Phonocardiography of the heart: method, patient preparation, devices

Phonocardiography( FCG) is a technique for examining the heart muscle. Registration and subsequent analysis of the heart is carried out by means of a special microphone. It fixes sounds produced during the work of the heart muscle( with contraction and relaxation).

This examination identifies those changes that are not determined by auscultation. Listening is conducted by a specialist with a good hearing to identify pathological sounds, to distinguish them from the sounds and sounds of the heart.

To whom it is appointed

The PCG is prescribed for a number of indications. The prerequisites for the procedure are:

  • dyspnoea at physical exertion;
  • myocardial infarction;
  • fixation of extraneous sounds at the time of examination with a stethoscope;
  • increased heart size;
  • pain in the heart, behind the sternum.

In case of rhythm disturbances, phonocardiography is of particular importance, since only one auscultation is not enough to determine at which phase of the cardiac cycle there are extraneous sounds.

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Phonocardiography data( photo)

Why go through this procedure

Phonocardiography is performed as an additional method of research in auscultation. The procedure complements it, enabling you to track all the dynamic changes.

You can repeat phonocardiography as many times as you need to accurately diagnose pathologies, since the method is non-invasive and available.


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The opinion of doctors. .. & gt; & gt;

Diagnostic types

The phonocardiography is divided into

  • routine study and
  • using samples.

In the latter case, use special medicines or physical activity. These methods make the survey more accurate and informative.

Indications for

The procedure is necessary if a number of cardiac pathologies are suspected:

  1. arrhythmia,
  2. tachycardia,
  3. suspected heart disease.

The FCG is shown in cases when heart failure is detected during auscultation, a phonocardiogram will help to identify the problem.

Contraindications and safety

There are no contraindications to the FCG.Difficult to inspect is when there are injuries, severe obesity, burns and other problems that prevent tight fit to the surface of the skin of the microphone.

The method is harmless, therefore it is prescribed even to patients who are in serious condition. Next, we'll talk about preparing the patient for phonocardiography for heart defects and other ailments of SSS.

Preparing for phonocardiography

Special preparation in front of a phonocardiogram is not needed.

  • The patient before the study should only sleep and avoid stress.
  • It is recommended to have a quick breakfast and give up drinks that can tonify the heart muscle( coffee, alcohol, etc.).

How the procedure passes

For phonocardiography, a cabinet with a high level of sound insulation is assigned. The temperature plays a special role, since its lowering below 22 degrees can cause muscle trembling, which hinders the accuracy of the diagnosis.

The patient is in a horizontal position at the time of the examination. Apparatus-Apparatus for phonocardiography fixes the work of the heart in the exhalation phase. It is advisable to make the FCG still in the posture on the left side, after taking the medication and after the load. These measures help to increase the informative nature of the research.

Special microphones are installed on the chest at 5 points. Before you start recording, you check the sound quality. To do this, use an oscilloscope and headphones.

Negative sensations throughout the period of the FCG are not felt. It usually takes several minutes, and if it is conducted with samples( use of drugs, exercise), then its duration varies, but does not exceed 30 minutes.

About what is a normal phonocardiogram, where is iii and other tones on phonocardiography, we will tell further.

Interpretation of results

Only specialists are engaged in the analysis of the data received. At the same time, the results of auscultation of the heart are also taken into account. To interpret the results did not cause questions about its correctness, along with phonocardiography, parallel electrocardiography is performed.

The doctor analyzes the amplitude of pathological sounds, if they were detected. They express a graphic curve. The more intense the sound, the denser and more often the strokes will be located. If cardiac work is normal, only tone I and tone II will be recorded, characteristic, respectively, for shortening and a period of relaxation.

Changes inherent in heart defects will be recorded as changes in strokes on the curve in different phases of the muscle work cycle.

  • For example, presystolic murmur and an increase in I tone amplitude are characteristic of mitral stenosis, with aortic rhomboid form of noise.
  • Aortic insufficiency can be diagnosed by normal diastolic noise, and low-amplitude systolic low-amplitude systole is indicated for the failure of the tricuspid valve.
  • Phonocardiography registers not only pathological noise, but also noise inherent in arterial hypertension, anemia and other diseases.

Average cost of

The price of the service is approximately 1800-2200 rubles. Phonocardiography of the fetus in Moscow, on average, costs 1100 r.

General visual examination, heart auscultation, phonocardiography, electrocardiography - all these methods in the complex will give accurate data on the state of your heart.

The following video will show you what a phonocardiogram is:

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