A doctor who treats the intestinal dysbacteriosis, which heals, to what kind of treatment( go)?

An unequivocal answer to the question: "Which doctor treats the intestinal dysbacteriosis?" No. This is due to the fact that the violation of microflora is not a separate disease, but only a pathological condition, which, in turn, leads to the emergence of a large number of diseases and complications.

In case of pronounced symptoms, which indicates that there are disturbances in the digestive system, it is worth contacting the gastroenterologist. Surely, this doctor, treating dysbacteriosis, after having been thoroughly diagnosed, decides to prescribe a therapy for gastrointestinal disorders with a parallel correction of microflora.

In the event that a dysbacteriosis was provoked by an infection, some illnesses or represents a reaction to taking medications, then it is better to consult a doctor who treated the underlying disease. It can be an infectious disease doctor, a gastroenterologist, a therapist or a surgeon. The attending physician to which you should go for dysbiosis will be accompanied by parallel therapy and a primary disease that provoked a disturbance of the microflora, and the elimination of an imbalance of pathogenic and beneficial bacteria.

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Disturbance of microflora can be caused by stressful situations, bad habits, improper diet. Which doctor will treat dysbacteriosis in this case? When the first alarming symptomatology of the disease appeared, the state of health worsened, then it is necessary to contact the therapist.

What can a doctor do for a dysbacteriosis?

Regardless of the pathogenicity caused by intestinal dysbacteriosis, the treating physician will be assigned diagnostics to determine the state of the microflora. So, the bacterial analysis for seeding and biochemical analysis will be assigned. Both analyzes help in revealing a complete clinical picture of the course of processes in the intestinal cavity. In addition, the attending physician will conduct a full examination with the help of palpation for the detection of digestive tract diseases.

On the basis of all the data by the attending physician to which to go, the treatment of dysbacteriosis will be prescribed taking into account the individual characteristics of the patient's body. The general rules are the disposal of pathogenic microorganisms and the restoration of the normal state of the microflora. In order to get rid of pathogenic bacteria by a doctor treating dysbacteriosis, various drugs will be prescribed, depending on the cause of the pathology. So, if the infringement of the microflora is caused by the course of other diseases or by the use of medications, in this case the specialist will prescribe the intake of sorbents, antibacterial and antiseptic drugs.

Dysbacteriosis caused by the appearance of pathogenic microbes will be treated only with the help of antibiotic agents and bacteriophages when taking probiotics and prebiotics. Such funds are used in case of dysbacteriosis to restore the normal balance of microflora. They provide nourishment and support to natural beneficial bacteria, due to which the latter become larger and they begin to predominate over pathogenic bacteria.

It is worth remembering that in order to determine exactly whether a dysbacteriosis has appeared or not, you need to go to a doctor who can make up an individual tactic of performing medical procedures, which you should adhere to if you want to quickly get rid of such an ailment.

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