Fistulography: cost, indications, contraindications, procedure

A special diagnostic method that allows the most detailed study of the course of the pathological process of svishchevrazovaniya in the bones and joints, fistulography helps in the process of diagnosing the patient's condition, as well as provide complete information for the formulation of the therapeutic treatment system. To carry out this diagnostic method, a special contrast substance is used, which allows to determine the presence of fistulous movements, their direction and extent.

This method, using a contrast medium, is based on its introduction into the cavity and further radiographic examination. Obtaining the most complete data on the state of bones and joints during fistulography allows us to call this method the most suitable for determining the presence of damage in them.

What is fistulography

The research method, which allows to determine the presence of fistula in the bones and joints, fistulography is often recommended to conduct a comprehensive study of the state of the bone system and the detection of existing pathologies in them.

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To determine the existing lesions in the bones and fistulous passages, a contrast agent is used in them, which, with a further x-ray, gives an indication of the extent of the lesion. Also this method allows to detect the presence of inflammatory processes and abscesses, the presence of foreign bodies. With the help of fistulography, it is possible to trace the direction of the existing fistulous passages in order to make the most effective scheme of their treatment.

As a contrast agent, an oily or aqueous iodine solution is usually used. Before its introduction, the fistulous course is cleared of the contents, then a contrast agent is injected. Passing along the entire length of the fistulous passages, it allows tracing by their x-ray orientation and extent. With increased pain when carrying out this manipulation, local anesthesia can be used.

To whom it is assigned

This diagnostic technique is suitable in many cases. In the presence of a fistula of any nature, it is fistulography that allows the most complete picture of the current process and a chart of the medicinal and therapeutic effects. Indications for the appointment of fistulography should be considered fistulas of the following origin:

  • fistula in the esophagus and intestines;
  • fistulas in the bladder, bile ducts( pathways), after cholecystectomy;
  • formation of fistulous passages in gastric tissue;
  • cutaneous and intestinal fistula;Fistulas vaginalis
  • ;
  • fistula caused by a foreign body, an inflammatory process in any part of the body and internal organs.

Also, fistulography helps in the detection of fistulous passages in the purulent lesion of bone tissue( osteomyelitis).

Why it is needed

The procedure for fistulography is assigned to obtain complete information on the occurrence of a fistula about the duration of the fistulous course, its degree of development and the location of the dislocation. Also, fistulography is re-recommended for the introduction of adjustments to the initial treatment method.

Types of this procedure

Depending on the contrast medium used, the types of procedure vary.

  1. So, usually used an aqueous or oily solution of iodine, which is introduced into the fistula under local anesthesia( with a palpable painfulness of this manipulation).
  2. Also used as a contrast agent is barium sulphate( its aqueous or oily solution), which allows to determine the degree of development of the pathological process with especially wide fistulous passages.

Description of indications for fistulography is given below.

Indications for

The appointment of a fistulography is usually performed by the attending physician based on the preliminary diagnosis of the affected organ. The main indications can be the following states:

  1. Osteomyelitis.
  2. Pilonidal sine.
  3. Fistulas of various nature in the digestive tract( in the tissues of the stomach, intestines).
  4. Ear fistulas.
  5. When fistula is found in the vagina.
  6. With subcutaneous fistula.

Diagnostics with the help of this method allows to determine the degree of development of the process in the presence of purulent contents of the fistula of any localization.

Contraindications for the use of

Contraindications to fistulography should be considered:

  • bloody discharge from the fistulous course,
  • with individual contrast intolerance,
  • in the severe current condition of the patient,
  • and also in the inflammatory process at the site of the fistula.

In the presence of current inflammatory pathology, which adversely affects the overall well-being of the patient, fistulography is not recommended.

Is the

procedure safe? According to medical analysis, the fistulography procedure is safe for the patient. However, a list of contraindications should be considered so as not to cause side effects during treatment.

Preparing for it

  • Before fistulography, the fistula from the contents should be cleared, after which a contrast agent is introduced.
  • And in order not to cause an allergic reaction, you must first lubricate the entrance of the fistula with an oil solution.
  • Before carrying out this type of research, preliminary radiographic examination of the affected organ is also carried out, preferably in several projections.

How everything passes

This type of diagnosis can cause some soreness, which is reduced by local anesthesia. Before the introduction of a contrast agent, the fistula's passage from purulent contents should be cleared;after this procedure, the contrast agent is removed, and the stroke is cleared with a disinfectant solution.

When fistulography is performed in the implementation of X-rays after the introduction of a contrast agent, several shots are taken in different projections - this allows you to better see the course and direction of fistula strokes.

Interpretation of results

The procedure is appointed by the attending physician if the patient has symptoms that indicate the presence of fistulas in different localization sites. And the result is also deciphered only by a specialist.

The most reliable result of the patient's general health status, as well as the degree of development of the pathological process, can be obtained with additional analyzes.

The average cost of the procedure

The price of this method of examination, fistulography, may differ slightly depending on the price policy of the medical institution: the cost is usually from 1,890 to 2,120 rubles.

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