How to prevent Alzheimer's disease: the consequences and prognosis of the disease, prevention and care of the patient

Alzheimer's disease is a serious pathology that does not respond to treatment. The means of modern medicine can only slow it down a little. Therefore, it is so important to prevent this disease, especially for people at risk. Of course, no one is able to hedge against this terrible disease. However, to reduce the likelihood of its development under the force of all.

To do this:

  • Engage in mental activity. As a rule, scientists and artists until very old age retain a clear mind.
  • Eat right. It is very important to minimize the consumption of sweets and animal fats. The diet should consist of vegetables, fruits and, of course, fish, which is a valuable source of omega-3 substance. As a means of preventing the disease, you can use coffee, but do not forget about moderation.
  • Timely cure various diseases. For example, vascular and cardiac pathologies are a risk factor for Alzheimer's disease.

Consequences of the disease

As the disease progresses, a person loses the ability to think, move independently, can not navigate in space. Also violated all household skills, the patient can become aggressive. Sometimes patients, on the contrary, fall into a state of apathy.

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Deep stage of the disease leads to the fact that a person can not live on his own, he needs constant care.

Pathology can cause such complications:

  • Development of concomitant infections, including inflammation of the lungs.
  • Traumatic injuries, accidents.
  • Unsatisfactory food.

Doctors often argue whether the treatment of Alzheimer's is effective. Reliably established that it is impossible to completely cure pathology, but it is still possible to significantly alleviate the life of the patient and his relatives with the help of medications.

Do not forget that the sooner the early signs of Alzheimer's disease are seen, the more effective the treatment and prevention measures that begin. Confirmation of this you will find by looking here.

Prevention measures

The right way of life can reduce the threat of serious illness, including brain damage.

For the purpose of prevention, it is necessary to carry out activities that include:

  • Prevention of high cholesterol in the blood.
  • Prevention of high homocysteine ​​content.
  • Prevention of hypertension.
  • Prevention of diabetes mellitus.
  • Physical activity.
  • The use of antioxidants.
  • Intellectual activity.

Prognosis for Alzheimer's disease

Unfortunately, Alzheimer's disease is incurable. With the help of medicines and non-drug therapy, one can only slow down the development of pathology, but not cure it.

According to various data, the disease can occur from 2 to 25 years. A person with Alzheimer's disease lives on average about 8-15 years.

As a rule, the cause of the patient's death is not the disease itself, but the fact that the vital functions of his body are dying out. There may be difficulties with the movement or ingestion of food. A person becomes especially susceptible to all kinds of infections - for example, to pneumonia.

Usually during the whole illness people with this pathology can be at home if they are provided with proper care. Although there are no drugs for this disease, it is possible to significantly improve the patient's condition and eliminate the painful symptoms for him. For this it is important to consult a doctor in time.

How to live with a person with Alzheimer's disease

Taking care of a patient

Of course, it's very difficult to care for people suffering from this disease. However, if you follow certain rules, you can make life much easier for the patient and yourself.

For this you need:

  • Enter a clear schedule of the day, leaving habitual for the patient occupation.
  • Supporting the independence of man.
  • Give the patient easy tasks.
  • Protect the self-esteem of a person.
  • Do not lose a sense of humor.
  • Abstain from conflicts.
  • Provide in-house security.
  • Encourage physical activity.
  • Use visual aids to maintain a person's memory.
  • Communicate with the patient.

In the video, the neurologist tells in detail the peculiarities of living together and caring for a person suffering from Alzheimer's disease:


diet People who suffer from this disease should eat rationally and in a balanced way. If the patient does not have concomitant pathologies, a special diet can not be followed.

The diet should contain nutritious and healthy food. This will allow the patient's body to work more efficiently.

Principles of nutrition can be formulated as follows:

  • Food should be balanced and varied.
  • The diet should contain foods with a low content of cholesterol and fatty acids.
  • It is advisable to limit the use of sweets.
  • Salt is recommended to be used in small quantities.
  • Drinking alcohol is possible only after consulting a doctor.

Alzheimer's disease makes the life of the patient and his loved ones very difficult. It is much easier to prevent the development of pathology than to deal with its consequences. To do this, you need to lead a correct lifestyle, eat well, play sports and intellectual work.

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