Inoperable brain tumor: causes, effects, treatment

Tumors of the brain are a heterogeneous group that includes intracranial neoplasms that can be both benign and malignant in nature. The latter arise from the uncontrolled division of cells, which are more likely to lead to the formation of metastases in other organs of the human body.

To the risk factors that contribute to the development of brain tumors include:

  • production factors: work at nuclear facilities, the constant effect of ionizing radiation;
  • ethnicity. Studies have shown that representatives of the Caucasoid race are more prone to the risk of primary tumors;
  • sex accessory. In men, tumors are more common.
  • age features. Here we can distinguish two main groups of risk: the first group includes children under the age of 8 years, and the second - the elderly in the age range from 65 to 79 years.
  • weakened immune system, the cause of the violation of which could be HIV infection, as well as due to organ transplants - in this case, the risk of developing lymphoma of the central nervous system;
  • hereditary predisposition.
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Symptoms of developing a brain tumor

The following are the primary symptoms that indicate the appearance of a brain tumor:

  • frequent headaches, nausea, dizziness, weakness, fatigue, sudden darkening in the eyes, and psychological signs - apathy, depression;
  • dilated pupil on the affected side, resizing the optic disc.

With the growth of the tumor, the symptoms become more obvious and pronounced. These include:

  • violation of coordination of movement and orientation in space;
  • memory loss, frequent syncope;
  • vision and hearing impairment;
  • changes in the emotional and psychological sphere;
  • decreases the sensitivity of skin receptors disappear, or tactile, painful, thermal stimuli affecting the skin become less noticeable;
  • the appearance of hallucinations in the patient( for example, in the form of flashes of light) in cases of damage to the brain region responsible for analyzing the image obtained from the outside world.

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Forecast of the consequences of a previous ischemic stroke of the brain is found here.

Classification of brain tumors

There are several signs that classify tumors.

Primary focus:

  • primary are tumors that are developed due to impairment of the process of cell division of the brain itself, its tissues, or cranium membranes;
  • secondary - these include tumors that have a metastatic origin.

In 2007, all early data on the classification of brain tumors underwent significant changes and their new classification based on the study of the cellular composition of the tumor was compiled.

It describes more than 100 species of existing tumors. At the moment, this classification is the most complete of its content.

Tumors of the brain are divided into malignant and benign.


First stage gliomas

The most common type of tumor. Glioma develops directly from the neuroepithelial( glial) cells that make up the brain tissue.

This type of tumor grows slowly, and at the beginning of its development, the greatest harm that glioma can inflict is compression( pressure) on surrounding tissues and brain cells.

This type of tumor is as dangerous to human life as a malignant tumor.

Symptoms of the formation of this tumor are often the following: visual impairment;double vision in the eyes;a feeling of constant nausea, which is accompanied by vomiting reflexes;the slowing down of the mental processes of the human brain;a vivid manifestation of confusion, and in some cases, a state of coma;occurrence of unilateral paralysis.


This type of tumor is formed by cells of the arachnoid( endocrine) arachnoid. The appearance most often resembles a knot in the form of a horseshoe, or a rounded shape, which is surrounded by a dense capsule.

Most often, this disease affects women.

There is no clear symptom in this disease and for years the development of the tumor can pass unnoticed for the patient:

  • the appearance of aching headaches in the morning and evening, concentrating in the frontal or in the temporal areas.
  • increased symptoms of headache, accompanied by nausea and vomiting;
  • decreased sensitivity of some parts of the body;
  • violation of the psycho-emotional state;
  • increased intracranial pressure, in the event that a large tumor, squeezing the brain tissue, causes its swelling;
  • increased human oppression;
  • tumor development becomes a risk to human life.

Most often, meningiomas are benign tumors, and therefore the correct treatment for them becomes surgical removal.

Meningiomas, of poor quality, often after removal appear again, and this requires repeated operations.

Neurinomas of the auditory nerve( schwannoma)

This type of tumor suggests that it is formed from Schwann cells of the auditory nerve. Already the first symptoms of tumor growth are:

  • hearing loss on one ear, persistent pain in the same half of the face;
  • frequent dizziness;
  • is the defeat of many nervous structures, the consequence of which is the deterioration of articulation, the inability to perform certain mimic exercises, the deterioration of the ingestion of food, and later of water.

The appearance of the neurinoma can range from the correct oval, or rounded shape of the node, to an irregular, undefined shape. The upper surface of the node is covered with a connective tissue. The surface of the formation is uneven, bumpy.

Treatment can be carried out either by irradiation of neurinoma, or by surgical removal. Often there are cases when the only possible treatment was a dynamic observation of the development of the tumor.


A rare type of tumor. It is formed by the accumulation of blood vessels. Most often the place of formation is the cerebellum, less often the brain and spinal cord.

Hemangioblastomas are of two types: solid and cystic .

The main difference between these species in their constituent parts. Solid hemangioblastomas in their composition have only tumor cells, cystic cells, in addition to tumor cells have a solid component attached to them.

On the formation of this tumor can say the following symptoms:

  • headaches;
  • dizziness;
  • inability to correctly coordinate movements;
  • problems with maintaining balance.
Hemangioblastomas formed in the spinal cord or brain can lead to complete loss of limb sensitivity, impaired urinary tract function, particularly the bladder and the work of the gastrointestinal tract.


Malignant brain tumors have the ability to accelerate growth and development in comparison with benign tumors.

Developing, this type of tumor destroys all adjacent cells and areas of the brain. Malignant tumor can be formed both from young, immature brain cells, and from the cells of other organs brought by the influx of blood. This process of education is called metastasis. It is the most common way of developing a tumor. Metastases can develop in one area of ​​the brain, and several at the same time.

Symptomatic of the appearance of a malignant tumor is similar to that of a benign tumor.

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The names of preparations for dizziness in tableted form can be found here.

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Diagnosis and diagnosis of

The diagnosis of a tumor begins immediately after the first symptoms have appeared. The doctor checks the patient for movement coordination disorders, studies tactile and pain sensitivity, testing for stability of the body position in space.

Data are collected showing all the symptoms and the dynamics of their development. This is how the preliminary diagnosis is made.

The next step is the appointment of an MRI( magnetic resonance imaging), or CT( computer tomography of the brain).Carrying out these procedures allows you to put an accurate diagnosis with the location of the tumor and its size.

The next step before the appointment of treatment is to conduct a tumor biopsy.

Only after this procedure is possible the appointment of the correct method of treatment.

Methods of treatment of brain tumors

If, for a number of reasons, the tumor is inoperable, its treatment is performed using the following techniques.

  1. , the symptomatic therapy of , which is extremely necessary to improve the general condition of the patient and eliminate the clearly manifested symptoms of the disease. To achieve these goals, prescribe glucocorticosteroid drugs( in particular prednisolone), which helps to remove brain edema, metoclopramide, which is necessary to reduce emetic reflexes, and extremely severe cases it is necessary to take narcotic analgesics, such as morphine and omnopon, necessary to reduce pain.
  2. The appointment of radiation therapy for inoperable types of tumors, carried out in several stages, the frequency and duration of which depends on the size of the tumor.
  3. procedure of chemotherapy .Chemotherapy is a method of treatment that is based on the introduction of drugs in the patient's body that slow the development of the tumor. Most often, complex chemotherapy with radiotherapy is administered for several weeks.

For surgical types of tumors, radical treatment is performed - surgical intervention. This method is complicated by the fact that it is necessary to carry out the removal of the tumor completely in order to avoid possible relapses of the disease, and it is possible only when removing not only the tumor cells, but also a part of the healthy cells surrounding the tumor.

Very important in the process of operation is caution in not touching the vital centers of the brain. Recently, less dangerous methods of conducting such operations with the use of laser and ultrasonic techniques are being actively developed.

Complications of

In the treatment of inoperable tumor types, some complications may occur.

When used radiotherapy and radiotherapy, they are divided into two categories: early complications( occur immediately after treatment) and late complications( manifested in half a year, or later after treatment).

To early complications include loss of appetite, fatigue, sleep disturbance, irritation of the scalp, hair loss. As a rule, these symptoms disappear immediately after the end of treatment.

To complications that occur much later, include the violation of the vestibular apparatus - the impossibility of coordination of movements, loss of balance, hormonal failure in the body, in children after the treatment can deteriorate the ability to learn, stunted growth.

The use of chemotherapy also often has its complications. These include:

  • nausea, vomiting;
  • irritation of the oral mucosa;
  • the appearance of unpleasant sensations in the limbs, and often their soreness;
  • weakened immunity;
  • disorders of the gastrointestinal tract.
Sometimes, chemotherapy can lead to myelosuppression - reducing the formation of blood cells, which in turn leads to anemia, leukopenia and thrombocytopenia.

But, despite possible complications in most cases, the course of chemotherapy is well tolerated by many patients.

Post-operative rehabilitation

The postoperative period has its peculiarities in patients who underwent removal of the brain tumor.

First of all, this is a long-term observation of their condition by radiologists and chemotherapeutists, because people who have undergone an operation of this type in the postoperative period continue chemotherapy treatment, or radiotherapy.

It is necessary to conduct MRI and CT procedures for diagnostic control.

It is especially necessary to monitor the occurrence of possible relapses of the disease.

In the case of postoperative complications, there is a need for the participation of specialists from various fields( ophthalmologist, lor, neurologists and other specialists).

Tumors of the brain are diseases that can cause irreparable harm to the human body, so a timely diagnosis, a rationally chosen method of treatment and, of course, full rehabilitation in the postoperative period play a huge role in the positive result of treatment.

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