Treatment of purulent sore throat during breastfeeding: medicamentously, folk remedies

Acute disease that caused inflammation of the tonsils, can appear and with breastfeeding. Angina in this position is much more common, because during this period there is a weakening of immunity after childbirth and an increase in susceptibility to bacteria.


This disease is a viral or bacterial nature, which is characterized by the appearance of acute inflammation of one or more tonsils. Sometimes it's enough to eat ice cream or wet your feet to get sick.

A variety of irritants entering the pharynx can also become a prerequisite. These include smoke, alcohol, or house dust. If there is inflammation of the palatine tonsils, then it becomes difficult for a person to breathe .

Pathology can be primary or secondary. The first variety more often refers to bacterial( catarrhal or purulent sore throats).It is characterized by increased sweating, weakness and fatigue, severe sore throat. Secondary angina can be observed due to improper treatment or lack of influence on the inflammation focus. The prerequisite may be measles, influenza or leukemia.

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Reasons for

When breastfeeding, as in any other situation, the peak occurs during the winter months, when immunity to mucous membranes and soft palate is particularly reduced. There is a penetration of the infection into the lymphatic system, which leads to a strong inflammatory process.

The latter leads to the fact that the conditionally pathogenic microflora, which is necessarily present on our mucous in small quantities, begins to grow. But the disease is not so scary, if you contact the doctor in time to appoint the right treatment.

Symptoms of

The main manifestation is a severe sore throat. There may appear a white or gray coating on the arches and tonsils. It is combined with a sore throat and pain during swallowing. There is weakness, fatigue, a rise in body temperature and a severe headache. Under the lower jaw, too, begins to ache. This is due to the compaction and enlargement of the submandibular lymph nodes.

What is dangerous for breastfeeding?

The disease is transmitted by airborne droplets, so the possibility remains to infect the baby. During the illness, antibodies to the causative agent of the infection are produced in the mother's body, which enter the breast milk and are passed on to the baby, but the possibility to survive this infancy in infancy is preserved.

Dangerous angina in breastfeeding and the fact that many drugs penetrate into the milk, so they must be selected with extreme caution under the supervision of a doctor. There are a number of antibiotics that can lead to the appearance of irreversible problems in the future with the organs of hearing and vision of the baby.

Than angina is dangerous, see in our video:

Features of treatment of nursing mother

Self-treatment of the disease during the period of feeding is not allowed. This is due to:

  1. Symptoms, the same as with angina, occur in some other equally serious diseases.
  2. In the absence of a good treatment you can harm yourself and your child.
  3. Your task is to remove all pathogenic microorganisms, but without selection of funds this will be difficult to do.

Doctors say that infection can not be allowed to enter the blood, as this can lead to the development of complications from the internal organs. Therefore, antibacterial drugs are prescribed from the very first day.

To this day, doctors argue about whether to stop breastfeeding for the duration of the illness. But in addition to antibodies, the child's body receives doses of medicines that begin to circulate through the body of the mother after the first receptions.

If you choose the right medicine, you will not harm the baby. Today, it is often felt that the transition to artificial mixtures can cause more harm. In this case, before feeding, you need to wash your hands well and use a protective bandage to reduce the chance of germs entering the baby.

General recommendations of

In the treatment of angina during breastfeeding, throat rinsing is indicated with antiseptic solutions, the use of lozenges, lozenges and tablets.

To influence the pathogen, only those drugs that are compatible with breastfeeding are used.

During illness it is necessary to reduce physical activity, whenever possible to lie more. Take care that the main business at home was done by an assistant or a close person.


  • Terminating breastfeeding during a sore throat can lead to lactostasis.
  • On the third day of the disease, interferon appears in the blood, which has natural antibacterial and antiviral activity.
  • On the fifth day, antibodies are produced that are able to cope precisely with this pathogen.

How to treat a nursing mother, says Dr. Komarovsky:


As mentioned above, the treatment of bacterial sore throat can not occur without the use of antibiotics. They are selected exclusively taking into account individual characteristics and the presence of severe symptoms in angina. Penicillins have less side effects. In severe cases, choice is stopped by intramuscular injection. Sometimes the doctor prescribes macrolides.

Under strict prohibition is:

  • Tetracycline,
  • Fluoroquinolone,
  • Levomycetin.

Along with antibiotics, local remedies are prescribed. Lizobakt tablets are considered safe. They have antiseptic properties, but require compliance with the dosage. You can use sprays, consisting mainly of natural ingredients. Among them is Ingalipt, Cameton. These drugs have been used in otolaryngology for many years and have already proved their effectiveness.

When the temperature rises to high marks, symptomatic preparations are used. But it is better to take them if the body temperature rises to a mark above 38 degrees. Safe means are Paracetamol and Ibuprofen.

On the photo of the remedy for the treatment of sore throat

Folk methods

Herbs and preparations do not harm with breastfeeding. But it is better not to use sage and mint for ingestion, as they can reduce the production of milk. But they can rinse their throat. For ingestion, it is recommended to use a decoction of chamomile. It has an anti-inflammatory effect, helps to clear the mouth and pharynx from mucus and pus.

Different rinses are well proven. The composition of soda and salt with a drop of iodine will help to quickly remove the pain and the first time to reduce inflammation. For rinsing, you can also use calendula, eucalyptus.

It is not recommended to do warming compresses, as they can lead to the appearance of more severe symptoms and the development of the disease in a chronic form. After the illness, you can beware of hypothermia and contact with colds, do not rush into tempering procedures.


Breastfeeding technique can be used for breastfeeding. It is especially important for fighting various tonsillitis. The procedure is performed on the apparatus Tonsillor MM, which is available in almost any room of the otolaryngologist. With the use of vacuum, doctors can suggest a procedure for suctioning pus. After that the oral cavity undergoes antiseptic treatment.

Accelerate the recovery process will help UFO.The procedure is also prescribed as a preventive measure to influence chronic forms of tonsillitis. A good effect is the acupressure of the front of the neck.

The rules for taking medication in breastfeeding in our video:

How not to infect the child and others, prevention

The probability of infection of the baby is minimal if at home to keep the temperature no more than 20 degrees, humidity at around 60 percent. It is recommended to ventilate the room regularly. Mom needs to wash their hands with soap as often as possible in order to remove traces of mucus qualitatively. It contains a large number of viruses and bacteria.

Use handkerchiefs as handkerchiefs, which should be used immediately after use. Do not leave them near the baby's bed. Wash the baby's nose with salt water. A good means of prevention will be Oksolinovaya ointment.

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