Kawasaki disease in children and adults: symptoms, treatment, classification, photo

Kawasaki syndrome can be called a childhood illness, as adults suffer it very seldom. And this disease is atypical - can pass without treatment, does not respond to antibiotics, so far its cause has not been established. Is it possible to protect your child with such characteristics of the disease? It is possible if you learn more about it.

About Kawasaki disease

Disease is most often found in children under 5 years of age( 75%). At the same time, girls account for 50% of the cases more. If we consider the regional distribution of the UK, we can see its predominance in Asian countries, especially in Japan and Korea. It is impossible to establish how many cases it is in the Russian Federation, since their registration occurs after the fact of treatment, that is, in the presence of complications.

Seven-year observation of the syndrome in Asia made it possible to identify seasons in which there is a special activity of patients' appeals, this is:

  • from December to January( 20%);
  • from March to April( 21.5%);
  • in October( 11.4%)
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In Russia the peak falls on the spring months. In adults up to the age of 30, Kawasaki's disease occurs in isolated cases.

The following video will tell you about the features of Kawasaki syndrome and show how the disease proceeds:

Classification of

Kawasaki disease is classified according to classification into early and late form. The early form is divided into 3 stages:

  1. acute, which lasts 9-14 days;
  2. subacute, lasting from 12-14 days to 28;
  3. convalescence, which takes place from 27-28 days to 40-60;

The chronic form of the disease is characterized by the fact that it lasts longer than 3 months.


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Causes of

The disease is poorly understood, therefore the causes of its occurrence remain unknown. Scientists suggest that it can be caused by an infection.

Studies of the disease have shown that predisposition influences the appearance of SC.Strains of predisposition are found both among Asians and Europeans.

Symptoms of

The most vivid symptom of Kawasaki's syndrome-sickness in children is fever lasting longer than 5 days. Also with SC is observed:

  1. increase in the size of the cervical lymph node;
  2. swelling of the tongue;
  3. acquisition of a scarlet language;
  4. redness of the lips;
  5. cracks in the lips;
  6. rash is polymorphic, localized in any part of the body;

Approximately 2 weeks after the onset of fever, the child may develop seals with flaking skin on the palm or soles.

Photo of Kawasaki's disease in children


Basic hardware studies - ECG and EchoCG.They are conducted at the first suspicion of SC.Studies show changes that have occurred due to damage to the heart muscle.

No less important are other studies:

  • A general blood test with an update of the platelet count.
  • Biochemical blood analysis.
  • Procalcitonin Testing.
  • Urinalysis for sedimentary microscopy and protein.
  • Ultrasound examination of the liver and biliary tract.
  • Eye Studies with Slit Lamp.

Depending on the symptomatology, spinal puncture can be prescribed. About how Kawasaki disease is treated in children and adults, we will talk further.


The disease does not respond to treatment with antibiotics and steroid hormones. The main method of treatment is the combination of intravenous immunoglobulin and acetylsalicylic acid.

Intravenously administered immunoglobulin regulates immunity, eliminates the antigens of microbes. For treatment use usual and enriched IgM preparations. It is necessary to select a cleaned and high-quality product to prevent the development of allergic reactions and complications( by the way, not all rashes are allergic, sometimes it may be skin vasculitis or allergic).

Prevention of

Because the causes of the disease are not fully understood, there is no specific prevention of the disease. In order to protect yourself as much as possible from Kawasaki syndrome, it is necessary to visit a doctor on time, especially, at the first signs of illness. It is also necessary to treat infectious diseases in a timely manner.

Complications of

Kawasaki syndrome is complicated rarely: with weak patient immunity and illiterate treatment, however, it can often be complicated in adults. The most frequent complications are:

  1. valvulitis;
  2. myocarditis;
  3. by aneurysm rupture;

Less often the patient may have:

  1. meningitis;
  2. arthritis;
  3. otitis media;
  4. diarrhea;
  5. gangrene;
  6. hydrocephalus;

Each of the complications carries a huge risk to the patient, so it should immediately be treated by a doctor.


Usually, for 2-3 months of the course of the disease, the symptomatology completely fades. After 4-8 weeks after this, transverse furrows of white color can form on the nail plates of the moment. If the disease is not treated, then in 25% of cases an aneurysm rupture develops.

At the moment, deaths are 0.1-0.5%, which suggests a positive outlook. In rare cases, approximately 3%, the disease can recur within a year of recovery.

It will also be useful to learn more about the nature of vasculitides, which will help protect yourself and loved ones from a possible ailment in the future:

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