How to clean the lungs and bronchi of a smoker at home: food, herbs, medicines

The lungs and bronchi of a smoker are the main obstacle in the way of tobacco poisons into our body. The bronchopulmonary system undergoes a basic nicotine shock, tobacco smoke, all toxins and resins settle here. And to this every day tests of the big city are added - exhaust gases from cars, emissions of factories and just street dust. In such conditions, regular cleansing of the respiratory system is simply necessary, and the recipes of traditional medicine and special pharmacy products will help in this.

Why do I need to clear bronchi and lungs?

When smoking, a whole bunch of poisonous substances is released, the main place in which takes nicotine. Along with it, other alkaloids, as well as poisonous gases, carcinogens and irritants enter the body. Nicotinic resins settle on the walls of the lungs, and toxic gases penetrate, among other things, into the bronchi.

Carcinogens and irritants immediately get on the bronchial mucosa, which swells and begins to secrete sputum in an attempt to remove all poisons and protect themselves from dangerous fumes. If a person uses cigarettes very rarely, the respiratory system is able to cope on their own, but with constant smoking, the bodies can no longer resist poisoning without outside help.

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Regular cleaning of the lungs helps the respiratory system to remove excess mucus and sputum, clean the lung walls from tar and toxins, increase lung volume and provide full oxygen to all tissues and organs. And it allows to improve nutrition of cells, to regulate metabolic processes and to increase immunity.

At home

The most important rule in cleaning the bronchopulmonary system from the effects of smoking is to act gradually. If the sputum is taken out too quickly, its quantity can only increase, or the mucus will simply get stuck in the airways. This is fraught with the obstruction of bronchial lumens, and the smoker may even choke with phlegm.

To avoid fatal consequences, experts recommend starting with folk methods of cleansing the respiratory system. Home recipes work very gently and have no side effects. And choose among the many folk remedies that will suit you, labor will not be.

Power system

Proper nutrition is not just a dietician's recommendation, but a vital necessity. A balanced diet not only keeps cheerfulness and maintains health, but also helps to clear the lungs, if it is slightly adjusted.

To remove toxins as much as possible, you need to drink plenty of water - 1.5-3 liters per day, if you can. Part of the water ration is better to replace with green tea, it is a proven antioxidant that maintains the health of cells and expels poison from the body. Since nicotine reduces the absorption of vitamin C, there must always be dishes rich in ascorbic on the smoker's table. This citrus, kiwi, Bulgarian pepper, sauerkraut, rosehip broth.


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It is worth paying close attention to products with cleansing "specialization".This is fresh ginger, onion, horseradish and garlic. In garlic, there is also a special component of allicin, which dilutes bronchial mucus and helps to remove it from the body.

To the usual daily menu it is necessary to add special recipes that also expel sputum and nicotine poisons from the lungs:

  • oatmeal on milk;
  • milk decoction from fir cones;
  • fir cone syrup;
  • potassium juice;
  • herbal teas;
  • nursing fees.

Traditional medicine recipes

All folk recipes are based on one effect - the withdrawal of phlegm from the bronchi. Usually the cleansing effect begins 3-7 days after the beginning of treatment - from the lungs begin to cough up pieces of thick mucus greenish.

But not all adult people can drink with pleasure and without consequences for the intestines, therefore it is better to combine milk with other components. This is more useful, and is better absorbed.

Oatmeal on milk

This is the simplest medical recipe on a milk basis. On a glass of whole oats we take 500 ml of liquid and cook for about an hour on low heat, until the cat is boiled about twice. Ready mix can be wiped in a blender or a sieve. The cleansing course is a week per serving a day.

Cleansing light herbs are a classic of folk medicine. To help the respiratory system, you can buy at the pharmacy ready-made breast-kits or mix useful tea yourself. Ledum wild boar, thyme and elecampane( expectorant), mother-and-stepmother and chamomile( relieve inflammation), mint, oregano, marshmallow, and licorice are one of the most ancient medicines of eastern medicine for saving lungs. You can drink these herbs either separately or make prefabricated teas. And one of the simplest recipes is to add oregano or thyme to regular green tea.

Gathering from oregano and coltsfoot

Mix oregano, medicinal ace and mother-and-stepmother in a 1: 2: 2 ratio. Fill a tablespoon with a slide of herbal mixture with two glasses of boiling water( half a liter) and insist 30-40 minutes. For the cleansing effect, it is enough to drink half a glass each time after eating.
There are several other methods of clearing lungs by folk remedies:

Respiratory exercises

Breathing exercises will not only help slagged breathing organs, but will also improve the whole organism. This gymnastics increases the volume of the lungs, enriches tissues with oxygen, strengthens the movement of mucus in the bronchi and activates sputum ejection.

Regarding how to clean the lungs and bronchi of a smoker at home, you can use it in many ways. The simplest and most enjoyable option is to inflate balls or blow air into a straw, dropped into a glass of water. For beginners, special sets of breathing exercises that can be easily found on the Internet.

One of the most effective exercises for the health of the bronchopulmonary system is cleansing breathing.

It can be performed every morning as one of the elements of daily charging:

  • stand up straight, take a deep breath;
  • hold your breath for three seconds;
  • to extend the lips forward and tightly squeeze( cheeks do not inflate!);
  • blow out a little air, again hold your breath for 3 seconds;
  • again blow out air, again stop breathing;
  • should be repeated several times until the entire air supply is released.

Other methods of cleansing

Bath is an ancient Russian medicine for the most diseases. The cleaning effect of the bath says all the doctors - in the hot steam room from the body come out all the accumulated poisons and wastes - not only with sneezing and coughing, but also through the pores of the skin. Wet steam, which people breathe in the bath, is a great way to quickly dilute thick mucus and remove it from slagged lungs.

Doctors recommend all smokers to prevent bronchopulmonary problems at least once a week in the bath. If there is no such possibility or health does not allow, you can confine yourself to home inhalations.

Inhalation therapy includes several different techniques, for smokers the warm-water inhalers are ideal - this is traditional breathing over a saucepan with hot water. The principle of action is the same as in the bath.

The following components can be used for inhalations:

  • decoctions of eucalyptus, chamomile, sage, St. John's wort and marigold - as a water base;
  • juice of onion and garlic( proportions 1:20, 1:50);
  • essential oils of eucalyptus, fir, mint, anise( 5-10 drops per half liter of decoction or water);
  • baking soda( a teaspoon per half-liter water base).

Medication for

Smokers with a long history of some folk recipes can not do - it is necessary to use special pharmaceutical products. The principle of action for such drugs is common - they dilute mucus in the bronchial passages and facilitate its excretion with a cough. Some drugs also relieve swelling and inflammation due to additional components.

In medical practice, the following medicines are usually used:

  • "Ambroxol"( "Lazolvan") - tablets, syrup or solution for inhalation;
  • "Acetylcysteine" - tablets and powder for solutions;
  • "Gedelix" - drops and syrup;
  • "Mukaltin" - tablets;
  • "Ascoril" - tablets and syrup.

Complete purification of bronchi and lungs from nicotine gums and poisons is a long process. With a small smoking experience, it can take several weeks, in severe cases - even several months. Therefore, purification therapy should be comprehensive - you need to eat right, do gymnastics in the morning, take herbal teas and special medicines in the daytime. And on weekends - go to the bath or do fragrant steam inhalations.

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