Treatment of stomach ulcers with alcohol and oil

Usually, when erosion of the gastric mucosa is detected, doctors recommend refraining from taking alcohol. However, folk methods involve the treatment of ulcers with alcohol. The question of the effectiveness and safety of this tool is still open, since a transparent combustible mixture is classified as an aggressive substance. Some doctors are sure that alcohol and ulcers are incompatible concepts, but as practice shows, when pathogenic formations and pathogenic bacteria appear in the stomach, it is the medical preparation in small doses that can combat harmful organisms.

How is gastric ulcer treated with alcohol?

The principle of action of C2H5( OH) is based on the cauterization of ulcerative formations. For this purpose it is recommended to take every morning on an empty stomach for 20 g of pure substance. At the same time, doctors warn that this method is very dangerous, as it can cause serious burns and irritations. If you use alcohol in the stomach ulcer, then only as a component.

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For example, you can treat ulcers with alcohol and oil. For this, once a day, an tablespoon of alcohol is drunk on an empty stomach and is immediately seized with a piece of butter. It is also acceptable to use other emollient ingredients, such as a chicken egg or animal fat. This option is considered more sparing for the stomach. The course of treatment is 10 days. Then a break is made for the same period, after which the procedure is resumed. A month later, all erosion formations should heal.

How to treat a gastric ulcer with alcohol in the form of tinctures?

There are several proven and quite effective recipes that help get rid of inflamed wounds on the gastric mucosa.

  • Young pine cones are folded into a glass container, filled with alcohol and left in a darkened place for two weeks. The obtained tincture is drunk at 1 tbsp.spoon before eating. Treatment is carried out within a month.
  • Another recipe for tincture is based on the use of propolis. Take 100 g of natural bee product and pour the same amount of pure ethanol. After intensive shaking with the help of sharp movements, the mixture is left for infusion for three days. When the product is ready, it is filtered through a filter of special paper or folded in several layers of gauze. Take the obtained tincture for an hour before eating 15 drops. In the case of exacerbation of the disease, accompanied by severe pain, a solution of novocaine is added to the formulation.

It should be understood that any folk remedies and recipes are not laboratory tested and confirmed methods. Therefore, how to treat an ulcer with alcohol, it is best to consult an endocrinologist. Only a professional doctor will be able to determine the expediency and safety of such a method of getting rid of an ailment at one or another stage of pathology.

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