Diet( nutrition) after a stomach ulcer, the menu after the operation( removal)

Stomach ulcer refers to those diseases, conservative treatment of which lasts for years( up to 5 years), and an important part of this treatment is proper nutrition. After an ulcer( after surgery / hospital discharge), the patient will have to follow a diet for several years, periodically combining proper nutrition with conservative anti-relapse treatment.

It should be noted that the diet after an ulcer is not as severe as during periods of exacerbation of the disease, and in the diet of the patient can include more products. However, at first it is better that the diet after a stomach ulcer does not contain them, since this can contribute to exacerbation of the disease. It is important to completely exclude from the diet everything that causes the disease.

Patient should explain that the diet after surgery for stomach ulcers should promote the healing of wounds on the mucosa, so food is selected in such a way that their digestion does not require a lot of gastric juice, but they themselves were the most useful for the body. Such food after an ulcer allows to protect mucous from negative factors, to reduce the motility of the stomach and the amount of juice produced by it.

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Patients are not recommended to make a diet on their own, because the treatment of such a complex disease should not only be complex, but also individual. Diet after a stomach ulcer is better to talk with a doctor who will advise not only what, when and in what quantities there are, but also how it should be done. Since it is important to reduce the secretion of gastric juice and the time of food in it, a large part in the diet is given to the fractions of nutrition, systematism( regimen) and slow, thorough chewing of food.

It is also desirable that in the food after the operation of the stomach ulcer, vegetable fats were included, namely: linseed, corn, nut, sunflower or olive oil. These oils can be used either in the preparation of salads, or adding to ready-made meals( fried food is undesirable for the sick), which will provide the body with unsaturated fatty acids, which the person can not work out, so he needs a source from outside for this purpose.

Diarrhea after operation

These recommendations relate to nutrition throughout postoperative treatment after resection, but the diet after removal of the stomach ulcer in the early days will have its significant differences.

So in the first day of after resection of a stomach ulcer the patient is shown complete abstinence from food and drinks. Permitted only drinking water in limited quantities and only when drinking with a spoon.

The second day of , if possible, is also worth a fast, or you can eat no more than 200 ml of liquid food per day.

On the third day of , the daily amount of liquid food is increased to 500 ml., And on the fourth day this figure is already 4-5 glasses( 800-1000 ml).

On the fifth day of the patient's diet can be varied with semolina porridge, wiped soup or small cottage cheese.

On the seventh day of in the diet begin to enter boiled shredded lean meat and slowly translate the patient to a basic diet( 6 meals a day a little).All food should be warmer than 15 ° C and colder than 60 ° C.

In the future, nutrition after treatment of gastric ulcer is gradually enriched with mucous oat broths, cod, steam omelettes and soft-boiled eggs. From drinks mineral water( the doctor advises depending on a level of acidity), kissels, broth of a dogrose, not strong tea will approach. Bread white( only dried) or white crackers. Fruits are only in the compote or baked.

But from white cabbage, radish, turnips, coffee, canned goods, smoked products, spicy and fatty foods, it is better to give up completely, at least for a couple of years.

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