Why does the blood come from the ear in a child when cleaning with a cotton swab or during otitis

The role of the hearing aid in a person's life is very important. Thanks to its functioning, people not only can hear, but also speak. Surprisingly, certain departments of the auditory analyzer affect the formation of human speech.

Features of the physiology of the child's hearing aid

Immediately after birth, the hearing organ is represented by membranous cartilaginous formation. During the growth of the baby, the external auditory canal changes. It changes the slit shape to an oval shape. The length of this part of the hearing aid reaches the size typical of an adult person only by 10 to 12 years.

The position of the tympanic membrane in relation to the longitudinal axis of the external auditory canal is also different in the child. Initially, it is located at an angle of 20 - 30 degrees. As the situation grows, the situation changes, becomes more vertical.

Minor changes in the structure of the tympanic membrane have been found. In newborns, young children, the greatest degree of vascularization( the presence of blood vessels) of this organ was noted. Over time, the connective tissue of the center of the tympanic membrane changes from dense unformed to collagen fibrous, which is characterized by obliteration( destruction, reduction in the number of) vessels.

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Consider other anatomical differences between the ear of a child and an adult:

  1. The shape of the tympanic membrane in children is a circle. In addition to being horizontal, it also has a significant thickness. With time, the angle of inclination changes.
  2. The drum cavity, located inside the temporal bone, has a division into 3 divisions( upper, middle, lower).The walls of this organ in the younger years are represented by a connective tissue. Over time, they are partially overgrown with bone tissue.
  3. A feature is the fragility of the auditory ossicles located inside the tympanic cavity.
  4. No mastoid process. In its place there is only a small, cartilaginous tubercle.
  5. Eustachian tube is short, wide. It is located at the same level as the nasopharynx.
  6. The presence of myxoid tissue inside the auditory meatus.

Due to such differences in the structure of the child's hearing aid, the ears are very vulnerable to the effects of various environmental factors. Infectious diseases of the ears are more common in younger children. The most common pathology in children is otitis media of the middle ear. With this disease, pus, blood can be released from the ear.

Than the symptom of

is dangerous. Causes of the appearance of blood from the ear can be very different, ranging from a small scratch, ending with a damage to the eardrum. Seeing that the baby is bleeding from the ear.should immediately inspect the auditory organ.

If this is a simple scratch, do not worry. If you can not determine the cause of the bleeding yourself, contact a specialist.

The ENT, having carried out the necessary diagnostics, will be able to pinpoint the cause of the bleeding. If the eardrum is damaged, the child may experience temporary hearing loss. This injury is certainly dangerous, but with time the eardrum can grow together. The main thing is to avoid penetration of microbes into the ear with such a trauma.

If the bleeding blood has an admixture of pus, earwax, fluid, then the baby has otitis externa, acute purulent otitis. With external otitis breaks furuncle, formed inside the ear canal. With an acute purulent otitis, the eardrum bursts.

Causes of

Bleeding from the ear, as we have already mentioned, can occur when exposed to various factors. We indicate the main of them:

  1. Mechanical Damage.
  2. Infections.
  3. Oncology.
  4. Injuries.
  5. Blood pressure jumps.

Now consider in more detail each of the causes of bleeding from the ear indicated by us.


Because of their excessive activity, children often injure their ears. It can be a kick with a ball, a hand, a foot, a fall from a height, or even a shell that has been brushed to the surface. After such attacks, inflammation may develop, the blood may form in the area between the cartilage of the auricle, the perichondrium A very powerful blow can cause the eardrum to rupture. The child may feel pain inside the ear, hearing loss, blood may flow out

How to cleanse properlyears for children

Mechanical damage

Bleeding from the ear can occur with mechanical damage to the outer ear, such as scratches, tympanic injury during cleaningbut an earwax, an earache, a cut of the ear passage with a sharp object, etc.


Internal bleeding from the ear can trigger a brain injury. It is very dangerous to get inside the ear of a foreign body( croup, ball, pin, button, The injury occurs mainly when the object is removed from the ear

Infectious diseases

Bleeding from the ear may be a result of the progression of infection within the body. We indicate the main diseases that cause bleeding:

  • boils;
  • candidiasis;
  • myringitis;
  • otitis media;
  • hypertension.


Neoplasms in the ear can also provoke ear bleeding. Most often this symptom is manifested when:

  • glomus tumor. A similar benign formation occurs in the jugular vein. It, growing larger, approaches the ear. The child may be disturbed by dizziness, tinnitus, bleeding;
  • hypertrophic inflammation of the external ear, proliferation of polyp. Bleeding polyps, can grow so much that they can be seen inside the auditory canal. The child may complain of dizziness, hearing loss, migraine;
  • the presence of neoplasm in the ear( benign, malignant).The most frequent oncological pathology that causes bleeding is squamous cell carcinoma of the middle, outer ear.

Blood from the ear in a child: first aid

Usually the first medical aid to a child who has ear wounds, involves the removal of all kinds of contaminants. For cleaning, you can use a sterile bandage, gauze. The ear can be rinsed with warm water( boiled), the edges of the wound can be treated with a solution of iodine.

After completing the above steps, you must apply a bandage. After this, the baby should be taken to the nearest medical institution by a specialist. If you suspect a rupture of the tympanic membrane, close the external ear canal with a tampon, sterile cotton wool, and put on a bandage.

Bloody discharge from the ear of the child


If you find blood discharge from the ear, dried, dried blood, consult a specialist. You will need to see an otolaryngologist, a therapist. The otolaryngologist performs a primary examination of the child using special medical instruments:

  • otoscope;
  • ear funnel;
  • frontal reflector.

The diagnosis is usually made taking into account the existing clinical symptoms.


If you have a difficult case, you may need to take blood tests, urine, a smear from the ear, which is necessary to detect infection.

Studies of

In addition to these diagnostic methods, the ENT can recommend:

  • computed tomography of cranial bones;
  • tympanometry. This procedure consists in verifying the mobility of the tympanic membrane;
  • radiography;
  • audiometry. It consists in examining the auditory qualities of the patient.

Treatment of

The success of treatment, which will be assigned to the child, depends on the timely detection of this pathology. Therapy depends on the cause that caused the bleeding.

If blood from the ear is provoked by an anemia, the doctor needs to extract blood from the perichondrium. For this, a puncture needle is used. After the procedure, apply a bandage.

For treatment of injuries of the external ear, it is usually sufficient to carry out the treatment with tampons, after they are wetted into alcohol. After this procedure, the ear canal should be closed with sterile cotton wool so that the infection does not penetrate from the outside. In some cases, surgical treatment may be necessary.

To remove a foreign body from the ear, the ENT uses a special tweezer. If the case is very severe, the patient may need to perform an external operation + trepanation of the bone wall of the auditory canal.

How to remove a foreign body from the ear without damaging the integrity of the hearing aid:

Possible complications of

Dangerous complications in ear bleeding can be partial, complete hearing loss. Infectious diseases that provoke bleeding, without therapy, will turn into an acute, chronic form. The child will begin to disturb the constant headaches. A dangerous complication is the development of meningitis.

In some cases, there may be a loss of taste, so watch carefully for young children especially younger than six months of age.

What to do if the blood from the ear is a consequence of a traumatic brain injury:


With a timely request to a specialist, the prognosis is usually favorable. The ENT, having found out after studying the problem, will prescribe a special therapy.

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