Why does the forehead hurt with a cold?

1 The main causes of

An unambiguous reason, due to which the headache develops with a cold, is not revealed. Many factors can influence this process, therefore it is impossible to identify the problem independently.

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In most cases, this phenomenon is provoked by sinusitis. This disease is an inflammatory process, localized in the area of ​​the maxillary sinuses. Most often, sinusitis occurs against the background of other infectious diseases. Has a close relationship with lesions of the teeth. You can diagnose sinusitis alone. To do this, it is enough to bend down - if the pain has increased, then the inflammatory process has covered the maxillary sinuses

Often the headaches are due to the presence of the frontitis. This condition is characterized by an inflammatory process in the region of the frontal sinuses. Headache usually develops in the morning. For its elimination, physiotherapeutic procedures and antibiotics are used. The frontal lobe often suffers from increased blood pressure. Pain syndrome develops against a background of frequent stressful situations, overwork and weather changes. Increased pressure is accompanied by pain in the neck and temples.

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Infectious diseases are the founders of a negative clinical picture. To the headache may be added increased body temperature. This symptomatology develops in angina, pneumonia and colds.

The onset of pain can be triggered:

  • by the flu;
  • with migraine;
  • fever;
  • meningitis.

Influenza causes pain in the forehead and temples. Often accompanied by chills, weakness and aching muscles. With flu, a person reacts painfully to bright light.

Migraine. For this condition, flashes of pulsating pain are characteristic. It is localized in the region of the temples and forehead. The clinical picture is supplemented with nausea and vomiting.

Fever leads to the development of unpleasant symptoms. A person suffering from this disease, notes the presence of pain, lumps in the muscles and joints.

Meningitis is accompanied by pain syndrome, often accompanied by nausea and vomiting.

The frontal part may disturb during periods of physical fatigue. At the same time, it does not matter what the person did. In this case, the pain syndrome is localized in the cervical region and gradually passes to the forehead. People who experience such pain feel very uncomfortable.

2 Possible diseases

Headache with colds occurs quite often. Often, this process is affected by high temperature and general overstrain of the body. A negative clinical picture can be provoked by severe physical and mental activity. During this process, the pain is localized not only in the forehead region, but also in the nape of the neck. Usually an unpleasant symptom disappears on its own, after a good rest. If relief is not observed, it is best to go to the hospital.

If the head is aching with a cold, and there is a heaviness in the nasal passages, it is common to diagnose maxillary sinusitis. This condition is characterized by discomfort in the affected maxillary sinuses. A person is not able to breathe through the nose, after a lightening of relief is not observed. The patient reacts sharply to the light and is unable to distinguish smells. Often the pain does not have a clear localization and spreads all over the face.

Acute sinusitis leads to a painful syndrome in the forehead. In this case, nasal breathing is disturbed and the secretions are fixed. The headache from the cold is quite unpleasant. Pain syndrome acute and very similar to neuralgia. In this case, the patient is difficult to be under the influence of bright light.

Influenza frontal. This disease provokes an inflammatory process in the nasal sinuses and is accompanied by an increased body temperature. Often in the forehead there is swelling. This is due to a violation of blood circulation.


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Inflammation in the forehead. They occur because of the development of neuralgia or neuritis. The pain is paroxysmal, the body temperature does not increase, there is no discharge from the nose. Periods of deterioration are accompanied by excessive lachrymation and reddening of the forehead.

Infection. Often provokes severe pain in the affected area. It is accompanied by pronounced signs of intoxication and high body temperature.

Acute respiratory diseases. Headache for colds arises from the struggle of the body with the infection that has penetrated into it. An unpleasant symptom in the forehead is provoked by stuffy nose.

Pain in cold is normal. It is impossible to avoid this phenomenon. All that a person is able to do is to follow the recommendations of the attending physician. During the period of the disease the body requires certain medication. It will remove dangerous microorganisms and alleviate a person's condition.

3 Pain syndrome for colds

Headache for colds is quite frequent. In most cases, this symptom indicates the onset of the disease and accompanies a person until complete recovery. Infectious lesions of this type, such as ARVI, flu and colds are supplemented with unpleasant pain. This is due to the penetration of harmful microorganisms into the body. Often they provoke intoxication and cause an increased body temperature. Headache with colds occurs along with other symptoms. Accompanied by chills, fever and body aches.

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If there is a runny nose, the head hurts because of stuffy nasal passages. The inflammatory process causes excessive discharge and swelling. Relief does not come until a person completely frees nasal passages. With genyantritis it does not help, in this case resort to special therapy.

Pain in colds without fever may occur due to infection. However, most often the condition is accompanied by intoxication of the body. For the cold, the intensity of the pain syndrome is low, during the flu, the pain syndrome is difficult to tolerate. Pain can be localized simultaneously in several places.

4 Methods of treatment

What to do if there was an unpleasant pain syndrome, how to get rid of it? Pain reduces the quality of human life and causes a lot of trouble. Therefore, it is necessary to get rid of it. However, it must be done correctly.

Modern pharmacological companies offer a mass of antiviral and anti-inflammatory drugs.

They are able to remove symptoms, but it is impossible to eliminate pain without determining the underlying cause. You can alleviate the condition with the help of natural balms. Preference should be given to Zvezdochka and Doctor Mom. Reduce the pain will help massage your head.

Especially effective showed and compresses. However, they can be used only if there is no temperature. Otherwise, there is a probability of a worsening of the situation. It is recommended to ventilate the room where the patient is most often, to drink tea with raspberries and lemon. If the pain is caused by a cold and a nasal congestion, the nasal passages should be cleared through a saline solution. Often used medicamentous therapy. Preference is given to Teraflu, Ibuprofen, Nurofen and Paracetamol.

When developing pain after a cold, it is advisable to visit a doctor. Most likely, the problem lies in something else. Many diseases can cause pain syndrome, including infectious ailments.

It is unequivocal to reveal why it is difficult to get a pain in a cold. For this, a person needs to undergo a series of medical examinations. Do self-diagnosis is not recommended.

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