How to get rid of constipation during pregnancy, how quickly it will cope with it at home to pregnant women?

Hormonal reorganization, malnutrition, postoperative complications, when muscular activity of the intestine weakens, lead to atonic constipation in women who are preparing to become a mother. Difficulties with defecation in pregnant women, associated with increased intestinal tone and slowing of peristalsis, are mainly caused by psychological reasons. In this case, the pain may be aching, pulling or appearing attacks, cramping.

Regardless of the reasons that caused problems with the intestines, for a woman difficulties with bowel movement, accompanied by pains, manifestations of flatulence, impaired stability of psychological balance, general weakening of the body, are dangerous high probability of development of all kinds of complications. Therefore, the problem of how to get rid of constipation during pregnancy comes to the fore.

How to cope with constipation during pregnancy?

Before you decide on the way that you can get rid of constipation during pregnancy, a cause is established after consulting a doctor. Whether it will be possible to cope with constipation during pregnancy, largely depends on which period of pregnancy this problem has occurred. In fact, at an early age, a difficult bowel movement can be a sign of successful conception and it is enough just to make adjustments to the regimen and diet to cope with this problem.

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Difficulties with defecation are very dangerous, they disrupt the normal process of emptying the intestines in the last weeks before the onset of labor. In this case, it is up to the doctor to decide how to get rid of constipation, so as not to cause irreparable harm to the development of the child, and not only before the birth, but after his birth. In the treatment of stagnant phenomena in the intestine and as preventive measures, dietary fiber is widely used. If the use of vegetable products containing dietary fiber for a woman during childbearing is unacceptable because of gastrointestinal problems, specific dietary fiber is suggested.

When violations of intestinal microflora during pregnancy, similar processes occur in the body of the child. Having established this fact, the doctor prescribes preparations for the normalization of microflora containing beneficial bacteria. If the blocking phenomena are caused by preparations containing iron and calcium, then it is recommended to replace them with natural products that make up the micronutrient deficiency in the female body. The most effective and harmless means to eliminate constipation is Dufalac, which is based on lactulose.

Often, difficulties with the stool during the period of gestation are provoked by female psychology. Trying to get rid of this problem, the woman begins to take drugs, soothingly affecting the nervous system. Their action is based on the ability of chemical compounds to block excitatory mediators released in nerve cells. However, the likelihood of negative effects of sedative drugs on the metabolism of the fetus is very high. Therefore, it is not recommended to use such means to eliminate delays with stools, it is best in this case to solve the problem of how to get rid of constipation in pregnant women, is the use of traditional medicine, tested by many years of practice and experience.

How to get rid of constipation during pregnancy at home?

There are a lot of ways that you can get rid of constipation during pregnancy at home, but to use them you need the necessary coordination of actions based on consultations with your doctor. Regardless of the option chosen, how to get rid of constipation during pregnancy at home, it will give a good and fast result only in a complex of measures, including the right diet, feasible exercise and treatment of the underlying cause that caused congestion in the intestine.

If the first place among the means how to get rid of constipation during pregnancy at home is eating the right diet, then the second most important are physical exercises, establishing a rational routine for the day. Movement in the fresh air, respiratory gymnastics, healthy, strong sleep, moderate physical load saturates the female body with oxygen, strengthens the intestinal peristalsis. Doctors recommend, until the birth, a pregnant woman a day to go up to several kilometers, of course, if there are no contraindications.

Help in the treatment of prolonged stool delay or difficulties in emptying the intestine during the gestation of a child are all kinds of herbs, dried fruits, bran, juices that have a mild laxative effect. Of the large number of oils that effectively and quickly relieve constipation, during pregnancy, you can recommend only pumpkin oil, which has no significant contraindications. The consumption of bran in deciding how to get rid of constipation in pregnant women has not only a cleaning effect, but also prevents relapses.

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