How to deal with constipation during pregnancy, fight with them in the early stages, how to eliminate, remove?

The timing of emptying the bowels is purely individual and depends on the physiological state of the body. During the period of gestation, the physiology of a woman changes cardinally and one of the dangers that lies in wait for a woman during pregnancy is difficulties with defecation. If more than four to five days pass between acts of defecation, the amount of dry and hard feces is minimal and the process is accompanied by pain, then it is necessary to start the fight with constipation during pregnancy.

The fight against constipation during pregnancy consists of several directions, including:

  • a correct diet with a high content of foods rich in fiber;
  • rational drinking regime;
  • daily walks in the fresh air before going to bed;
  • preparations containing lactose;
  • folk remedies.

Constipation in pregnant women and how to deal with them?

How to deal with constipation during pregnancy depends on the root cause that caused problems with the intestines and on what exactly date of bearing the child it happened. With constipation in the first half of pregnancy, problems with timely evacuation of the intestine are mainly caused by hormonal restructuring of the female body, taking medications containing iron and calcium to prevent the development of anemia. There may also be stagnation in the first weeks associated with a sharp decrease in physical activity due to fear of miscarriage, which is further aggravated by the increased nervous excitability of a woman, the so-called constipation of a psychogenic nature.

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Universal prescriptions how to deal with constipation during pregnancy in the early stages, no. In this case, it is enough for some women to regulate their nutrition, while others may use even medical therapy to fight problems in the intestines. The first recommendation in the fight is the right diet, with a well-regulated diet, excluding fast food, snacks. To increase the consumption of soluble fiber, it is necessary to take fruits such as plums, apples, pears, kiwi, apricots and grapes daily in raw or stewed.

Well stimulate the transit of the intestines in the struggle for the normalization of its work of yogurt, kefir, brewer's yeast. Significant relief, in addition to fruits and increased fluid intake, in the fight of pregnant women with constipation brings the use of prebiotics of plant origin. Inulin or fructo-oligosaccharides from this group of drugs improve the balance of endogenous microflora, contributing to the correct regulation of the passage of intestinal contents. Prebiotics are not processed and not absorbed from the intestine, but their high absorption capacity, while retaining water, increases the volume of fecal matter, softening and facilitating the release of feces.

By supporting the metabolism of beneficial microorganisms in the intestines, while protecting the mucous from pathogenic microorganisms, prebiotics, in choosing how to deal with constipation in the early stages of pregnancy, are the best option. For best effect, they should be taken regularly on an empty stomach, washed down with plenty of water. The therapeutic course lasts for one to two weeks, but there will not be a rapid effect on restoring a normal stool.

Constipation in late pregnancy can be triggered by the increased weight of the uterus, which presses down the rectum, lending the lumen and physically interfering with the normal emptying of the intestine. The problem of how to deal with constipation during pregnancy in the third trimester is complicated by the sharply reduced motor activity of a woman. It is best in this case to decide how to remove constipation during pregnancy, go to dosed physical exertion, special respiratory gymnastics. Aerobic exercise, yoga at least 2-3 times a week for at least half an hour, stimulates the work of the intestines, improving digestion.

However, in order to avoid the need to decide how to eliminate constipation during pregnancy, it is best to take preventive measures to prevent the onset of this condition. The most suitable food to prevent constipation is bran. Taking 3-4 spoons of bran daily before breakfast, you can not only get rid of already existing stagnant phenomena in the intestines, but also eliminate relapses for the entire duration of pregnancy. For a variety of diets, bran can be taken together with fruit juice, yogurt, kefir.

Useful infusion of oat flakes, beets with prunes. A mixture of these products, taken for a hundred grams, pour two liters of boiling water and cook on low heat for fifty minutes. The filtered broth is stored in the refrigerator, and it is consumed every day by one glass before going to bed. The miracle effect is a mixture of prunes, dried apricots, raisins with honey. Two teaspoons of the mixture before going to bed, heated by warm water very quickly remove constipation during pregnancy.

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