Why when people quit smoking they get better: reasons, ways of eliminating the problem

Smoking causes serious damage to our health, and getting rid of it is a serious task for everyone who aspires to improve their state of health and improve their quality of life. However, the fear of getting better in the process of quitting smoking frightens many, because this side effect makes it especially difficult for many. Consider how to overcome your fear, be able to give up the addiction and not gain extra pounds.

The impact of nicotine on the body

Why, according to a survey of those who managed to overcome cravings for smoking, it is fear that will get better becomes the main obstacle to health? To answer this question, it is necessary to understand the mechanisms that occur in our body during smoking.

In the process of tobacco smoking an active effect of substances entering into the tobacco smoke on many internal organs of a person occurs. Of course, lungs primarily suffer, but the effect on the brain also takes place. And along with the harmful effect on nerve fibers, which gradually begin to transmit worse nerve impulses, tobacco affects appetite. A person who regularly smokes the order of a whole pack of cigarettes a day, consumes much less food. Accordingly, quitting smoking, sharply get fat.

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Causes of weight gain in the process of quitting

And it is because of the exclusion of this effect on the brain, which has become habitual with regular smoking, that a lack of a cigarette can be associated with the brain as a need for food. Now, without smoking a cigarette, the brain begins to actively demand the usual dose of nicotine, and in its absence express its desire in the form of hunger impulses.

Either a slightly different mechanism with the same consequences - weight gain. Since smoking with cigarettes was sometimes replaced by the necessary food intake( for weight loss or because there is no time for a full meal), then when smoking is stopped, the body already receives a portion of food instead of the usual nicotine dose. This is how many people who quit smoking fill the empty niche of a habitual cigarette, and the result does not make you wait: excess weight and fear "stopped smoking and began to recover" or "I want to, but I'm afraid," not giving up this addiction.

The causes of excess weight can also be caused by various physiological and psychological factors. Further we will consider more in detail both psychological, and physiological changes in an organism which answer the widespread question why people when stop smoking are recovered and get fat.


Since smoking affects tobacco on the part of the brain that is responsible for pleasure, in the absence of the usual dose of nicotine, the pleasure hormone is no longer produced in the usual amount, and the person begins to feel a mood decline, depression and sometimes may become depressed.

And the food comes to the rescue: sweets increase the level of endorphins( pleasure hormones), and their excessive use becomes an attempt to improve one's mood. Which is the main reason for gaining excess weight. How much can be recovered, the question is purely individual, and depends on the psychological and physiological qualities of each individual smoker.


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Tobacco, getting into almost all internal organs, irritates, in particular, the stomach and increases the speed of digestion of food. And in the absence of the usual dose of nicotine, the stomach slows down its work and eating, as a consequence, means slowing down digestion and digestion, resulting in gaining excess weight.

What methods can be used to avoid this consequence of quitting smoking and keep your figure slim and attractive?

How not to recover?

And so, the assertion that after you quit smoking you start to recover, partly true. It remains to consider the question of how not to gain excess weight and with a high head to overcome all difficulties without loss for a slender figure.

Proper nutrition

Based on studies, data were obtained on what foods can help in this difficult period. And here is a list of available and known to all foods that should be included in your diet at the time of quitting.

To products that help quit smoking and will not improve both women and men, are:

  • dairy products - even if you still continue to smoke, drinking before each cigarette a glass of milk or kefir, you change your taste and the cigarette begins to bring lessgreat pleasure, as before. In addition, dairy products will benefit health: a high calcium content in the digestible form will preserve the health of bones, hair and nails;
  • broccoli will be an excellent helper for anyone who wants to quit, because it contains in large quantities substances that are largely responsible for maintaining a high level of immunity and preventing cancer, namely, they are considered frequent consequences of smoking;
  • eggplant - delicious and healthy, eggplant will help to neutralize the harm caused to our body when smoking: a rich composition of these known to all vegetables provides immunity by force to cope with the effects of smoking;
  • beans in any form, asparagus and celery have about the same properties as dairy products - taking them discourages cravings for nicotine, and regular use of these products will help reduce cravings for cigarettes;
  • ginger, being the only type of spices recommended during the quitting period, reduces the craving for nicotine and in the acute period, when the habit starts to prevail and it's very difficult to cope with it, you should put a piece of fresh ginger in your mouth and suck it like a sweet.

A large amount of water drunk during the day allows you to quickly remove harmful substances from the body, will also help in this difficult period.

The frequency of food intake should also be considered as important. The more frequent and small in volume meals will be, the less often you will remember cigarettes and feel the need for them.
Refusal of strong coffee will help to keep calm and prevent unnecessary impact on the nervous system, and focusing on nutrition on fresh vegetables and fruits will help saturate the body with useful substances and maintain health.

On video advice on proper nutrition when giving up smoking:

Physical activity

An important component should be considered and activity during the period of smoking cessation, because with its help you can also displace thoughts about a cigarette and its substitute food. Active physical activity, bringing pleasure to you and occupying your brain, will become a good helper in this period.

The recommended types of physical activity in case of refusal of nicotine and the desire to keep a slender figure include:

  • cross-country running;
  • roller skating;
  • swimming;
  • visiting the sauna or bath;
  • walk fast pace.

Application of all these recommendations will allow you to less painfully get rid of bad habits, not recovering, and to maintain health, and the awareness that you have overcome your craving for nicotine will greatly enhance your self-esteem and quality of life.

Expert tips on how to stop smoking and not recover:

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