It becomes wet and itches behind the ear: the causes and treatment of a symptom in an adult and a child

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The dermal skin behind the ears is almost 100% indicating a certain skin disease. Such an unpleasant problem can affect both a baby or a child, and an absolutely adult person.

At first, the symptom may be invisible, but after several days, it becomes aggravated and has a rather aggressive character. This affects the general condition of a person, preventing him from concentrating and engaging in daily activities.

Bleeds behind the ears

In most cases, this malaise is accompanied by the presence of a number of additional symptoms.

This can be redness behind the ears, itching, the appearance of rashes and much more. Depending on the symptomatology, the patient is diagnosed accordingly.

Sometimes the manifestations of the disease can be sufficiently blurred, which requires additional diagnosis and the delivery of tests. Treatment must be conducted under the supervision of a doctor, since there is a risk of progression of the disease.

Moisture behind the ears can also be accompanied by an unpleasant odor. This creates additional problems for patients who are by and large embarrassed to visit a doctor. So, most often in the course are multiple folk methods - infusions, lotions, compresses, ointments. In some cases, they can help ease the course of the problem, but do not always allow you to get rid of the very cause of the ailment.

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Symptoms of

The appearance of moisture behind the ears is accompanied by a wide variety of symptoms. They always rely solely on the nature of the disease. In the standard version, when it becomes wet behind the ears, it is possible to suspect an allergic reaction, which arose as a warning signal that the process of the organism's functioning is disturbed.

This phenomenon is most likely in infants and children. This is due to the fact that their immune system is not fully formed and is not able to protect against allergens and infections.

So, when collecting an anamnesis, a doctor may encounter such symptoms:

  • itching;
  • rashes near the ears;
  • appearance of golden dense crusts;
  • skin peeling;
  • irritation;
  • unpleasant odor;
  • burning sensation;
  • redness;
  • appearance of small bubbles filled with liquid;
  • swelling.

In the presence of the above symptoms, a person becomes irritable enough, he loses efficiency, and the quality of sleep also deteriorates. Particularly detrimental effect of symptomatology on children.

There is also a risk of infection on the wet area. It can happen due to constant and uncontrolled combing.

In the photo, wet eczema and wound of different etiology


Wet patches behind the ears do not appear just like that. Most often, their occurrence is associated with a certain imbalance in the human body or due to inattention to one's own health. The infectious nature of such a problem is not excluded. In children, such an ailment can appear due to problems with the digestive system.

The main reasons for the appearance of moisture behind the ears include:

  • improper diet;
  • low protective functions of the body;
  • poor skin hygiene in the ears;
  • lack of vitamins;
  • abuse of sweet;
  • frequent stresses and nervous breakdowns;
  • allergy;
  • poor environmental conditions;
  • lack of physical activity.


Zolotukh is an infectious disease, which is most common in children. However, adults are also not immune from this problem, since it can appear at absolutely any age.

Zolotukh is able to hit several systems in the body at once. It affects blood, bones, joints. When a disease occurs, a person has a characteristic itch on the affected areas. Over time, the skin acquires a golden color, is covered with a crust that eventually disappears.

The ailment is also inclined to be manifested or exacerbated by the abundant eating of sweets. The appearance of an atypical allergic reaction can provoke a number of symptoms that will significantly complicate the course of the disease.

Zolotukh can appear due to poor immunity, lack of vitamins or low quality food. The disease can have a genetic character, and, therefore, is transmitted from parents to children.

How to cure scrofula at home, see in our video:


Gneiss is a pathology of an allergic nature that is associated with hereditary disorders in the body. Gneiss is accompanied by inflammatory processes on the skin, frequent allergies. The disease can appear in children and adults. Most often it affects the areas behind the ears, but it can also appear on the head.

To provoke the appearance of gneiss can not only poor nutrition and inexpedient lifestyle. So. The main cause of the disease is stress and nervous breakdown. Unlike many similar diseases, the gneiss has a rather extensive symptomatology.

It is characterized by severe itching, flaking of the skin, the appearance of papules behind the ears, under the knees and elbows. Along with the peeling during gneiss there are mopping spots behind the ears.

Clotting diathesis in children

A similar problem can occur in a child at a very early age. This symptom arises from a weak immune system. Also, diathesis can appear due to not fully formed digestive system, which has not yet learned how to cope with possible overloads.

The cause of soaking areas behind the ears may be frequent overfeeding and accumulation of an allergic reagent. It is about the frequency of ingestion by a baby and about its quality.

So, during the period of feeding a newborn, a woman needs to follow a strict diet, gradually introducing other foods. In this case, it is necessary to observe the reaction of the infants as new products are added to the diet.

How to treat a diathesis in a child:

Diagnosis and necessary studies of

If you notice strange discharge behind the ears, redness and itching, you should urgently consult a dermatologist. He will collect an anamnesis, listen to your complaints, conduct an examination and indicate a scheme for further action. In some cases, you may need to visit an allergist or immunologist.

So, in most cases, the doctor is enough and one reception to determine the disease and prescribe the necessary drugs for treatment.

In the presence of an infectious disease, tests are most often not needed. However, if the patient came to the reception with an illness that has a neglected stage of the flow, then, in order to exclude some diagnoses, it may be necessary to take blood and analyze the discharge from the ears.

Treatment of

Treatment is indicated by a doctor, relying on the etiology of the disease and its stage. To eliminate the manifestation of allergic reactions, the doctor appoints the patient a strict diet and medication. So, the diet should exclude completely sweet, floury, spicy, salty and fatty.

Among medicines, preference is given to antihistamines and ointments that have a drying and anti-inflammatory effect. Also shown is an additional intake of vitamin products.

With gneiss and scrofula, bathing and baths are contraindicated. This can aggravate the course of the disease. It is necessary to adhere strictly to the treatment regimen and, if possible, provide the wound with maximum healing. When diathesis in children should abandon a number of products that can trigger a second negative reaction. Also, the child should take frequent walks.

At the first manifestations of moisture behind the ears, you can use:

  • chamomile;
  • leaves of black currant;
  • burdock;
  • violet;
  • nettles;
  • calendula;
  • tansy;
  • horsetail field.

However, if the problem has become more ambitious, then it must be eliminated after the examination and the doctor's recommendations.

Prescriptions for the treatment of a symptom with folk remedies:

Prognosis and prevention of

If the treatment regimen is followed, malaise in the form of wet ears retreats quickly enough. So, wet wounds are covered with a crust, which during the course of treatment begins to gradually fade. At the end of therapy, the patient can detect already healthy, slightly pink areas of the skin, which eventually will acquire a normal color.

After recovery, doctors recommend following preventive measures, namely:

  • monitor hygiene of the ears;
  • have a full-fledged diet;
  • not abuse sweet;
  • find time for exercise;
  • to avoid stress.

If your ears itch, flake or blush, you need to seek advice from a dermatologist. This will eliminate the possibility of an infectious disease and certainly prevent its development.

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