Psoriatic Erythroderma: Symptoms, Diagnosis, Treatment Methods

In relation to one of the forms of psoriasis, psoriatic erythroderma is expressed in the defeat of the upper layer of the epidermis in the form of reddening areas that merge with each other and cause a lot of inconvenience to the patient. The peculiarity of the disease is the complexity of its treatment, but there are a number of medical measures that ensure the speedy recovery and improvement of the general condition.

Features of the disease

As a specific form of psoriasis, psoriatic erythroderma is complex in both diagnosis and treatment. Specific symptomatology allows you to make a preliminary diagnosis, however, for more precise definition of the form of the disease, additional diagnostic measures are recommended.

Complete disposal of this form of skin damage at the moment does not exist, but with the use of drugs that stop the pathological process and accelerate the restoration of the upper layer of the epidermis. Systematic treatment and the application of the correct techniques that improve the overall condition, largely affects the improvement of the skin.

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Also important are the observance of diet and proper selection of the menu, the exclusion of strong and prolonged stressful situations, as well as regular examination with a dermatologist.

Psoriatic erythroderma( photo)

Classification of psoriatic erythroderma

Today there is a generally accepted classification of the disease, based on the symptoms and manifestations of the disease.

The psoriatic erythroderma is divided into two main types:

  1. generalized type , which is characterized by abundant eruptions for the most part of the body surface. With this form of the disease, the upper surface of the skin is covered with minute dry scales that have a silver hue and easily separate from the body. Under them the skin is more red, often inflamed and prone to bleeding at the slightest mechanical effects, which is due to the close location of blood vessels and capillaries to its surface. With this form of the disease there is no swelling of the tissues, no abundant hair loss and active stratification of the nail plates;
  2. Hyperergic type of the disease is expressed in more obvious symptoms, with the tissues of the upper layer of the epidermis swelling, in them the vital processes are violated, resulting in hair loss. Severe itching, persistent burning of the skin, redness and peeling accompany this form of the disease, and the symptoms are constantly activated and the manifestations of the disease increasingly affect the surface of the body.

If to any of these forms the skin composition changes and the indicator of its pastoznosti is added, on the upper layer pustules begin to form, which heal slowly and in their place small sores often appear. After a while they dry up and can completely disappear, but after a certain period of time they appear again. This kind of disease is called psumbiasis psubiasis Tsumbusha.

The reasons for the appearance of psoriatic erythroderma in the medical history will be described by the video below:

Causes of

Today, there are no precise reasons for the onset and development of psoriatic erythroderma. However, the following factors relate to provoking factors that may give rise to its occurrence:

  • uncontrolled and excessive intake of medications;
  • lack of a clear diet and day;
  • frequent and prolonged stress;
  • is an unfavorable stop in the area of ​​residence from the point of view of ecology;
  • bad habits, for example, alcoholism.

A medical proven factor is that this form of erythroderma is a genetic disease that is inherited. Therefore, the hereditary factor should also be taken into account: if any of the relatives had any form of psoriasis, then the appearance of psoriatic erythroderma will be quite real, especially if there is any provoking factor.

Symptoms of

When psoriatic erythroderma occurs, the upper layer of the epidermis gradually desiccates, resulting in the formation of the smallest particles of gray and silver that fly away from the skin with a light touch. Itching occurs in the early stages of the disease, then it becomes worse, burning of the skin is observed.

Under the upper, dry layer of the epidermis, the skin gradually acquires a red color, bleeding occurs easily, places with inflammatory processes appear. With further development of the disease, the upper layer of the skin begins to peel off layers, while the protective functions of the epidermis are largely lost. The skin becomes more sensitive, the overall body temperature rises. When you touch the areas affected by the disease, you feel a fever.

Further progression leads to an increase in lymph nodes, inflammation processes occur more often. There may be a peeling of the nails, hair begins to fall out.

Psoriatic erythroderma in the patient


The disease can be diagnosed already with an external examination of the patient. Changes in the condition of the skin, increasing its sensitivity and loss of protective functions - all this is established when conducting a survey of skin conditions.

Treatment of

Unfortunately, to date, there is no treatment method that completely eliminates the symptoms of psoriatic erythroderma and restores normal functioning of the skin. However, a number of therapeutic measures can stabilize the condition.

Therapeutic methods

Depending on the general condition of the patient, it can be treated out-patiently at the first sign of the disease or hospitalized. Therapy should be carried out in a complex way: this is how the measures taken can bring relief to the patient and improve the skin condition.

A prerequisite for improvement is the normalization of the food system and the regime of the day. However, it is important to use a complex of drugs, whose action is aimed at restoring the protective functions of the skin.


In the treatment of psoriatic erythroderma, the following drugs are used:

  • Cyclosporin;
  • Methotrexate;
  • Acitretin.

During treatment, it should be remembered that a sharp discontinuation of taking steroid medications can trigger an exacerbation of the manifestations of the disease.


At hospitalization the first direction in treatment is the normalization of the body's overall temperature, the elimination of inflammatory processes on the skin. For this, cooling compresses and special ointments are used. Carrying out of operative intervention is shown only in the most neglected cases, when drug treatment does not bring visible results.

About what can and what should not be done with the development of erythroderma and psoriasis, we will tell below.

Prevention of the disease

Because the disease is most often transmitted genetically, it can be very difficult to prevent it if there is a genetic predisposition.

  • However, adherence to such simple recommendations as the rejection of bad habits, the establishment of a healthy diet and diet, will minimize the possibility of the emergence of psoriatic erythroderma, as well as avoid its aggravation.
  • It will also never be superfluous to follow a diet for psoriatic erythroderma.

For possible complications of psoriasis and erythroderma, see below.

Complications of

In case of insufficient or incorrectly chosen method of treatment, a gradual progression of the pathological process, which starts to affect the deeper layers of the skin, is likely.

  • This is fraught with complete loss of protective functions of the skin, susceptibility to various diseases.
  • Lethal outcome is likely in the last stages of the disease.


Psoriatic erythrodermia may not have a pronounced effect on health for a long time;At the initial stages of the disease, only external signs are noted, which can not significantly affect the overall well-being. However, the aggravation of the disease entails a negative effect on the skin condition, on many functions of the body. The prognosis for the initial stages of the disease is very optimistic, however, a correction of the dietary system and lifestyle is required.

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