Echinacea - flowers photo

Echinacea is not only a beautiful plant, it is filled with many useful substances. On the healing properties of the plant known since ancient times, so it was often used in folk medicine. From it are prepared tinctures, decoctions and infusions. Today, herbs are widely used in traditional medicine and cosmetology. Regular use of it will improve overall health and improve immunity. The article will describe in detail echinacea, photos of flowers will clearly show how it looks.

  • Echinacea: medicinal properties and contraindications
  • How to use echinacea tincture
  • How to take Echinacea for immunity
  • Echinacea: planting and care
  • Cowher's bag: how to use for therapeutic purposes

Brief description of medicinal herb

Echinacea officinalis is a perennial herbaceousa plant from the family of the Astrope. The most studied and widespread variety is echinacea purpurea. Stems erect, but very branching, in height reach up to 1 meter. The root system is well developed, it consists of small and thin rootlets that extend deep into the soil. Over the entire length of the shoot, there are oblong leaves. They have a rich green color, and their surface is rough. Closer to the flower, the size of the leaves is significantly reduced.

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At the top of the stem is an inflorescence, outwardly it resembles the shape of a ball. The plant starts to blossom in early June, and continues to enjoy its beauty all summer. The size of the flower reaches 12 cm. Flowers come in different shades, ranging from white to purple. After flowering, small seeds of brown color appear. They have an oblong shape, their size does not exceed 6 mm. As it looks, this amazing plant can be seen in the photo.


Correct planting and care

Echinacea garden is not a whimsical plant, therefore it is successfully grown in any territories. The healing grass loves good sunlight, so you need to choose the appropriate place for planting. It is worth choosing a good fertile soil, which is well penetrated by moisture. Propagation of the plant in two ways.


They must be collected or purchased in advance. Finished seeds are sown in early spring, in a box with soil. Immediately after sowing, the soil is gently poured. Within 14 days, the first shoots will appear, and by the end of the month full-grown seedlings will sprout. The main rule of cultivation is a moderate watering! In May, the seedlings are planted in open ground. After that the soil is regularly loosened and watered in a timely manner.

Often the seeds are sown immediately in open soil. They need to often water and loosen the ground. The first shoots will appear only after 2 weeks.

By dividing the

bush In early spring or autumn, a piece is separated from the main bush. He is transplanted to the desired place, but he needs a good watering. This method is rarely used, because the root system quickly rustles, which slows the growth and development of the plant.

With proper care, the plant will quickly take root, and will actively develop. In the spring the medicinal herb needs fertilizing, for this purpose mineral fertilizers( 20 g / 10 l of water) are suitable. The second top dressing is desirable to hold when buds appear.

Important! In the first year, the echinacea takes root and develops a stalk. The first flowers will appear only for 2 years of plant life.

Species and varieties

In nature there are only 10 species of this unique plant. Most of them are derived varieties. They are often grown in large plantations for medicinal purposes, also on the territory of suburban areas. Photos of plants of all varieties, clearly show all their beauty. The most common types of herbs are described below:

  • Echinacea purpurea is the most common variety. It has large flowers, in diameter they reach 12 cm, and in the center is a convex middle, brown. The stem height reaches one meter. The plant blooms throughout the summer;
  • Piccolino - this echinacea is pink. A compact bush its height does not exceed 25 cm. The stems are straight, along their entire length there are oblong leaves. Flowering begins in June and lasts until early September. Flowers are large;
  • Cleopatra - this echinacea is yellow. The variety is thermophilic and prefers direct rays of the sun. The plant has erect stems, about 60 cm high. Dark green leaves are evenly distributed along its length, rough to the touch. Always pleases with abundant flowering, the size of each flower is about 10 cm, in diameter;
  • Mozzarella. The plant is beautifully developing in the penumbra. Has high erect stems, reaching 60 cm. Blooms between June and September, with magnificent flowers. Echinacea is white, with dangling petals along its edges, and in the middle it is terry.

The healing properties of the echinacea

For therapeutic purposes, use a rhizome, stems with leaves and flowers. Roots for a long time retain their useful properties( up to 5 years), but the rest of the plant is no more than 6 months. Echinacea contains many useful components necessary for the human body: trace elements, essential oils, flavonoids, tannins, glycosides, polysaccharides and mineral components.

Thanks to the useful composition, the herb is successfully coping with such diseases:

  • infectious diseases( AV, angina, ARI);
  • restores the work of the respiratory system;
  • boosts the immune system;
  • normalizes blood sugar levels;
  • tunes the work of the genitourinary system;
  • relieves inflammation in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • for dermatological diseases;
  • restores the microflora after taking antibiotics;
  • improves appetite;
  • stimulates the joints;
  • eliminates herpes and stomatitis.

Important! Before starting treatment with Echinacea, it is necessary to consult a doctor. The specialist will assess the general condition of the patient and prescribe the best treatment.

Application in folk medicine

The healing herb has long been used in folk medicine. It effectively copes with many ailments and restores the work of organs and systems. Below are the best "grandmother's" methods.

Tincture that relieves depression

For preparation take 10 g of dry roots and pour them 100 ml of vodka or alcohol. The mixture must be infused for 24 hours. Take tincture of 20-30 drops, three times a day, before eating.

Powder against a headache

To prepare a medicine, it is necessary to take all parts of the echinacea and rub it into powder. In 100 grams of the finished dry mixture add 300 g of honey. All must be mixed thoroughly. The mixture should be consumed 3 times a day, washed down with tea.

Decoction with FLU and colds

The root of the plant is thoroughly crushed. After that 1 tsp roots, combine with the same number of leaves and add 3 flowers. All mix and pour the grass 500 ml of steep boiling water, leave for 40 minutes. During an acute period of the disease take 250 ml of broth, three times a day. For the prevention of 1 cup, a day.


Echinacea only benefits the body. However, it is important to adhere to the permissible dosage to avoid complications. In case of an overdose, there will be insomnia, irritability, hypertension.

Important! Echinacea therapy should last no more than 10-14 days.

Medicinal herb is a powerful stimulant of immunity, therefore it is forbidden to a certain group of people:

  • for various autoimmune disorders;
  • to pregnant women;
  • during lactation;
  • children of preschool age;
  • if blood pressure is increased.

Any treatment requires a doctor's consultation, echinacea was no exception. Before taking medication on its basis, you need to get expert advice. Be healthy!

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