Oil from constipation and its use in the treatment, which can be drunk to children, will the spoon help the baby on an empty stomach?

Is it possible to give the baby oil from constipation? This issue is very exciting for young parents. For any mom, the problem with the stool for a crumb is a real problem. To find out whether or not children help this folk remedy in the treatment of intestinal problems caused by prolonged delays in fecal matter, one should recall the advice and recipes of traditional medicine that have proved effective for centuries. Since ancient times, for the elimination of the problem, sorcerers have always recommended the use of sunflower oil in case of constipation in toddlers. It has been for centuries considered the best solution to the problem of defecation. If you carefully listen to people's advice, it becomes clear that this drug should be drunk on a spoon in the morning on an empty stomach, or applied at night in the form of microclysters. In any case, the child's body will receive invaluable benefits:

  • The feces are naturally softened by it;
  • The walls of the intestine receive additional lubrication, which facilitates the movement of solidified feces through the digestive tract;
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  • Cholagogue processes receive additional stimulation, which also creates a good laxative effect;
  • Due to the fact that oils are not medicines, and therefore do not cause side effects or addictive, they can be taken within reasonable limits during constipation for a long time.

It is best if in case of problems with a chair an unrefined version of this product is used, since there are more useful substances in it. To prevent constipation in infants, it is recommended to lubricate mother's nipples before feeding or to drip 1-2 drops to his baby on the tongue with sunflower unrefined oil.

No less effective are other varieties of this plant product. I also want to say a few words about them. The excellent properties of sesame oil have long been known. In case of constipation in newborn infants, pediatricians recommend giving one ml of it a day to drink it. This dose is enough to normalize the work of the digestive tract in a short time. After the first day of reception, the stool begins to return to normal. The advantage of this natural sesame product is that it can continue to be consumed indefinitely for a long time, since it does not contain synthetic additives and, accordingly, will not harm the baby's body.

No less useful in treating baby constipation and coconut oil. Its consumption helps alleviate the unpleasant sensations caused by congestion in the intestines. Also, this natural product from coconut has an analgesic effect and effectively relieves spasms. Newborns are best to take it 1 drop on an empty stomach, before the morning feeding. In this case, it will more effectively envelop the intestine and protect it from the negative effects of hardened feces.

Use of oil with constipation

Also for prolonged constipation children are helped by essential oils. You can not drink them categorically, as many of them are poisonous. They are applied externally, with constipation accompanied by severe spastic pain. Camphor oil deserved the most positive reviews. With the help of it, babies are made to massage the tummy. For this, in the event that the baby has not had a chair for a long time, and he begins to cry and pinch the legs with pain, the following actions are performed:

  • A tablespoon of ether camphor oil is slightly heated in a water bath;
  • A small amount is applied to the baby's tummy, and light circular movements are made with a slight pressure downward, along the course of the stool.

Constipation after these actions stops in a short time due to the fact that the tool used has an anesthetic, warming up and relaxing action. The same result can be achieved if, with painful constipation in infants, take the following mixtures of essential oils:

  • By drop of dill, marjoram and rosemary;
  • The same amount of juniper, cardamom and dill oil.

These mixtures with painful constipation in a newborn baby are bred in a tablespoon of sunflower oil, heated in a water bath and proceed to massage. They can also be added to the baby bath.

From all of the above it is clear that various oils are very effective in the treatment of constipation in children. And absolutely without a difference, whether to give them to drink, or to apply externally. But many parents are also interested in the harm they can inflict on the health of babies.

Vegetable oils, which help in the treatment of constipation, are completely safe, if you do not use them in excessive quantities. Even an adult should drink a spoonful of unrefined sunflower, coconut or sesame oil a day on an empty stomach. To the kid it is best to give them no more than 1 drop. But the camphor can bring not benefit, but harm as it has certain contraindications. To prevent this, before using it with constipation in infants, you should consult a specialist.

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