Gastrectomy: course of operation, dumping syndrome, diet, how many people after that live

Disease of the stomach may cause the need for surgery. The earlier the patient turned for help, the more he has the chance to get a solution to the problem with the hope of a good prognosis.

Indications and contraindications

The pathological condition of the stomach can worsen a person's health to such an extent that surgical intervention is inevitable. It is recommended in order to prevent a situation that threatens the patient's life.

Causes that encourage specialists to make a decision about gastrectomy:

  • is an oncological disease of the stomach, it is most often:
    • lymphoma( not common),
    • gastric sarcoma,
    • adenocarcinoma( the most common pathology);
  • polyps are benign,
  • a stomach ulcer that has become bleeding;
  • multiple ulcers of the walls of the stomach.

The operation is not performed if the patient has:

  • other diseases:
    • kidney and liver pathology,
    • hypertension,
    • heart disease,
    • diabetes,
    • tuberculosis in an open form;
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  • if stomach cancer has developed metastases in the area of ​​the lymph nodes, the navel.


Specialists perform two types of operations with the indications described earlier:

  • partial organ removal,
  • complete gastrectomy.

Preparing for resection of

To determine the type of operation the patient is assigned to the studies:

  • examination of the patient,
  • ultrasound of internal organs,
  • blood tests,
  • radiopaque study,
  • fibrogastroduodenoscopy,
  • possible application of methods if there is such a need:
    • magnetic resonance imaging,
    • laparoscopy,
    • carrying out a study involving radioactive elements - scintigraphy,
    • computer diagnostics.

The patient is advised to take action before the surgery:

  • If he takes medications to notify the doctor about this.
  • Perhaps the doctor will give recommendations on changing the diet.
  • Specialist appoints antibiotics.
  • It is necessary to take a shower on the eve of the operation with the use of an antibacterial agent.
  • After midnight on the eve of surgery, it is not recommended to take food and water.

Operations preceded by action:

  • In order for a patient not to experience pain and stay at rest, general anesthesia is used.
  • Nasogastric tube is injected into the stomach. It is inserted through the nose.
  • To keep diuresis on the control, a urinary catheter is inserted.
  • The surface of the skin in the abdomen is treated with an antiseptic solution.

Progress of operation

An incision is made in the abdomen. The specialist examines the condition of the organs and decides on the extent to which removal of the organ should be done.

Vessel dressing is done. With complete removal of the stomach, the doctor cuts it off at the site of the transition to the small intestine and the connection with the esophagus.

If the pathology of the stomach, which led to the operation, allows, according to experts, to leave part of the stomach, then a gentle removal is done. Then it is possible to sew a part of the stomach with the small intestine.

Post-operative care

After removal of the stomach, the patient needs care and gradual inclusion in a normal life.

  • To relieve pain at the incisions, patients receive intravenous painkillers.
  • A couple of days the nasogastric tube and catheter remain in the same position as they were injected prior to surgery. So the stomach or small intestine, looking to what extent it was removed, are protected from the appearance of gases in them.
  • Once the intestine starts working, the devices are removed and the patient is allowed to drink water. Gradually, there is a transition to rubbed food.

Nutrition after gastrectomy of the stomach

First of all, the amount of food at the reception decreases and the number of such receptions increases. The food should be soft, it is better that it should be in the form of mashed soups.

Excluded from the diet:

  • salted dishes,
  • fried foods,
  • stale dishes,
  • carbonated drinks,
  • alcohol.

Complications of

Surgical intervention can have negative consequences.


  • blood clots,
  • at the cut site happens hernia,
  • infection at the incision site,
  • patient's negative reaction to anesthesia,
  • bleeding from the seams between the operated organs,
  • asthenia,
  • general malaise.

If the patient is weakened, it contributes to the occurrence of complications. The following factors can also exacerbate the negative phenomena:

  • malnutrition,
  • increased weight,
  • heart disease,
  • elderly age,
  • bad habits, for example, smoking;
  • is a respiratory infection.

There may be a manifestation of reflux-esophagitis syndrome, when there is a reverse transfer of contents from the intestine into the cavity of the esophagus. This phenomenon causes discomfort, heartburn, and ulcers of the esophagus.

Specialists in such cases recommend:

  • to take a solution of hydrochloric acid.
  • also follows the patient to take food in fractional portions, thoroughly crush it;
  • observe the prescribed diet.

Dumping syndrome

Manifestation of a syndrome after gastrectomy:

  • When food is not sufficiently digested and in this form appears in the small intestine - this can lead to a violation of overall health. In the gut the blood flow increases. And the supply of blood to the brain decreases.
  • During the meal, dizziness occurs, loss of consciousness is possible. A person has a need to lie down.
  • The patient feels apathy, weakness, severe malaise. More often to such violations leads carbohydrate food or milk.

Helps to overcome the syndrome of diet compliance and the intake of enzymes and drugs that replace gastric juice.

How many people live after gastrectomy?

There are statistics on the life expectancy of people who have undergone the removal of an organ.

The life expectancy is greatly influenced by patient compliance with all the recommendations of specialists, including the regime and the prescribed diet.

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