Wegener's granulomatosis: symptoms, treatment, diagnosis, folk remedies, causes, photo

Among the vasculitis of Wegener's granulomatosis, perhaps, one of the most terrible. It is dangerous not only for the rapid flow, but also for the complications that it causes without proper treatment. Prevent complications if you know about the disease all.

Features of the disease

Wegener's granulomatosis refers to vasculitis( as well as Behcet's disease, Kawasaki's syndrome, nodal rearteratitis, etc.). It is expressed by an autoimmune granulomatous lesion of the vessel walls. Internal organs, for example, respiratory tract, eyes, kidneys and others, are involved in the defeat of small and medium vessels.

Children may have a congenital form of the disease that occurs when the PRTN3 gene mutates. In this case, 80% of the cases die before one year.

The history of the disease shows that Wegener's granulomatosis is a rare disease, as it is found in 4 out of 1 million people. In general, the disease affects people aged 30-40 years, while women suffer about 1.3 times less often.

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On what organs affects Wegener's granulomatosis, see the following video:

Forms of the disease

There are several forms of granulomatosis:

  • Local. Characterized by rhinitis, laryngitis, sinusitis, or granuloma of the orbit.
  • Limited. With this form, the airway or eye is affected.
  • Generalized. The defeat affects the lungs, upper respiratory tract and kidneys.

Depending on the form, the symptoms of the disease may be different. We will discuss the causes of Wegener's granulomatosis further.


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Photo of Wegener's granulomatosis

Causes of

The cause of Wegener's granulomatosis is still unknown. Scientists suggest that a major role in this issue is given to predispositions to the disease.

There is a relationship between granulomatosis and infectious diseases, mainly staphylococcus, which gives the right to assume the active involvement of viruses in the development of the disease.

Symptoms of Wegener's granulomatosis

Wegener's granulomatosis begins with general symptoms, expressed as:

  • by fever elevation up to fever;
  • weakness;
  • by a sharp decrease in body weight;

Further symptoms depend on organ damage. So, if the disease reaches the upper respiratory tract, then a bloody runny nose, a breach of the integrity of the mucous membranes of the nose, deformation of the saddle-shaped nose, shortness of breath and inflammation of the larynx and nasal sinuses.

When granulomatosis affects the lungs, pulmonary symptoms manifest:

  1. cough;
  2. shortness of breath;
  3. pain in the chest;
  4. hemoptysis;

From the kidneys can occur such symptoms:

  1. erythrocytes and protein in the urine;
  2. is an inflammation;
  3. kidney failure;

Other internal organs are rarely involved in the inflammatory process. This can occur with partial blindness, hearing impairment, pain in the abdomen and heart, fluid stool, rashes on the skin.

Next we will tell you about the diagnostic criteria of Wegener's granulomatosis.

About the symptoms of Wegener's granulomatosis, as well as the ways to combat it, the following video will tell:


Diagnosis of Wegener's granulomatosis is performed by a rheumatologist. The doctor collects a family history, analyzes the symptoms and on the basis of this assigns the study:

  • A general blood test to detect elevated white blood cell count and sedimentation rate of erythrocytes, proteinuria.
  • General analysis of urine to determine the content of red blood cells in it.
  • Soft tissue biopsy showing the presence of basophilic granules.
  • Radiography of the lungs, allowing to assess changes in the lungs.
  • CT of the nasal sinuses.

A kidney biopsy can also be administered to identify glomerulonephritis or its form with a half moon. Sometimes granulomatosis may be accompanied by other diseases, then appoint a consultation with the therapist and concomitant blood and urine tests.

Treatment of

Treatment of Wegener's granulomatosis is possible only by a medicinal method. There are 3 stages of therapy:

  • induction,
  • maintenance in a stable state of remission,
  • relapse treatment.

Glucocorticosteroid preparations are prescribed during the first and third stages, and cytostatics are prescribed to support remission.

To maintain remission, azathioprine is administered at a dosage of 1-2 mg / kg / day.

In rare cases, when granulomatosis leads to complex kidney lesions, their transplantation is required. It's time to find out whether it is possible to treat Wegener's granulomatosis with folk remedies

Folk remedies

It is impossible to cure granulomatosis with folk remedies. You can take decoctions of herbs and tinctures to alleviate the negative symptoms, however, this should be accompanied by a doctor's consultation.

Prevention of disease

There is no primary prophylaxis to protect against the emergence of granulomatosis. Secondary prevention is aimed at maintaining the remission of the disease and consists in:

  • maintaining immunity;
  • timely treatment of infectious diseases;
  • a regular visit to a rheumatologist;
  • by strictly following the doctor's instructions;

Patients should strictly adhere to a healthy lifestyle. It is important not only to abandon addictions, but also to follow a certain diet.


The diet consists not so much in limiting the diet as in its balance. It is necessary to avoid highly allergenic products like sharp, salty and acidic, tomato, seafood and others. It is also necessary to replace fried and smoked food with boiled, baked, stewed or cooked steamed.

You need to balance the power mode. It is advisable to eat 4-5 times a day, do small portions to not load the GIT system. It is also important to monitor the drinking regime.

Complications of

Granulomatosis can be complicated by proper treatment, however, without it leads to serious, sometimes lethal, consequences, for example, to:

  1. destruction of the bones of the nose;
  2. deafness;
  3. formation of granules;
  4. with hemoptysis;
  5. of renal failure;
  6. trophic ulcers;
  7. gangrene of the fingers;

Immunosuppressive therapy can lead to pneumocystis pneumonia.


With timely diagnosis and treatment, the prognosis is favorable. More than 75% of patients achieve stable remission with immunosuppressive therapy. Recurrence is noted in about 30% of cases. Without treatment, the prognosis is extremely negative: on average, patients live no more than six months, and by the year the lethality reaches more than 80%.

Even more complete information on the subject of such a disease as Wegener's granulomatosis contains the following video:

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