Constipation and pains the intestines, pain in the area of ​​the rectus or sigmoid colon, what to do and prick?

Constipation and pain in the intestines very often occur together. This phenomenon is understandable. Contributes to the emergence of unpleasant sensations damage to the mucous by hardened calves. Experts distinguish several causes that cause this symptomatology. All of them arise due to a violation of the motor function( motility) of the digestive organ and are characterized by a single word - dyskinesia.

The manifestations of all these pathologies are very unpleasant. Constipation is accompanied by severe pains of aching, cutting or pulling character in the abdomen. The location of their localization is different, but most often with constipation there are pains in the sigmoid or rectum area. At the same time, it is very difficult to determine where exactly it cuts or stabs. Attacks in all people are manifested in different ways. For someone peculiar to increase discomfort during eating or immediately after it, and someone has an intestine with constipation during emotional stress or stress. But practically all patients with this ailment are peculiar that unpleasant sensations pass after a visit to the toilet or the escape of gases. Since this form of the disease affects more than half the population, there are many questions about what to do if there is such a symptomatology. First of all, it is necessary to understand why it appears.

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Pain in the rectum after constipation

Dyskinesia can be of 2 types - spastic( hypermotor) and atonic( hypomotor).Each of them has a character of unpleasant sensations caused by a prolonged stool delay different. This allows the specialist at the first questioning of the patient to make presumptive conclusions about which area of ​​the intestine, direct or sigmoid, pathology has arisen, and what could cause a prolonged constipation accompanied by painful sensations in the abdomen.

But the main reason for the appearance of unpleasant sensations in dyskinesia of the intestine is that prolonged stool retention causes accumulation of hardened feces. Weak motor skills slow their progress to the anus. As a result, stagnant feces begin to decompose, releasing a large number of gases and pathogens. All this leads to the fact that with constipation the bowels strongly burst, and pains appear in it.

In spastic dyskinesia, because of the increase in the tone of the digestive organ, they are colico-like and manifested by attacks, and in the atonic, during which the peristalsis is weakened, stool retention is accompanied by blunt abdominal sensations in the abdomen. Also, with these forms of ailment, there may be concomitant symptoms, expressed in general weakness, nausea and dizziness. All this causes a decrease in the patient's working capacity.

The intestine is aching with constipation, what should I do?

Patients with this symptomatology do not often consult a specialist. Many are embarrassed by the arisen delicate problem and prefer to cope with it on their own, look for different sites that can be drunk or pierced to get rid of unpleasant symptoms. This approach is not only wrong, but also quite dangerous, since in a short time it can provoke the development of a chronic form of the disease. Only a timely call to the doctor will help to identify the cause of that after constipation the rectum hurts, and take the necessary measures on the recommendation of a specialist to eliminate unpleasant symptoms.

Medical treatment in such cases is rarely prescribed. Tablets and injections may be required only when it is revealed that the cause for the appearance of such signs has become some serious disease of the gastrointestinal tract. If this is not revealed, then constipation, accompanied by pain in the intestine, is treated by adjusting the diet, increasing physical activity and lifestyle changes. The main goal pursued by the therapy of these pathologies is to normalize the process of defecation and softening of the stool. Relief from pain in the intestines, resulting from prolonged constipation, can be achieved by properly balanced diets, the basis of the menu in which become dishes containing a large amount of vegetable fiber.

Also, patients with frequent constipation are recommended to completely eliminate the use of fatty varieties of meat, pasta and flour products. This will facilitate the work of the intestine and relieve the appearance of painful sensations in it. Very useful in this situation, vegetables and fruits. They regulate peristalsis, soften the stool and facilitate the process of defecation. Use them preferably in fresh form. It is necessary to pay attention to the mode of eating. It should be fractional, at least 5 times a day and in very small portions. But laxatives and cleansing enemas should be used in these pathologies without specialist's recommendation. Frequent use of them will make the intestines lazy and provoke an increase in constipation accompanied by pain.

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