Diet Pegano and Diet of Fire with psoriasis: recommendations, a list of products, a menu for a week

Psoriasis is one of the most unpleasant diseases affecting the skin. There are no significant methods and medicinal products that help the therapy of the disease, until now. However, if you follow the doctor's recommendations and support certain principles of nutrition, you can control psoriasis and prevent its recurrence.

There are 2 types of diets, the principles of which we will tell you. So, let's find out what the diets of John Pegano and Fire for psoriasis are, what a menu they expect for a week.

Diet Pegano with psoriasis

This food was developed by John Pegano 20 years ago. Initially, the doctor said that rashes can be prevented if you just use a certain list of products, and refuse anything altogether. It is suggested not only to maintain a diet, but also to conduct a full-scale complex of health-improving activities. They include:

  1. Purification of the internal by a weekly mono-diet .The first two days are better to eat citrus or apples, and in the remaining 5 days to pick up any fruits from the allowed list. Pegano recommends taking enterosorbents and doing several colonoscopy.
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  2. Performing exercises for general health and health of the spinal column. Supporters of this diet believe that good blood circulation significantly affects the success of therapy.
  3. Recovery of the epidermis by various cosmetic procedures. You can visit a cosmetologist or just use different feeding masks at home. It will be beneficial, and on the condition of the affected skin, the reception of baths with medicinal herbs, visiting the bath.
  4. Maintaining a diet Pegano for a long time - this rule is one of the most important.

This video tells about the preliminary apple diet of Pegano with psoriasis:

Authorized products

About 70% of the diet is better to plan on the basis of food with a large volume of fiber. Many are allowed to eat fruits and vegetables. Without limitation can, for example, the following:

  • kiwi,
  • pineapples,
  • cabbage,
  • greens,
  • citrus,
  • dates,
  • beet,
  • apricots,
  • figs,
  • carrots,
  • asparagus,
  • pumpkin,
  • any berries,
  • mango,
  • beans.

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food products are considered:

  • prunes,
  • dried beans,
  • cranberries,
  • rhubarb,
  • lentils,
  • avocado,
  • mushrooms,
  • apples,
  • corn,
  • melon,
  • banana.

This category of vegetables and fruits is better not to combine with others, there is little as a snack. A similar recommendation Pegano gives and concerning nuts.

Principles of nutrition

So, according to the diet of Doctor Pegano psoriasis patient can eat such food:

  1. Eggs .They are consumed only in cooked form.
  2. Meat .Categorically not recommended to eat fatty meat. The exception is lamb, but it should be carefully cut to separate the fat. Allowed game, dietary bird species, rabbit.
  3. Fish any of the list: perch, swordfish, tuna, blue fish, haddock, whitefish, korfilena. Still you can sardine, flounder, cod, tongue of sea, salmon, halibut, mackerel, trout.
  4. Cereals .Excluded must be flour of superior quality, so even pasta should be selected carefully. You can eat wheat, bread, corn flour, rye, barley, oats, millet, bran, wild rice. At a snack use also seeds of a pumpkin, sesame, flax, sunflower.
  5. Low-fat products from milk any.
  6. Among oils priority should be given to soy, olive, almond, corn, rapeseed.

In addition, you should adhere to a number of principles:

  1. Replacing the familiar coffee with herbal tea.
  2. Citruses and milk should be consumed at different times of the day.
  3. A daily diet supplemented with granulated lecithin. Use it no more often than 5 days, but 1 tbsp.l.
  4. Juices drink constantly, but only freshly squeezed.
  5. Drinking enough water is essential for fruitful treatment.
  6. Normal stool is very important. It is normalized either with the help of medicines selected by the doctor, or by taking 1 tsp.olive oil( daily).

Prohibited products

In the category of prohibited foods, capable of provoking rashes, include products:

  • starch-containing;
  • containing artificial additives, dyes;
  • fatty and sweet;
  • any vegetables belonging to the nightshade category;
  • by-products;
  • containing yeast drinks and food;
  • marinades;
  • fatty meat, sausages, burgers and other similar products;
  • strawberries and strawberries;
  • goose and any poorly cooked meat;
  • herring, shellfish, crawfish, caviar and any sauces based on them;
  • fatty milk and products from it;
  • fried fish.

Menu for the week

And now let's take a closer look at the table of products and dishes for a week on the diet of Pegano with psoriasis.






Porridge of cereals with honey syrup and dried fruits.


Herbal tea.

Vegetarian borsch.

Stewed cabbage.

Salad with slices of carrots, asparagus and sprouted wheat.


Bread. Baked fish with vegetable salad steamed.

Pineapple juice.


Wheat flakes with skimmed milk and fresh berries.

Hot water with lemon. Pasta with garlic sauce.

Baked courgettes.

Vegetable juice and ginger-lemon couscous. Boiled cauliflower with sauce, stewed mutton.

Salad from the allowed vegetables.


2 boiled eggs, toasted whole-grain toast with cheese and greens.

Fresh berries, tea.

Vegetable soup. Baked champignons. Dessert from apricots or cottage cheese. Salad from chicken, artichoke and spinach.

Toast with avocado paste. Pumpkin casserole, baked apple.


Coffee or chicory.

Cream soup.

Steamed cabbage cutlets with garlic cheese sauce. Cucumber salad.


Baked breast.

Salad with asparagus, cabbage and apple.

Tea. Porridge

Rice porridge with sesame seeds or linseed oil.

Tea, fruit. Boiled tuna with allowed vegetables and herbs. Carrot and celery salad.

Pumpkin and apples soup, a salad of turkey and greens. Smoothies of berries.


Baked potatoes, pear-curd casserole.

Juice. Rice with vegetables, cream soup.

Fruit salad, tea.

Baked leg of rabbit, cabbage( red) with apples.

2 fresh cucumbers with greens.


Flakes and skim milk. Sandwich of cheese and greens.

Any berries. Pilaf from wild rice vegetable.


Fruits. Grilled steak grilled steak.

Salad from greens, green beans, celery and mint.


According to reviews for patients, the Pegano diet in the treatment of psoriasis is considered one of the most effective.

On the preliminary grape diet for Pegano in psoriasis will tell the video below:

Diet of the Fire

The recommendations of the diet developed by Dr. Ogneva are somewhat different from those presented above. At a diet it is necessary to use the different products supporting a balance of acids and alkalis in an organism. One week should be prepared for a day of discharge, the purpose of which is to cleanse. In such a period you do not need to starve, you just need to eat cottage cheese, drink kefir or eat apples / vegetables.

There are several recommendations not related to nutrition. Dr. Ogneva warns that non-compliance with the basic principles will result in the result being zero. So, it is impossible:

  • to be fond of alcohol;
  • overeating;
  • does not pay attention to its immunity and, as a result, often get sick;
  • sunbathe long;
  • smoking;
  • refuse to eat at all.

About what products allow you to use the Fire diet from psoriasis at home, we will tell below.

Authorized products

The diet should be built up to 80% of the food that forms the alkali, which includes:

  • bran, oats;
  • fruit is juicy;
  • buckwheat, rye;
  • vegetables;
  • chicken, turkey;
  • seeds of pumpkin, flax;
  • white fish meat;
  • whole-grain crackers;
  • noodles from buckwheat, corn flour;
  • garlic;
  • pumpkin;
  • mushrooms;
  • almonds;
  • grapes.

The remaining 20% ​​of the diet is food that provokes an acid reaction, so its share is rather small. It is desirable to use it as little as possible or replace it with more "healthy" options( for example, homemade sausages from low-fat meat, etc.).So, these products include:

  1. Potatoes.
  2. Margarine.
  3. Cheese.
  4. Sausage.
  5. Cereals.
  6. Cream.

All new products are better to gradually follow the reaction of the body and in time to prevent the developing relapse.

The Fire Diet for psoriasis, which we described in detail, also received good reviews from doctors and patients.

What can not be done

Exclude from its power supply:

  • by-products;
  • butter herring;
  • avocado;
  • citrus fruits;
  • dried fish;
  • red meat;
  • sushi;
  • grenades;
  • strawberries, strawberries;
  • lentils, peas and other legumes;
  • nightshade vegetables;
  • corn.

All kinds of smoked products, baked goods, various crustaceans and molluscs are prohibited. All that contains sugar, cut costs as much as possible, replacing them with jelly, useful cupcakes.

Menu for the week

Day of the week





Carrot and pumpkin muffins with the addition of buckwheat flour.

Juice. Salad from cottage cheese, greens and grapes.

Vegetable soup.

Mushroom soup.

Cake with fish made from buckwheat flour.



Casserole from courgettes.

Fruit jelly. Borsch, baked chicken.

Fruit salad. Vegetable salad, lamb chops. Vegetable salad, egg-poached.

.Toast with cheese sliced ​​and greens. Soup puree from vegetables.

Baked trout.


Lemon-pear casserole. Porridge of rice and dried apricots.

Tea. Oatmeal porridge, dried fruit.


Oatmeal, dried fruits.

Decoction of rose hips. Puree from broccoli and potatoes.

Steam steak from turkey.


Steam Omelette. Salad with fish and cabbage.

Cucumbers. Buckwheat flakes, milk.




Fish steak.

Vegetable soup.

Salad with mushrooms, cheese and greens.

Fruit salad.

Kefir. Sixth

Millet-pumpkin porridge.

Baked apple. Boiled lamb with garlic and onions.


Yogurt. Fish balls in creamy sauce.

Salad with rocket salad. Lemon souffle.


During this period, spend a fasting day.

On the diet for exacerbation of psoriasis will tell the famous physician in this video:

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