Why can not you eat sea kale with hemorrhoids?

Everyone knows that sea kale( seaweed kelp) is very useful. The exclusive properties of kelp are that it:

  1. Prevents the development of cancer.
  2. Provides an anti-sclerotic effect, preventing the formation of blood clots.
  3. Helps with nervous exhaustion, stress, avitaminosis.

Laminaria, referring to the most low-calorie foods, includes vegetable fibers, ensures the normal operation of the digestive tract. However, despite the abundance of useful properties to eat algae with hemorrhoids is necessary with great forethought.

Sea kale in hemorrhoids is not included in the number of prohibited foods and is even recommended in the diet menu for salads. However, nutritionists explain that the use of kelp in the presence of hemorrhoids, and especially when the disease is in an acute stage, should be treated with great care. To understand why it is impossible to eat sea kale with hemorrhoids, you need to know not only the medicinal properties, but also what is its harm. In general, contraindications to the use of kelp are in some cases associated with a large amount of iodine contained in algae.

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In 100 grams of the product contains iodine twice as much as necessary to meet the daily needs of the body in iodine. Contraindicated sea kale with exacerbation of diseases of the digestive system, kidneys, hemorrhagic diathesis, furunculosis. Ready-made salads with laminaria contain vinegar, spices, which are strictly forbidden for hemorrhoids. Sea kale, swelling in the stomach, actively absorbs the liquid, which can also affect the compaction of stool.

The usefulness of kelp is largely based on where it was mined. Like all seafood, it has the ability to strongly absorb the dissolved in sea water bad elements, which include heavy metal salts. With the use of algae, it is possible to poison the body with toxic substances. Therefore it is possible or impossible to eat sea kale with hemorrhoids, everyone should determine for himself individually and consult with a doctor. If, nevertheless, you decide to include consumption of kelp in the diet, it is better to take dried and prepare it yourself.

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