Contraindications for chronic pancreatitis and pancreatic diseases, what products are contraindicated?

Any person should understand that any disruption to the normal functioning of the body is a signal that you need to somehow change your way of life. As for the drug treatment, then, of course, everything depends on the doctor. But a large part of the responsibility lies with the patient, who should comply with the regimen prescribed by the doctor, adhere to diet and other recommendations.

So, with the disease of pancreatitis, the main factor in successful treatment is a strict regimen. And it concerns not only food. All necessary recommendations are necessarily announced by the attending physician, the most important thing is to remember them and perform them.

As for general points, it should not be forgotten that the inflamed pancreas is a serious enough contraindication for taking baths. This is especially true for hot, but baths at room temperature should not be abused. However, whatever the temperature of the water, its level should not reach the line of the stomach, i.e. The pancreas does not submerge in water.

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There are certain contraindications for pancreatitis and for physical exertion. Any hard work, and even more so - lifting a heavy weight is contraindicated in acute inflammation, and with a chronic load should be significantly reduced, compared with the usual way of life. The only exercises that are permissible for patients with pancreatitis are physical exercises aimed at increasing the flexibility of the body.

Of course, due to the fact that most of the inflammation of the pancreas is the result of eating disorders, most of the contraindications for pancreatitis all apply to consumed foods. For acute conditions in general, a complete refusal of food for a period of up to 48 hours, then should be eaten in small portions, 5-6 times a day, without overloading the pancreas. It is necessary to exclude fatty, fried foods and the use of spices. Preferably use pancreatic dishes cooked for a couple. As for dairy dishes, there are no contraindications to them, but it should be remembered that they should be skimmed, while butter and cheese are excluded completely. If such rules are observed, treatment of the inflamed pancreas will be much more effective.

Contraindications for chronic pancreatitis

One of the most important factors provoking an exacerbation of the pancreas disease is stress. Scientists have proved that due to long-term stressful situations( for many years), a tumor( at first benign) is possible. Unfavorable psychological situation( at work and at home) often provokes attacks of exacerbation. If there is no possibility to exclude excitement completely, the help of the qualified neurologist and psychologist is required.

Climate change is a kind of stress for the sick person's body. It will be necessary to change jobs if it is associated with regular business trips. It is not recommended to change the climatic conditions too sharply. Staying in the sun is strictly contraindicated in chronic pancreatitis, so sunbathing on the beach should be ruled out, like hypothermia. It is also necessary to refuse smoking because the pancreas reacts very strongly to nicotine. Prolonged smoking in history - chronic pancreatitis can cause a tumor.

Self-medication, uncontrolled use of various chemical preparations often causes an exacerbation of chronic pancreatitis and greatly aggravates it. There are often cases when as a result of self-treatment, uncontrolled use of drugs for the treatment of other diseases, complications of pancreatic disease were observed. Narrow specialists should be made aware of pancreatitis and prescribe medications for the treatment of other diseases with caution.

In chronic pancreatic disease, as mentioned above, moderate exercise is required( without shaking, sudden movements, shaking).But also a fixed or inactive way of life is contraindicated. Daily walks in the open air and positive emotions are useful. It is necessary to monitor your own weight so that it does not exceed the norm. It is forbidden to use hard, tight belts, belts.

What products are contraindicated in pancreatitis?

Patients with pancreatitis should refrain from consuming sweets( jam, jam, cream, sweets and other products).Thus, really relieve the burden on the pancreas. When you use sugar with tea, you need to reduce its dose at least twice.

A person who is sick with pancreatitis is useful for fresh fruits, berries and vegetables. But at the same time they also need to be used with caution, since among them there are contraindicated in such a disease. First of all, it is better to give up grapes, as it is a "champion" in sugar content, is hard to digest( shells of berries are not digested), which gives a load on the intestines and stomach. Apples, berries can be added to the menu in a minimal amount( only not red).Avocados, sweet mandarins, oranges are forbidden. Supplement the list of contraindicated in pancreatitis products and legumes.

It is contraindicated for people suffering from pancreatic disease to consume tomatoes. Under the influence of the substances included in their composition, not only the function of the pancreas, but also other gastrointestinal organs is disrupted( in patients with pancreatitis there are problems with the stomach and intestines).Accordingly, it is forbidden to eat tomato paste, sauces, borsch, fatty, rich soups( including fish).The number of consumed cucumbers should be limited. Any products need to be boiled - do not fry. Butter is permissible in quantities up to 15 g / day( it is completely replaced by sunflower or olive oil).Cabbage, fresh onions, radish and garlic are contraindicated to the patient. Meat products must be eaten with extreme caution.

Pork and duck meat should be excluded, as it is recommended to abandon goose, beef and mutton. Baking can cause special harm to a patient with pancreatitis, so it is added to the list of prohibited foods. No less harmful chocolate. Coffee( not even very strong) is contraindicated in pancreatitis. It is better to refuse and black tea, replacing it with herbal. Carbonated drinks are strictly prohibited. Proper nutrition will exclude the aggravation of the disease and its complications.

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