Harm to tobacco for women, children, the elderly, pregnant

Annually the ranks of smokers are updated. Death takes inveterate smokers, before the term wasted their health, recruits new recruits, with interest dragging magic smoke with arsenic, cadmium, carbon monoxide, formaldehyde.

Harm to tobacco smoking

Nicotine is classified as a narcotic substance of nerve agent. Its toxicity is comparable with hydrocyanic acid. The use of tobacco in any form causes dependence, reduces immunity, causes cancer.

The life of a person with prolonged smoking is reduced from 4 to 8-10 years. If you manage to part with the habit of 30 years, then life will be reduced by only a month. And the earlier a smoker part with attachment to a cigarette, the longer he will live.

Reduction of life in proportion to smoked cigarettes:

  • Daily smoking of 9 cigarettes shortens life expectancy by 3 to 5 years;
  • Smoking more than a pack a day reduces years of life from 3, 5 to 7 years;
  • 2 packs of cigarettes a day shorten life to 9 years.

The ways of using tobacco differ little from each other. A cigarette with a filter does not let pass some of the toxic tar, the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract gets irritated less. But smokers who do not experience discomfort, breathe smoke in full, receiving a large proportion of carcinogens. This is the essence of the negative impact of smoking on the human body.

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A form of smoking dangerous to health - cigarettes. The lack of a filter not only exposes the smoker's lungs to a chemical attack, high smoke temperature burns the oral mucosa, lips, increasing the risk of developing cancer.

No less harmful to smoking a hookah. Although tobacco smoke passes through water and is partially filtered, inhaling, the smoker is more tightened, the poisons penetrate deep into the lungs.

Video lecture on the dangers of smoking:


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Danger to the body

The physiological effect of smoking on the body is expressed with rather vivid symptoms. The first puffs cause the symptoms of acute poisoning. Changes affect both sensations and appearance. At the beginner turns pale and acquires an earthy shade of the face, stability of a gait is broken, there is an uncertainty of movements, fingers start to tremble.

The beginner, who first took up a cigarette, gets beat faster, there is excitement, it gets nauseated, vomiting can suddenly start. With saliva, nicotine and other components of tobacco smoke enter the stomach, irritate the mucous membrane, causing an ulcer.

For the newborn and fetus

Tobacco smoking in pregnancy increases the risk of having a baby with malleolus or fused fingers. The probability of pathology increases with the number of cigarettes smoked per day. If the future mother smokes a pack a day, the probability of having a child with a malleability is 78%.Smoking during pregnancy changes the DNA of the child, increasing the risk of asthma.

For children

Smoking smokers who have been introduced to nicotine in adolescence tend to continue smoking in the future. Even a single exposure to nicotine on the adolescent's brain increases its sensitivity, the risk of dependence.

Speaking about the dangers of smoking for children, it can not be said that addiction to tobacco often precedes the use of other narcotic drugs. Adolescents who started to smoke before age 15 are 3 times more likely to use cocaine in their adult life than those who have been smoking since the age of 17.

For women

Nicotine disrupts reproductive function, reducing the likelihood of conception, increasing the risk of sudden death of the fetus. Smoking of a woman reduces the likelihood of pregnancy at conception by extracorporeal fertilization.

Smoking destroys the teeth, coarsens the voice, deprives the skin of the face of freshness, covers it with wrinkles. Visible changes in appearance appear after 2 years of smoking.

About the effects of smoking on the female body:

For men

Nicotine is the enemy of muscles. The first blow he inflicts myocardium, then affects the skeletal muscles. It narrows the arteries, worsens the delivery of oxygen to the tissues and nutrient components. A smoking athlete can forget about the growth of muscles. Nicotine causes the breakdown of proteins, reduces the synthesis of testosterone, somatotropin. One cigarette smoked worsens the athlete's endurance by 20%.

Smoking negative images affect the potency, the viability of spermatozoa in smokers is 75% lower than that of non-smokers. Changes occur gradually, as the dependence increases for 5-6 years.

For the elderly

The effects of smoking on the elderly are very negative. For those who smoke after age 65, the intelligence decreases 4-5 times faster than for non-smokers. Smoking increases atherosclerosis, increases the likelihood of stroke, worsens memory, hearing, affects the speed of visual search.

The estimated benefits of tobacco in the elderly in Parkinson's patients are actually questionable. The average age of onset of Parkinson's disease is 67 years. Nicotine leaves very few chances for smokers to live up to these years.

The study of the relationship of senile dementia( Alzheimer's disease) and smoking has shown that the risk of this disease in elderly smokers is more than 2 times higher compared to non-smokers.

Passive smoking

Every year, up to 3 thousand people die from lung cancer caused by second-hand smoke, from heart diseases - 62 thousand. Inhalation of tobacco smoke is especially dangerous for a child. Annually up to 26 thousand children as a result of passive smoking get asthma, up to 300 thousand - with bronchitis.

With passive smoking, there is no burning effect on the mucosa of the upper respiratory tract, but the toxic substances of tobacco smoke enter the lungs in an amount sufficient for the appearance of dyspnea, arrhythmia, increased heart rate. With passive smoking, almost the same amount of aldehyde penetrates into the lungs as with active smoking.

Danger of second-hand smoke during pregnancy. By agreeing to smoking in her presence, a woman condemns the child to illness, pathology of development. The syndrome of sudden death of an infant in such a mother increases by 50%, the risk of miscarriages increases twofold.

The younger the children, the stronger they suffer from secondhand smoke. At smoking parents, children are 1, 7 times more likely to develop colds than non-smoking parents. These children increase the risk of developing asthma, disrupted the development of the brain, memory deteriorates.

It is dangerous to inhale air in smoke-free premises. On the walls, ceiling, furniture, particles of toxic substances from tobacco smoke settle. Accumulating, the substances enter into chemical reactions, forming new, life-threatening toxins.

An example of such a dangerous compound is a substance from the group of nitrosamines, causing DNA mutations and provoking the development of cancer. It is especially dangerous to be in a smoking room for children. The organism grows at this age, the cells actively divide. DNA mutations in children can lead to unpredictable consequences.

Video about the dangers of secondhand smoke:

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