What pills to take( drink) for the treatment of stomach ulcers?

Strong pain sensations are the result of superficial defects in the mucous membrane of the digestive organ, which eventually can penetrate into the deep layers of the epithelium. That the disease does not progress, urgent medical treatment is necessary. Gastroenterologist-appointed pills from stomach ulcers will eliminate the symptoms and causes of the disease, and most importantly - to prevent a repeated exacerbation.

In order to understand which tablets from stomach ulcers will become an effective method of getting rid of pathology, specialists conduct several instrumental examinations. Only after the results of the tests can you establish a diagnosis and prescribe a treatment regimen. Inflammation of the mucosal epithelium with erosive defects occurs in three cases - with an increased content of hydrochloric acid in the digestive juice, with low acidity of the stomach or as a result of infection with the Helicobacter pylori. First of all, it is important to find out the cause of the disease.

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Antacids - tablets for peptic ulcer of stomach

To treat acid-dependent diseases, tablets are prescribed for gastric ulcers, the name of which is listed in the following list. The therapeutic effect is achieved due to the content of alkaline components in the preparations.

  • Vicair is a complex preparation that neutralizes excess acidity, kills pathogenic bacteria, relieves spasm of smooth muscles and exerts an astringent effect. Bellalgin is an antacid analgesic.
  • Bicarbon is an effective medicine that is taken against heartburn. It neutralizes hydrochloric acid and eliminates diarrheal disorders.
  • Maalox - has an adsorbent and enveloping property.
  • Fosfalugel - neutralizes hydrochloric acid and suppresses the activity of pepsin.
  • Vikalin - an antacid antispasmodic.

These drugs reduce pain, heartburn and provide a bactericidal and anti-inflammatory effect. But to say exactly what tablets to drink with a stomach ulcer, a specialist should be on the basis of individual history information.

Inhibitors-tablets against stomach ulcers

Than to treat a stomach ulcer with severe pain in the epigastric region? Tablets-blockers are specially designed to regulate the mechanism of secretion of digestive enzymes, to eliminate spasms and attacks of vomiting, to promote scarring of ulcerative defects.

  • Famotidine or ranitidine - inhibit the production of hydrochloric acid.
  • Cimetidine - inhibits the main and stimulated secretion of hydrochloric acid. Activates the protective mechanisms of the mucosal epithelium and participates in the regeneration of cells.
  • Nizotidine - these tablets are prescribed for stomach ulcer with complicated course. The drug normalizes the ratio of acidity and alkalinity of the digestive juice.

Nonspecific tablets against ulcers

Preparations of this pharmacological group provide a comprehensive health-improving effect on all organs and systems of the body.

  • Pirenzepin - positively affects the blood circulation in the submucosal layers of the digestive organ, activates the protective functions of the mucous membrane.
  • Omeprazole is a new generation preparation with antisecretory properties, eliminates erosive-inflammatory processes in the intestine.
  • Bellastesin is a combined drug. Tablets from pain in the stomach with ulcer relieve spasm in the organs of the digestive tract and restore the patency of the biliary tract. The drug prevents intoxication of the body.

It is mandatory to take in the complex therapy the cytoprotectors and bismuth-containing tablets in case of gastric ulcer. A list of prescription drugs that protect healthy cells from toxic effects, contains either a preparation of Liquiriton, or De-Nol. They create a negative environment for the development of microbes in the stomach and envelop the mucous epithelium with a protective film. To destroy the bacterium Helicobacter pylori, it is necessary to have several antibiotics in the prescription list - Amoxicillin, Tetracycline or Clarithromycin, as well as the antimicrobial drug Metronidazole.

Other analgesics for peptic ulcer

Anesthetic pills for stomach ulcers Day Night have anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties. The main active ingredient in them is paracetamol. A special feature of the drug is a separate packing of tablets for morning and evening admission, in addition, the daily dose of the medicine also contains phenylephrine. The substance reduces the degree of swelling of the mucosal epithelium. The night dose of the drug includes an active component of diphenhydramine, which has a sedative effect and dulls the feeling of discomfort from the pain syndrome.

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