Causes of the appearance and treatment of a conjunctival eye cyst

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1 Etiology of the disease

The causes are pathological processes:

  • due to injury of the body, corneal epithelium particles penetrate into the eyeball tissue;
  • use of potent eye drops for a long time;
  • transferred eye infections;
  • touch of dirty hands, exposure of microorganisms directly to the sclera;
  • presence of intraocular parasites;
  • in the eye tissues develops inflammation;
  • congenital defects of the eye.

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2 Varieties of pathology

Young people without apparent causes often appear spontaneous form, which looks like a whitish vial filled with pathological secret. Teratoma is a dermoid cyst that has a very firm consistency. The development of epithelial cells is disrupted. Germ cells migrate abnormally. As a result, epithelial cells move in the middle of the orbit. Fragments of the skin, hair particles, nails are often inside the teratoma.

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Due to the development of glaucoma, the use of some potent medications appears exudative cyst. The traumatic form of the neoplasm is a complication after surgery, the consequence of an eye injury. The result of long-term use of potent medicines is the pigment cyst. From an early age, as a result of hereditary defects, the congenital conjunctival cyst develops and progresses. The thin, movable diaphragm of the eye is damaged.

There is a violation of the integrity of the eyeball. Since the fluid is constantly redistributed within the eye, the neoplasm can have dynamic characteristics. In some cases, the morning of the conjunctiva cyst is felt, and during the day spontaneously disappears. The next day the whole cycle repeats.

3 Clinical picture of the disease

Symptoms of pathology are usually very scarce, but the patient always feels the development of the conjunctival cyst. A clear vesicle appears on the mucous membrane of the eye. Most often, the neoplasm appears from the inner edge of the cornea. Exudate fills the cavity of cystic education.

For the conjunctival cyst, symptoms are characteristic:

  • with the dermoid cyst displaced the eyeball;
  • single or multiple formations of different sizes appear on the cornea, iris, sclera;
  • redness around the vesicles;
  • feeling of pressure in the eyes;
  • pearlescent glow acquire eyes with a spontaneous cyst;
  • review limitation;
  • in the area of ​​damage, discomfort, dull pain;
  • appear floating haze before your eyes.

Major functions of the organ of vision are violated:

  • removal of foreign particles trapped in the eye;
  • moisturizing the eyes;
  • development of tear fluid.

4 How the

is diagnosed Absolutely painless ophthalmological examination procedures are based on a visual examination of the eye using a lighting device. A ray of light is sent to the patient's eye. To obtain detailed information on the state of all structures of the eye, the doctor conducts an examination of the fundus in the dilated pupil. This does not present great difficulties.

5 Methods of curative effects

When choosing the technique of conjunctival cyst therapy, an experienced ophthalmologist evaluates the etiological factors, the size of the lesion, and the location of the pathology. Often the formation gradually dissolves spontaneously. Special conservative treatment is prescribed if the patient experiences discomfort. The cyst is pierced, the pathological contents of the bladder are aspirated. When irritating the cornea, redness or dryness of the eyes, moisturizing drops are prescribed.

Anti-inflammatory drops, emulsions are usually prescribed if the conjunctival cyst arose after the disease. Significantly reduce the progression of epithelial growth of the drop with desensitizing drugs, antibiotics, corticosteroids. Use contact lenses during treatment is not recommended. Non-traditional methods of therapy will not help to achieve full recovery. This is only an alternative way to eliminate pain.

Surgery is necessary in severe cases of pathology. Only surgical treatment is required for a patient with a conjunctival dermoid cyst. Sometimes different cauterizations are effective. Laser techniques using anesthetic eye preparations are used to treat conjunctival cystosis in small tumors. Painful cells are completely destroyed by a laser beam, which has a bactericidal and anti-inflammatory effect.


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Usually a surgical instrument performs an operation to remove epithelial growths on the surface of the eye. To avoid recurrence of the disease, the entire wall of the conjunctival cyst is excised. The operation is painless, does not last long. A complicated conjunctival cyst is surgically removed under local anesthesia.

Usually complications do not arise after the operation, however, the occurrence of a pathology is not ruled out. After this procedure, the postoperative period lasts several hours. The patient can go home soon after the intervention of the scalpel. The operated eye for a while should be protected from irritating substances, sun rays, dust with a sterile bandage.

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Suppuration of the conjunctival cyst in case of its untimely removal. If there are symptoms of the conjunctival eye cyst, only an expert should determine the cause and type of neoplasm after the treatment.

When appearance of characteristic signs, you can not hesitate with choosing a medical institution, visiting an ophthalmologist.

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