Vascular asterisks and reticulums: symptoms, diagnosis, treatment methods

Sometimes on the skin appear vascular asterisks of different shapes. They signal one or more interrelated problems in the body. You should contact a specialist for advice.

Features of the

problem Vascular asterisks often upset patients, because they worsen the appearance. However, the problem directly relates to human health. The blood produces increased pressure in the area with dilated blood vessels.

Small vessels that can be seen through the skin may be reddish or blue. The vascular pattern on the skin indicates that these vessels are damaged, have a weak tone and stretched walls.

Vascular asterisks, their causes and prevention - the subject of the video below:

Classification of Vascular Sprockets and Netting

Vascular spiders are distinguished by the nature of the pattern:

  • tree sprouts may be on the lower limbs;
  • linear telangiectasias appear more often on the face( on the nose, cheeks)but such manifestation is also possible on the legs;
  • arachnid vascular manifestations are more common on the legs,
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  • point fragments of vascular mesh are also found, in most cases, on the lower extremities.

According to the type of their origin, vascular asterisks are:

  • arterial,
  • venous,
  • capillary.

Vascular sprout on skin

Localization of

Vascular asterisks may occur on such areas of the body:

  • face:
    • nose,
    • cheeks;
  • lower limbs:
    • shin,
    • thigh.

Causes of

Vascular asterisks appear due to the presence of such factors:

  • the patient suffers from a problem of excess weight,
  • if a person has to stand for a long time, for example, in connection with this kind of work;
  • in women, vascular disorders may be due to changes in the hormonal background,
  • may be caused by diseases of the organs:
    • of the heart,
    • in women in the area associated with gynecology;
    • circulatory system,
    • intestine,
    • liver;The
  • person has weakened connective tissue( may be a genetic factor),
  • skin trauma can also initiate vascular problems,
  • age-related changes in the body that lead to a loss of the required degree of vascular tone;
  • abuse of smoking and alcoholic beverages,
  • sunbathing in unbroken amounts,
  • the presence of venous disease contributes to the appearance of vascular asterisks,
  • wearing high heels for a long time.

Symptoms of

A mesh of small vessels or spider veins appears on the skin surface. This means that the vessels have an enlarged state, their walls are thinned and stretched.

  • Usually, this phenomenon happens more often in women, but men also have this disease.
  • Children may have vascular asterisks if there is a predisposition to this.

Vascular mesh( photo)


  • Vascular disorders are determined in appearance. To see the fullness of the picture, the doctor will be interested in the illnesses of relatives, in order to discover or exclude a genetic predisposition.
  • Ultrasonic dopplerography is a modern method of studying the state of blood vessels, allowing to see all the subtleties of the processes occurring in them.
  • One of the methods of vascular diagnostics is transillumination. The specialist applies a special lamp to inspect the condition of the vessels.

This video will tell you how to get rid of such a problem like asterisks on the face:


Help with the appearance of vascular asterisks will be effective if the cause that initiated the problem is established. If you do not treat a violation that provoked vascular changes, then the disease will resume again.

Therapeutic method

The method provides such actions( if there are vascular sprouts on the legs):

  • wearing special underwear( compression),
  • doing exercises,
  • massage.

Drug administration inside, the use of creams and ointments is externally attributed to conservative treatment. It is used on the recommendation of a specialist if he sees that it is advisable for the patient to resort to this type of treatment, or because other methods( invasive) are not indicated.

The following agents are used:

  • Ascorutin,
  • Lyoton,
  • Venitan,
  • Troxevasin.

Other methods

Invasive treatment methods:

  • electrocoagulation - performed by a special electrode cauterization of places where vascular asterisks appeared;to the disadvantages of the method include the possibility of damage to neighboring healthy tissues;
  • radio wave surgery is a surgery using high-frequency radio waves;the operation is non-contact, there are no painful sensations;as a result of manipulation, the damaged vessels are sintered and subsequently disappear;
  • sclerotherapy - in the damaged vessel, with the help of a needle, a substance is delivered that glues it, as a result of such procedures the reticulum of vessels can become completely invisible;
  • ozonotherapy - injections into the lumen of the affected vessel of the oxygen-ozone mixture;the procedure causes the disappearance of diseased vessels;
  • laser photocoagulation - Sealing of damaged vessels causes laser radiation;The advantage of the method is that the laser acts selectively, only on the problem zone.

Methods are very effective, but have limitations in the application: the

  • method using a laser does not work if the patient has tanned skin;
  • all methods are contraindicated in cases:
    • the patient is pregnant or nursing a child,
    • procedures cause an allergic reaction.

Folk remedies

Folk recipes can be useful in the application of vascular mesh and asterisks. It is better to consult a specialist on the choice of a method of treatment from such problems.

One of the most popular folk remedies in the fight against vascular problems is apple cider vinegar. Prepared at home, apple cider vinegar is recommended to apply to the site of vascular disorders three times a day. It is desirable to perform vinegar lotions for a month.

Vinegar is made from fresh apples. Raw materials are crushed and combined with a little warm boiled water( 400 g of apple gruel per liter of water).Add 150 g of honey or sugar to each liter of the mixture.

The can is covered with gauze and placed in a warm place. The mixture will start to wander. It is necessary to stir the contents of the jar at least once a day. When the fermentation in the bank stops, the must is separated from the sediment and again put in a warm place. This is necessary in order for the liquid to pass through the final stages of fermentation and become transparent.


In case of vascular problems it is important to choose the right diet:

  • it is necessary to refuse fried foods,
  • include in the menu products containing rutin( Bulgarian pepper, rowanberry), vitamins C( greens, vegetables, fruits) and B5( chicken, egg yolk);
  • should reduce the amount taken with food salt,
  • strong drinks, including coffee, must be excluded from the menu;
  • does not need to eat very hot.

Prevention of disease

To prevent vascular pathology, it is necessary to strengthen their walls. There are a number of activities recommended by specialists as prevention of the disease:

  • compliance with diet,
  • contrast shower,
  • it is necessary that the weight does not exceed the norm;
  • it is good to load yourself daily with feasible physical loads, including, to perform the recommended phlebology charge;
  • should maintain a harmonious internal state, avoid stressful situations;
  • if the profession is associated with the need to stand for a long time, it is recommended to do warm-ups;
  • pose leg-to-foot provokes vascular problems, so it should be avoided.

Complications of

A person who has vascular asterisks or mesh can in time discover such unpleasant complications:

  • legs swell,
  • pain in the legs,
  • when walking, fast fatigue occurs, at night there are convulsions of the lower extremities.


Usually, the spider veins are treatable. It is important before removing the cause that triggered the disease. Correctly chosen method of treatment will add chances of success.

How to remove the spider veins on the legs with a laser, will tell the video below:

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