Enema diarrhea( diarrhea) in adults

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During an unpleasant phenomenon such as diarrhea due to food poisoning or the ingestion of pathogenic microorganisms, it is always necessary to purify the digestive organs from toxins, poisons and various harmful substances. In mild cases, the body is cleansed by watery feces and vomiting. But in the case when the liquid stool lasts more than one day, and the patient's condition worsens and threatens the development of dehydration, experts recommend using such a method as an enema. When diarrhea in an adult person, it performs not only a purifying function. With her help, you can introduce medications in the event that the oral method of their reception is impossible.

Cleansing enema with diarrhea helps the withdrawal from the digestive tract of all those pathogens and toxins to which the body lacked its own water, since if they again absorb from the walls of the intestine into the bloodstream, the problem will be aggravated, provoking even more severe diarrhea. In order to achieve the best result, the procedure is carried out several times in a row. Usually this is done until the water that enters the intestine in this way will not leave relatively clean.

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An enema with diarrhea is also good in that when a fluid is introduced through the anus, it is partially absorbed through the gastrointestinal wall. Increased almost always during this illness the temperature decreases. Specialists noted a lot of cases when after this procedure, the normal functioning of the digestive organs was almost immediately restored.

Composition, which must have a cleansing enema, prescribed for diarrhea in adults, suggests in addition to pure water, the addition of herbal decoctions. The best reviews are available for those that are prepared from the aplicas of alder, sage, oak bark or chamomile inflorescences. Its volume for an adult should be 750 ml - 2 liters. But in the case when there is blood in diarrhea in the patient's stool, the procedure is contraindicated.

Drug enema for diarrhea

If the cause of watery feces is a severe infection, the loose stool usually begins to accompany abundant and frequent vomiting. This greatly complicates the natural intake of medicines. In such cases, they are administered directly into the intestine. The advantage of this method is that through the hemorrhoidal veins, the absorption of drugs necessary for the effective therapy of pathogens into the blood occurs very quickly.

Be sure to take into account that to proceed during diarrhea to a medicinal enema can only be done after a purification. Many patients are interested in how best to carry out this procedure and what medications injected into the body in this way are most effective. In order for this method, used for diarrhea, to bring positive results, it is worthwhile to listen to some tips:

  • The introduction of drugs for diarrhea is carried out with the help of microclysters, since the volume of fluid entering the intestine for this purpose should not exceed 100 ml;
  • The temperature of the solution contributes to rapid absorption. It should be at least 40 degrees;
  • The rectum inserted into the rectum should be well lubricated with petroleum jelly to achieve an easier entry;
  • To make the enema with diarrhea bring a greater effect, you should lie down after half an hour, without changing the position.

Of the drugs used for this procedure, a starch solution is most often recommended, which has an emollient and enveloping effect, and also reduces peristalsis. In addition, in enemas used for diarrhea, a wide use was found in the decoctions of such medicinal plants as the root of the althaea, the herb of wormwood and the bark of oak.

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