Why there is burning in the head and how to treat it?

1 Concomitant symptoms of

In addition to feeling that the head is baking, patients often complain about other unpleasant symptoms. Most of the patients are concerned:

  • Rapid palpitation,
  • Reddening of eye sclera,
  • Increased sweating, accompanied by a sense of anxiety, sometimes panic,
  • Feeling of constriction, tingling of the scalp.

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Symptoms can be both paroxysmal and chasing the patient most of the time.

The sensation of burning in the head is not always pronounced, so people avoid the trip to the doctor for a long time and try to cope with the unpleasant manifestations themselves. However, this symptom may indicate the presence of serious, life-threatening pathologies.

2 Physiological causes of

In most patients, burning sensation has physiological causes and is not a symptom of the disease. In these cases, it is enough to change the way of life and habits to eliminate the discomforting manifestations. To such reasons it is possible to carry:

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  • Presence of bad habits( alcoholism, tobacco smoking).The ingestion of toxic substances into the body leads to chronic hypoxia and a constant narrowing of the vessels. The tissues receive insufficient nutrition in the form of oxygen and blood, which leads to headaches. After giving up bad habits, the symptoms go away after 10-14 days.
  • A sedentary lifestyle. Work at the computer, constant movement on the car, lack of sports - all this leads to a slowdown in blood circulation and its insufficient intake into the brain.
  • Changing the hormonal background. This usually occurs in women during pregnancy or during the onset of menopause. The level of estrogen and progesterone varies, which in turn leads to disruption in the cardiovascular system and can provoke pain in the head.
  • Overstrain. Excess physical and mental loads in the absence of sufficient rest lead to vegetative disorders. Vascular tone significantly increases, which prevents a normal outflow of blood. In this case, the problem will be solved by solving the eight-hour sleep and the correct mode of work.

3 Pathological causes of

Burning in the head can be caused by certain diseases. Here are the main ones:

  • Osteochondrosis( most often the cervical department).

In this pathology degenerative processes occur in the spine. The cartilaginous tissue, which lays the spaces between the vertebrae, gradually becomes thinner and erased, and they begin to touch each other. There are irreversible changes in the skeleton, salt deposits appear on it. All this leads to a constant squeezing of vessels in the neck, which supply blood directly to the brain. Begins hypoxia, because of which the patient and feels a burning pain. To facilitate the condition, it is necessary to regularly take massage courses and practice physical exercises aimed at strengthening the back muscles and stretching.

  • Arterial hypertension.

Every third adult suffers from this disease, therefore, patients who complain of a burning sensation in the head are most often exposed to high blood pressure. Unpleasant manifestations arise due to the fact that the peripheral vessels expand, which normally are in a "quiet" state. Usually hypertensive people say that the head burns in the nape of the neck, and the pain intensifies with sudden movements. In addition to burning for hypertension, other symptoms are also characteristic. Noises in the ears, flies in the eyes, dizziness, redness of the face, neck, sclera of the eyes, palpitations, anxiety are the characteristic signs of the ailment. With hypertension, a simple change in lifestyle is not enough, pharmacological treatment is required.

  • Panic Attack.

This term was recently introduced into medical practice. Previously, such states were called vegetative crises. Usually they start suddenly without any apparent cause and are accompanied not only by burning, but also by a strong sense of fear, tachycardia, suffocation. Despite the severity of symptoms, panic attacks do not endanger life and are purely psychosomatic pathologies. However, they can significantly reduce the quality of life. Treatment of panic attacks is conducted by a doctor-psychotherapist.


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  • Tumor of the brain.

Burning can cause both benign and malignant tumors. Symptom arises from the fact that the tumor is squeezing the surrounding tissue. The tumor can be suspected on several grounds. First, burning is almost constant, analgesics give a short-term relief or do not help at all. Secondly, the patient feels nauseous, complains of reduced vision, increased fatigue. Thirdly, a neurological examination indicates a weakening or strengthening of certain reflexes.

4 Diagnosis

In order to determine the cause of burning in the head, it is necessary to conduct a number of diagnostic measures. The examination is usually done by a neurologist and begins with a careful history. Having learned the localization, the nature of pain, the frequency of seizures, the doctor can make an assumption about the possible causes of its occurrence. To make the final diagnosis, more accurate methods are used:

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  • General and biochemical blood tests. This laboratory test will help the doctor assess the general condition of the patient's body, outline the range of chronic somatic problems.
  • Electroencephalography. EEG fixes the natural electrical discharges that occur in the brain of each person and displays them in the form of a special schedule, looking at which the doctor can exclude epilepsy, and also determine how correctly and harmoniously the brain departments work.
  • Echoencephaloscopy. EchoEc is a neurophysiological method based on the Doppler effect( ultrasound) and allows detecting large neoplasms.
  • Daily monitoring of arterial pressure. To date, SMAD is considered the most reliable way to determine whether a patient suffers from chronic hypertension. The method consists in regular measurement of blood pressure level for 24 hours and subsequent calculation of mean values.
  • Magnetic resonance imaging. MRI can detect even the smallest tumors and vascular pathologies. In addition, this method is absolutely safe, as in contrast to radiography and computed tomography, it does not use X-ray irradiation.

Burning in the head is a symptom often found in neurological practice, which can be a sign of a number of conditions and diseases. When it appears, do not treat yourself, you need to see a specialist as soon as possible.

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