Gastritis in adolescents - symptoms( signs) and treatment

Nowadays, adults, adolescents, and children suffer from gastritis. All of them are united by one - wrong nutrition, which causes the appearance of ailment. Since teenagers often eat improperly, eat fast food on the street, buy themselves chips, crackers, chewing gum, chocolates, carbonated drinks, and also start smoking and drinking at an early age - all these reasons give the ground for the development of gastritis. As a result of the disease - inflammation of the digestive system, ulcers may appear, and even oncology. Therefore, time with treatment is contraindicated.

Symptoms of gastritis in adolescents

It is not difficult to recognize ailment, it has a number of known symptoms. Gastritis in adolescents is manifested as follows:

  • acute pain in the upper abdomen( pain in the stomach);
  • heartburn, often marked by its appearance at physical exertion;
  • severe heaviness in the stomach after eating;
  • burp, which is accompanied by an unpleasant odor from the mouth;
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  • nausea and profuse vomiting;
  • high salivation, or vice versa, dry mouth;
  • there are often problems with digestion - constipation or indigestion;
  • parents can notice such signs of gastritis in adolescents - pale skin, light coating on the tongue and stuff;
  • is often lack of appetite;
  • general weakness of the body, frequent dizziness, fever, low blood pressure, sometimes headache.

Treatment of gastritis in adolescents

In order to cure the disease, get rid of symptoms and signs, you should eliminate the cause of its appearance, which means that parents of adolescents need to pay attention to the diet of children. The first thing to do is to adjust the daily menu and put the patient on a special diet. The rules of healthy nutrition are as follows:

The first is the fractionality, portioning and regularity of meals. Portions should be small, there is a need for five times a day at the same time. This will activate the work of the digestive tract.

The second - all products used, should be quality, fresh and useful. You can not use sharp, salty, fatty, smoked products and flour products when treating gastritis.

Third - it is imperative to expose the products to heat treatment. All dishes should be in a mush, liquid or soft form.

Fourth - the menu for the teenager should be diverse. Since it is a growing organism, it needs protein foods, fiber, various vitamins and microelements.

And the fifth rule, says that you must very diligently and strictly follow the diet, especially in the first two weeks.

Before you start a diet with gastritis, you must rinse the stomach. This can be done with a probe. At home, you can achieve the result due to the repeated use of clean water in large quantities, followed by vomiting.

Drugs that are recommended by gastroenterologists are divided into groups:

  1. Sorbents: activated carbon, Smecta, Enterosgel, etc.
  2. Enzyme medications: Mezim, Festal, etc.
  3. Gastrocytoprotective drugs. This includes: Almagel, Fosfalugel, etc.
  4. If a teenager is disturbed by strong, aching pain in the stomach, you can take No-shpu, Riabal and other pain medications.

It is worth recalling that before starting treatment of gastritis in adolescents you need to undergo a complete examination with your doctor and consult with him about the chosen diet. It is he who will give valuable recommendations that will help to overcome unpleasant symptoms, signs, and the disease itself.

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