Diet and nutrition with exacerbation of hemorrhoids with bleeding, what can and can not eat in acute form, what men's menu?

Faced with such a disease as hemorrhoids, many patients flee to the pharmacy and recruit various kinds of medicines. This is wrong, since the first stage of any treatment is to draw up the proper nutrition.

The diet with exacerbation of hemorrhoids is one of the most important stages of treatment. It is best to consult a specialist who will help to make the right diet.

Many do not understand what a diet for acute hemorrhoids is needed for. Everything is simple, the increase in the manifestations of the disease is more likely to occur after constipation. To get rid of the violation of defecation and pain, it is necessary to normalize digestion. Nutritionists and some doctors believe that a person uses part of the products that contribute to irritation of the intestine.

Nutrition for acute hemorrhoids eliminates the use of harmful products. If you stick to a diet, recovery will be much faster. It should be remembered that each person is individual and his body can react differently to some products.

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Nutrition for exacerbation of hemorrhoids

In days of exacerbation, many specialists recommend completely giving up food. After 2 days you can start eating light food. In this regard, many patients wonder what is at an exacerbation of hemorrhoids?

To make the intestinal peristalsis work better, it is recommended to pay attention to the following products:

  • Fish meat;
  • Honey;
  • Kefir, and other fermented milk products;
  • Poultry meat. The chicken is most often used;
  • Dried fruits such as dried apricots or prunes;
  • Porridges cooked on a water basis. It is not recommended to add oil;Omelette from eggs.

From the above products, you can make an exemplary menu for exacerbating hemorrhoids:

  • Early in the morning, you can use a boiled egg and buckwheat porridge. Breakfast is washed down with tea;
  • After a few hours there will be a second breakfast. The patient should consume no more than 35 grams of fresh cheese;
  • For lunch, you can use shabby vegetable soup, as well as casserole from boiled meat. Everything is washed down with tea;
  • Snack should consist of cottage cheese and crushed dried fruits;
  • In the evening it is advisable to eat a salad of beets and carrots, wheat porridge with small pieces of fruit and fish patties, steamed. Everything is washed down with tea;
  • It is recommended to drink one glass of yogurt or not too fatty kefir before going to bed.

It should be remembered that with acute hemorrhoids, the diet does not include more than 50 grams of sugar and 200 grams of bread per day.

Diet for exacerbation of hemorrhoids with bleeding

In 70% of cases, prolapsed nodes are accompanied by bleeding and acute pain. Frequent occurrence of such a complication can lead to the appearance of anemia, so you need to get rid of such a violation as soon as possible. You also need to try to avoid the re-occurrence of complications.

Nutrition for exacerbation of hemorrhoids with bleeding should be based on the following rules:

  • It is strictly forbidden to eat large portions. The food should be six-time. In this case, portions are not large;
  • Most of the foods must contain a high volume of fiber to stimulate digestion. Such a product can include vegetables, fruits, pastries from bran, as well as greens;
  • The diet should consist of sour-milk products, such as kefir, sour cream and cottage cheese;
  • The patient should consume at least two liters of fluid per day. Thus, it is possible to soften feces and reduce the likelihood of constipation.

Nutrition for exacerbation of hemorrhoids in men does not differ from the diet prescribed for women. If you comply with the above rules, bleeding and acute pain, will not bother the patients. Treatment should include a clear diet menu, which can be made together with a specialist.

What can not be eaten with hemorrhoids?

Diet for hemorrhoids contributes to a rapid recovery, so its preparation should be approached carefully. It is worth remembering that each person is individual and may have allergies to certain foods.

Patients should know that it is impossible to eat when an exacerbation of hemorrhoids occurs. To such a product it is possible to carry:

  • Fat types of meat, can cause a strong complication;
  • Smoked products;
  • Rice in any form;
  • Legumes;
  • Semolina;
  • White cabbage;
  • Chocolate;
  • Strong tea and coffee;
  • Alcoholic beverages;
  • Fried products;
  • Canned food;
  • Marinade.

Knowing that you can, and that you can not eat with exacerbation of hemorrhoids, you can ease your life. As for the diet, it should be noted that patients should refuse to eat wheat bread and any confectionery products containing cream or cream.

Fans of flour products can replace white bread on the bran. You can also eat bread or crackers. Carbonated and alcoholic drinks will negatively affect the treatment and well-being of patients. The same applies to spicy dishes.

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