Why does my head hurt for a long time and does not pass?

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1 The main causes of

An impending headache can signal a rather serious symptomatology. Any doctor during the diagnosis should determine the period that the pain lasts. Based on the results obtained, you can try to localize the problem.

If the pain does not persist for several days, you should contact your doctor as soon as possible.

The earlier the patient turns for help, the less chance he will leave for the development of some disease. In most cases, a headache can indicate a continuing pathology. Among the whole variety of diseases, only a few are capable of leading to irreversible consequences. For example, a change in the vascular state in the brain and ongoing inflammatory processes can often cause acute and prolonged pain.

These factors include hypertension and hypotension, abrupt changes in blood pressure, diagnosed vegetovascular dystonia, etc. Neuropathologists, neurologists and cardiologists should deal with such diseases.

Among the possible reasons can be noted the consequences of injuries. A long-lasting headache may indicate different manifestations of a suffered or received injury. For example, bruises, concussion and everything related to the brain should be under the strict supervision of a doctor. Most often, problems are observed not immediately, but after a few days or hours. In any case, you need to seek the help of a traumatologist to establish further treatment.

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Headache can be caused by problems with the musculoskeletal system. Active pain syndrome can be observed as a reaction to pathological changes in the cervical region. In order to localize the problem at the stage of origin, it is necessary to understand whether the patient has the following diseases: osteochondrosis, spondylosis, myogelosis, etc. In this case, pain sensations are observed in the occipital region and the character of the pains is often aching.

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Headache may become more active if dental problems are detected. For example, incorrect bite or jaw injuries can cause aching pain.

Leaking infections can affect the patient's current condition. And if the problem lies in the nasopharynx, which is not always noticeable, direct treatment is best done to eliminate sinusitis, rhinitis, sinusitis, frontal sinusitis, meningitis, etc. Headache always accompanies inflammatory processes.

If such a problem was found, then immediately the primary treatment is directed towards the disease itself, since without eliminating the cause, the investigation will not change.

2 External factors

When poisoning and intoxication with medications should be spiky. The headache may not leave until the moment of complete elimination of the various medicinal components from the body. All drugs that are used must be prescribed by a doctor. All cases of self-treatment end badly, and this must always be remembered. If a person is poisoned by some products or poor quality alcohol, then it is rarely possible to observe an intensified pain syndrome.

Neoplasms, both benign and malignant, often cause severe pain syndrome. In this case, doctors can diagnose the formation of tumors in the brain, bones and vessels. If such symptoms were seen before, then you can not postpone taking the appointment to a neurologist. These formations can subsequently cause various deviations in the work of the nervous system.


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Migraines can then pass, then immediately renew with a new force.

In addition to internal conditions, it is often possible to meet external ones. Under the influence of constant stresses and neurotic conditions, one can observe a decrease in working capacity, a decline in strength and activated migraines. Treatment can be the easiest and at the same time free: if the body needs rest, then it needs to be given.

Sleep disorders can lead to disruption of general metabolic processes. It is better to prevent the problem at the stage of nucleation and sleep well.

If a primary symptomatology is found, you should immediately seek help from a doctor who, during initial examination and diagnosis, will determine an effective treatment regimen.

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