Statistics of gastric ulcer. Who is most often sick? General information on prevalence

The doctrine of the stomach ulcer appeared at the end of the XIX century. The disease was then considered quite rare. This is due to the lack of information, as well as the primitiveness of the diagnostic survey of that time. According to statistics, the incidence of peptic ulcer in the early twentieth century was 0.7% of all therapeutic ailments. With the further development of pathology, the detection of the disease increased by 1% per year. Many doctors have learned to more accurately and correctly diagnose the manifestation of ulcerative formations in the stomach.

Since 1914, the number of seriously ill people in clinics has increased by 6.5%, compared with previous years. This is due to the First World War. It is this period that has become one of the key for the surgical treatment of peptic ulcer. The statistics says that in 2,000 patients who died due to diseases of the digestive tract in an ordinary somatic hospital, 403 ulcerative formations of the stomach and duodenum were detected. Even then, doctors on their own practice were able to consolidate the basic methods and methods of prompt elimination of pathology, by conducting a variety of autopsies. In the middle of the twentieth century, the number of gastric ulcer patients was about 15% of all hospital patients, and surgical intervention in the treatment of this disease was conducted more often than any other operation.

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Statistics of the incidence of peptic ulcer disease indicate that most often it affects adult men aged 35-60 years. This does not mean that the disease bypasses women and young people. The incidence ratio for men and women is 3: 1, compared to the young - 10: 1.

The risk of ulcer formation in adolescence is associated with puberty. With age, these chances only increase. Statistics show that the young man is most likely to develop a disease. The reason for this is the wrong way of life, bad habits, lack of normal and timely nutrition.

The manifestation of the pathology of the stomach in women is mainly related to the reproductive period( pregnancy and childbirth).In this case, most often there is a stomach ulcer. Statistics show that in most women the clinical symptoms of the disease disappear during pregnancy, but with the onset of lactation( after delivery), the ailment develops with renewed vigor during seasonal exacerbations( spring, autumn).

As for the size of the country, the prevalence of peptic ulcer in Russia is quite different:

  • Moscow - 6.2%.
  • St. Petersburg - 3.7%.
  • Chelyabinsk - 7.2%.
  • Sverdlovsk - 3.7%.
  • Vladivostok - 5.3%.

The biggest death rate from this pathology is lost to Japan. Very low likelihood of death in young people. Mortality from complications of the disease affects the male sex more.

In the current twenty-first century there are many opportunities and methods for fighting gastrointestinal ulcers. Despite this, the number of patients has not decreased, but with timely access to the gastroenterologist, there is a chance of their effective treatment.

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