An enema with constipation at home, how to properly put micro-enema, how to make a cleansing solution, can you make water, oil, salt, soap?

There is no such adult person who would not face long delays of a chair. This delicate problem, the appearance of which tries to hide, always arises unexpectedly and significantly worsens the quality of life. Most patients are embarrassed to talk about it, preferring to cope on their own. But sometimes it is impossible to cleanse the intestine from a large accumulation of strongly hardened feces, neither by diets, nor by medication. At home, the most correct option in this case is to put yourself out of constipation with an enema. Only to do it it is necessary with observance of all nuances that not to harm health.

For the treatment of constipation, there are several types of this procedure, and each of them performs its functions. For therapeutic purposes, mini- and microclysters are required that exert therapeutic influence on the walls of the digestive organ and help to prevent the development of constipation, and in order to more efficiently relieve the intestines from stale stool, use cleansing agents performed with a large volume of water at room temperature.

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How to make an enema from constipation at home?

This question is of interest to patients very often, so it is worthwhile to dwell on it in more detail. First of all you need to know that you should use this procedure only on the recommendation of a specialist. He also teaches how to correctly place a large or small enema with a special solution for constipation in the home. If there is no opportunity to visit a specialist, and the procedure is needed immediately, it is recommended to watch a video on this topic. About how to put himself an enema with constipation, various video materials are told in great detail. When performing this procedure, it is important to know and observe several key points:

  • Place the place to be covered with an oilcloth to exclude the possibility of staining it with calories;
  • All necessary solutions and mixtures are prepared in advance;
  • For mini- or microclystic laxatives, the smallest pear will be required, and for the hypertonic( saline) or purifying - the Esmarch mug;
  • To achieve a quick and effective result in eradicating constipation during the procedure, a person should lie on his left side, bending his knees to his stomach.

Performing these actions is not difficult, so even a single scan of the corresponding video allows you to understand all the nuances, and to perform the necessary actions without any problems. But there are a few things to keep in mind. First of all, this is an enema damage with constipation. Many people who suffer from constant stool delays are interested in the question of how often this procedure can be done and how dangerous it is for health.

According to most experts, the harm from it can be in those cases when the enema, especially the cleansing, is put very often. In this case, the weakness of peristalsis develops, which provokes an increase in constipation. Also, excessive use of them without the appointment of a doctor contributes to the disruption of the intestinal microflora. To avoid this, after an emergency procedure, you should adjust the diet, including products with a large amount of fiber, which contribute to the natural emptying of the intestine.

Effective curative enemas for constipation in the home

No less often asked and questions about what to do with an enema, and what solution is preferred in carrying out this procedure. There are several types of these manipulations and they all have their own characteristics. The purpose of cleansing enemas with constipation is the liberation of the intestine from stagnant and stagnant feces during prolonged constipation. Solutions for them are not originally intended for absorption by the digestive organs. The main purpose is to eliminate intoxication. For them, take clean boiled water at room temperature in large volumes or a weak solution of potassium permanganate. Addition of potassium permanganate in this case plays an additional disinfecting function.

In the same therapeutic purposes, microclysters are put forward, which contribute to the cessation of further development of constipation due to the normalization of peristalsis activity. The names of the means that can be included in their composition are several and each possesses a certain action. In order to understand this, it is necessary to consider each species separately:

  • Oily micro-enema from constipation. It got its name due to the fact that it includes sunflower or other vegetable oils. Adding them to the water just above room temperature helps the rapid progress of the stool due to the fact that it becomes slippery. However, microclism with sunflower oil does not give a quick result. Its action at home comes after 10-12 hours after application. In this regard, the minimum amount of oil is introduced into the intestine during prolonged constipation only at night;
  • In a situation where normalization of the stool is necessary immediately, preference should be given to the hypertonic form of the procedure. This name has an enema with salt. At home, with constipation, the best result from its use can be achieved within 10-20 minutes. Addition of salt to the water helps to soften the stool mass due to osmotic action. Salt draws from the tissues a liquid that mixes with the hardened feces. But to do the procedure should not be a small pear, but with the help of Esmarch's mug, since the volume of the injected fluid for the best performance should be sufficiently large;
  • At home, an adult with constipation can be applied and micro-enema with soap. Due to this composition on the walls of the intestine it is irritating and a laxative result is quickly achieved. But it should be noted that soap for it is taken only economic. It has the best anti-allergenic and biological properties. This is what makes soap enemas irreplaceable for acute constipation.

In order for the procedure to be performed correctly, it is necessary to take into account several nuances. The selected mixture should be typed in the smallest pear, since only 50-100 ml of it is enough to get the result. The liquid is introduced into the intestine gradually, while it is necessary to massage the stomach for its better distribution along the digestive tract.

Many are also interested in what kind of enema is possible with constipation and hemorrhoids. In this case, any type of procedure is applied which, in addition to facilitating the release of fecal matter, has an anti-inflammatory and wound-healing effect. It is very important to consider the following. To ensure that the enema used during exacerbation of hemorrhoids and constipation not only gave an effective result, but also did not cause complications, it is forbidden to use irritating mucous fluid for enema in case of constipation. The most correct will be if possible medications are recommended by a specialist. It should also be noted that the liquid from the Eschmarch mug should not be completely injected into the intestine to prevent air from entering the digestive organs after the end of the procedure.

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