Symptoms and treatment of ascarids in children, signs of ascaridosis in a child, a baby, photos, opinion of Komarovsky

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Ascaridosis is very common in children, especially in small children. Basically, the invasion is due to non-compliance with hygiene rules. Unwashed vegetables and fruits, dirty hands, water and food containing soil particles - all this becomes the cause of the disease. Round worms that cause this disease, parasitize not only in the intestines, but also in other organs. They often provoke various complications that can be life threatening. Ascarids in children cause certain symptoms, which parents need to know in order to be able to see this disease in time.

Symptoms of ascaridosis in children can be very different, they are often masked for other diseases. The thing is that the parasites that cause this disease can live in different organs, so the symptoms depend on their localization. The round worm in the human body passes through two phases, therefore the signs of ascariasis in children depend on the stage of development of these parasites.

Symptoms of ascaris in children in the migratory phase

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When the eggs of the parasite enter the body and enter the intestine, then soon after molting the larvae appear, they are very small, so they insert themselves into the walls of the organ and penetrate into the vessels without much effort. From this period the migratory phase begins, which is characterized by certain signs of ascarids in the child.

As a rule, in adults these helminths at the stage of migration may not cause any symptoms. But in children in this phase they are pronounced, especially with massive infection. Ascarids usually cause the following symptoms: general malaise, fever, allergic rashes as in the photo. Sometimes an allergy that has arisen because of parasites can gain a foothold and not pass, even after the helminths have been eliminated from the body.

When the larvae migrate to the organs and reach the lungs, they accumulate there and cause inflammation. Because of this, there is a cough, and sputum with blood can also go away. In addition, wheezing and other breathing difficulties may occur. Symptoms of infection with ascarids in children can be pronounced, in this case it is necessary to carry out treatment, otherwise the complications caused by the disease can lead to a fatal outcome.

If there is a strong intoxication of the body, there is an increase in the lymph nodes, liver and spleen, besides this there is a fever and a severe headache. Symptoms of ascaridosis in children in the migratory phase persist for about 10-13 days, but if the treatment is started on time, all signs of the disease will pass much faster.

Symptoms of ascariasis in children in the intestinal stage of

The intestinal stage begins when the larvae are released during coughing together with phlegm and enter the throat, and then re-swallowed and enter the intestine. Here they find their shelter, within a few months they become adults and begin to multiply actively. These parasites are large, can reach about 40 cm as in the photo, so they, while in the intestines, interfere with normal digestion.

Ascarids in children in this phase usually cause the following symptoms: indigestion, flatulence, bloating, abdominal pain and decreased immunity. Due to a lack of useful trace elements, anemia can also occur in the child. It becomes susceptible to various infectious diseases. Ill children look weak, tired, they have an appetite, nausea and vomiting. On the skin can also appear different rashes as in the photo.

Symptoms of human ascarid in children at this stage may be mild if there are few parasites in the body. In adults, the symptoms of the disease are always more intense in this phase than in children, because with age, many already have various diseases of the digestive system.

The nervous system can also respond to helminthiasis with various disabilities in the work. For example, often children suffer from insomnia, cry out in a dream, they have nightmares, sometimes there may be convulsions and hysterical fits. Some patients develop hypotension, have photophobia, pupils can change their size. Sometimes without timely treatment, this parasitic disease contributes to the occurrence of bronchial asthma.

With the appearance of the above symptoms of ascaridosis in children, Dr. Komarovsky recommends not ignoring this parasitic disease, but immediately contact a doctor. Severe infection can cause life-threatening complications, especially in infants. Their body is still very weak, the immune system does not work at full strength, therefore the symptoms of ascaridosis can greatly damage health.

Treatment of symptoms of ascaridosis in children

According to the famous pediatrician Komarovsky, it is possible to rid the children of the symptoms of ascariasis and expel parasites from the body only with the help of medical therapy. The choice of a medicine should be entrusted to the doctor, because practically all medicines from worms are quite toxic. The doctor will be able to choose a less toxic drug and correctly prescribe the dosage.

Dr. Komarovsky does not advise treating people against ascariasis with folk methods, because worms will not die from this, but their migration can only increase. Treatment of the disease should be comprehensive, which necessarily includes anthelmintic medicines, sorbents and other drugs that will help to establish the work of the digestive system.

Ascaris human is a dangerous worm, which must be disposed of. Intestinal obstruction, appendicitis, cholecystitis, liver abscess, pneumonia - all these diseases can provoke ascarids if the patient does not get treated on time. In a small child, this disease can cause various kinds of developmental disorders. To prevent complications, children should be examined regularly and treated promptly.

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