What kind of porridge causes constipation after the introduction, can there be from rice what to do?

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Often, the parents of small children who are beginning to give lure, ask a question about whether the porridge can cause constipation. This happens often enough, but only if this nutritious and healthy dish is prepared not by the rules, but also when it is taken manna, weakening peristalsis, or rice, fixing stools, croup. Also, constipation after the introduction of porridge in lure can occur in the case when the baby uses a small amount of liquid.

Causes malfunction of bowel movements and too early introduction of cereals. The earlier the child's diet changes, the more difficult it is for his digestive system to adapt to new dishes. Not only in children, but also in adults, porridge causes constipation. This is due to the fact that many cereals, especially those produced from white grains, are rich in starch and gluten. That's why they violate peristalsis and complicate the process of excrement.

Constipation from rice, what to do?

Many people are interested in the question of what to do in case of such a problem. First of all, revise your diet and identify those cereals that even in small quantities in children and adults provoke the development of violations of defecation. For the most part, all the problems with stools arise with the immoderate use of white rice cooked on milk. This cereal causes constipation in patients of different age groups. How can this be avoided? First, try to give preference to brown rice. Its grain with preserved shell contains more fiber useful for the gastrointestinal tract, therefore they are actively used in healthy nutrition. The less purified rice for porridge, the lower the risk that it will cause a side effect in the form of solidification of stool.

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And secondly, we should not forget that the reason for constipation is often hidden not in the most complex carbohydrate product, but in what it is eaten with. In combination with animal fats, mayonnaise or cheese, white rice can provoke not only the delays of acts of defecation, but also the attendant symptomatology. This is the heaviness and bloating. In order to prevent the occurrence of such a problem, it is enough to listen to some tips:

  • Replace unsuitable neighbors on a plate with boiled vegetables - pumpkin, beet, zucchini;
  • Beneficial effect on the intestines of prunes and dried apricots. Add a couple of dried fruits in a serving of boiled cereal to neutralize its fixing effect;
  • The dish itself season with vegetable oil - sunflower or olive.

These tips are useful for children who have constipation after the introduction of rice porridge, and adults who have a "lazy" intestine. Also, you should pay attention to those cereals, the dishes from which do not cause disturbances in the work of the intestine. Very useful for prolonged absences of acts of feces is buckwheat, which only fell apart on the stove, and reached full preparedness after being removed from the fire. This porridge not only does not cause constipation, but also has a laxative effect due to the fiber present in the composition. For greater effect, you can add a table beet to it. The grated raw vegetable and buckwheat groats are taken in a 1: 1 ratio and brewed together. Season such a porridge, prepared to prevent constipation, a spoonful of any vegetable oil.

Also do not forget that in the diet of any person should be present porridge from brown and gray whole-grain cereals. They do not cause constipation if properly prepared. It is recommended to use natural cereals without additional treatments. More useful substances will be preserved if you keep them on the stove within 15 minutes. Cereals that are soaked in the evening are boiled faster.

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