dosage.

Paste is able to enhance the effectiveness of non-steroid drugs, anti-bleeding agents, hypoglycemic agents, monoamine oxidase inhibitors, etc. Phytolysin prolongs the effect of taking Pentobarbital and Paracetamol.

Side effects of

Phytolysin generally has no side effects. Only people hypersensitive to plant components may experience allergic reactions in the form of urticaria, skin rashes and itching. In isolated cases, there may be a nausea-vomiting syndrome and diarrhea. Sometimes, hypersensitivity to sunlight may occur.


The naturalness of the drug does not make it universal, so it is not suitable for all patients.

Phytolysin is contraindicated, if any:

  • Glomerulonephritis;
  • Nephroses or acute nephritis;
  • Kidney stones of phosphate origin;
  • Cardiac or renal insufficiency;
  • Pancreatitis or hepatitis;
  • Allergic intolerance to any component of the drug;
  • Ulcerative processes or gastritis;
  • Puffiness with cardiac, cirrhotic or renal origin.

Special instructions

When accepting the paste, some special instructions should be considered. For example, in diabetes mellitus it is necessary to control GI, and to facilitate renal activity it is recommended to increase the drinking regime. The drug does not affect the reaction, so it can be taken by patients of any profession.

Analogues of

Analogues of phytolysin are such agents:

  1. Kanefron;
  2. Uronefron;
  3. Blomaren;
  4. Phytolite;
  5. Citrate;
  6. Uralit-U;
  7. Cyston, etc.


Patients leave conflicting reviews about the drug, which is due to its specific taste and smell.

Doctors also respond positively to this drug, noting its high effectiveness with kidney stones and anti-inflammatory properties. But doctors note that the paste is effective against oxalate stones, but with phosphate concrements it is contraindicated.

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