Diagnosis of Alzheimer's Disease: tests, unlike Pick and Parkinson's diseases

Alzheimer's disease imposes a serious imprint on the life of a person and his loved ones. This pathology belongs to the category of incurable diseases. Physicians are only able to stop its development and improve the patient's quality of life. However, in order to do this, it is necessary to identify the disease at an early stage. A set of diagnostic procedures is used for this.

A person with Alzheimer's disease

With this pathology, some brain cell systems die, resulting in senile dementia.

The first signs of impairment may appear in 40 years, and at the age of 70 this disease occurs in 30% of people.

Most often, this pathology is revealed in uneducated people who are engaged in unskilled labor. A person engaged in mental activity is much less likely to encounter such a problem.

This is due to the fact that such people have many connections between nerve cells. If only cells die, their functions automatically begin to be performed by others.

Often, Alzheimer's disease is diagnosed in women. Probably, this regularity can be explained by the greater duration of their life.
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The risk group also includes people who:

  • had head injuries;
  • lead an unhealthy lifestyle;
  • have bad habits.

People with this disease usually complain about all sorts of memory disorders, speech function disorders. They may experience depressive conditions and emotional disorders.

Alzheimer's disease develops slowly enough, and its clinical picture largely depends on the patient's body. In addition, the main symptoms often change depending on the stage of Alzheimer's disease. In total, doctors allocate 7 of these stages. How they differ and how they are characterized.

Many associate the development of pathology with heredity, but, of course, this can not be confirmed. It is worth noting that only predisposition to Alzheimer's disease is transmitted, and not herself. Read more. ..

Differential diagnosis

This disease must be distinguished from other pathologies, which also cause symptoms of developing dementia. Typically, the differentiation of this pathology follows from the disease of Peak, Parkinson, vascular dementia and other similar disorders.

  • Disease of the Peak. Serious personality changes occur at an early stage. They are accompanied by a loss of motor function, a violation of speech function. At the same time memory, orientation in space, attention for a long time remain unchanged. In Alzheimer's disease, memory first of all suffers.
  • Parkinson's disease. It is characterized by a trembling paralysis, that is, a person complains of trembling of hands, head, tongue. In addition, with this pathology, people often lose their motor activity.
  • Vascular dementia. A person loses planning and organization functions, whereas memory at the beginning of dementia persists. In addition, the disease has a characteristic neurological signs.

Diagnosis of the disease

To make an accurate diagnosis, you need to perform a number of studies.

How it is possible to diagnose Alzheimer's disease is written below.

A person with suspected pathology needs to be done:

  • Deployed blood test.
  • Cardiogram of the heart.
  • Thyroid status examination.
  • Analysis of the Wassermann reaction.
  • Analysis of cerebrospinal fluid.
  • Blood test for HIV.
  • Magnetic resonance imaging.
  • Measurement of pupil dilated. This procedure is carried out after the introduction of the mydriatic.

In the course of the study, the physician should study information on past human diseases. He also checks the ability to understand the information read, solve arithmetic problems, assess the state of short-term memory.

To treat the disease as efficiently as possible, it should be carried out at an early stage. However, it is very difficult to diagnose this pathology during this period.

Japanese scientists have developed an early diagnostic technique that makes it possible to detect clusters of tau proteins in the brain - these substances are associated with the onset of Alzheimer's disease. This method will later develop new diagnostic procedures for early detection of pathology.

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If you do not know what is the auditory nerve neuritis, and why it develops, then this will help you link.

Hemorrhages in the brain are very dangerous, as most often cause its irreversible changes. Rehabilitation measures after a subarachnoid hemorrhage can be found here http: //gidmed.com/ bolezni-nevrologii / sosudistye-zabolevanija-mozga / subarahnoidalnoe-krovoizliyaniye.html.

Tests when diagnosing

Neuropsychological testing can be performed during the diagnosis of the disease.

With the help of this procedure, specialists are able to identify the relationship between the state of the brain and the behavior of the patient.

Such tests are prescribed in the event that a person has serious problems with memory and concentration, the ability to perceive speech, memorize words.

Often this procedure includes tests that allow you to evaluate speech, memory, the ability to change your behavior, plan activities, make decisions.

With the help of testing it is possible to determine the emotional stability of a person. This procedure gives the doctor an opportunity to assess how the disease affects the life of the patient and choose for him effective treatment.

Timely diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease allows the doctor to select a comprehensive treatment that will significantly improve the quality of life. Therefore, the first symptoms of memory impairment or attention should be a signal for immediate reference to an experienced specialist.

Is it possible to diagnose Alzheimer's disease at an early stage, the video will tell:
http: //youtu.be/ iS-bpMI4ioQ

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