What to do if there is congestion and noise in the ear

1 Symptoms of

In addition to laying down ears, there are other symptoms of this ailment. First of all, it affects the acuity of hearing - it significantly decreases, there is a feeling that there are cotton swabs or ear plugs in the ear. The sounds are not so distinct and sonorous, everything around becomes quieter. At the same time, there is a feeling that the surrounding people are moving, as in slow motion pictures. There is a natural swallowing reflex, but even it does not help to relieve congestion and eliminate noise in the ears. In addition, such unpleasant symptoms are added, as:

  • headache;
  • dizziness;
  • tingling inside the auricle;
  • high temperature.

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If the ears are laid due to otitis, then the inflammatory processes will become felt by the acute sweeping pain, which gives inside the cranium. Treatment of otitis is very difficult, and it is necessary to approach it with great responsibility, especially if the ears hurt a small child.

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2 The main causes of an unpleasant condition

An ear is one of the senses. With its help, people learn the world, distinguishing sounds, their tonality and loudness. It is thanks to the organs of hearing that we learn to speak, communicate, orient ourselves in space. This body has one of the most complex systems, becauseits structure is made in such a way as to catch various vibrations of sounds, transform them into electrical signals and transmit them to a special zone of the brain. There these impulses are analyzed, and a person can understand what specific sound he hears.

If the correct perception of sounds is violated, you need to look for the cause of this phenomenon. There may be several:

  • inflammation in the Eustachian tube;
  • acute otitis media;
  • ingestion into ear passages of foreign objects;
  • sulfuric tube;
  • runny nose.

In addition to these medical problems, nasal congestion can occur due to penetration of water into it. This reason is known, this happens after immersing the head under the water when taking a bath, showering or bathing in a pond. This problem is solved quickly: it is enough to tilt your head to the side and shake it intensively.

Sometimes a curved nasal septum can cause the ear to become blocked. If this condition is congenital, then notice the decrease in hearing can still be in childhood and correct with the help of surgical intervention. But the curvature is also possible with a nose injury at any age. If after a stroke a patient see a doctor, then a defect can be noticed immediately, which will help correct the nose and prevent hearing problems.

Another reason is an allergic reaction. Noise in the ears and their congestion can be a reaction of the body to the taking of certain medications, and to eliminate an unpleasant symptom, it is enough to cancel the intake of medications.

3 Obstruction of ears when driving in transport

Hearing impairment very often occurs when traveling in the subway or in flight. This is due to the fact that the machine is gaining speed, there is a strong pressure, which is trying to cope with tympanic membranes. This phenomenon is called barotrauma and is well known to those who have ever flown on an airplane or went to a car at high speed.

Avoiding stuffiness in this case is not difficult. It's enough just to open your mouth as soon as the traffic starts. If the ears still laid, you should perform swallowing movements. In order for these movements to be easier to perform, usually sucking candies are usually offered to passengers before take-off and landing. With its absorption, saliva is released, swallowing it, you can avoid unpleasant sensations. But there is a category of people to whom even such security measures do not help to avoid stuffiness. If it does not pass even a few hours after the person has left the vehicle, you should consult an otolaryngologist and conduct a survey. It is the doctor who will be able to find the true cause of congestion and prescribe the right treatment.


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Another non-medical reason for the stuffiness of the ears is sulfuric cork. About its presence will speak a hearing loss, which lasts quite a long time, but the stuffiness and noise arise suddenly. Usually it occurs in the morning, after a dream or after water procedures. When a large amount of water enters the ears, the sulfur plug becomes soaked and increases in size, clogging the ear canals. If you do not return hearing after blotting out the auricle with a cotton swab, you need to go to the hospital. Do not remove the cork yourself, this can lead to a violation of the integrity of the tympanic membrane, after which it will be hard to restore hearing, and sometimes even impossible. To prevent the appearance of sulfuric plugs, it is recommended to eat as much solid fruits and vegetables as possible. To chew them, you need to make more effort, which causes the lower jaw to move more actively. This leads to a reduction in the jaw muscles, which normalizes the pressure in the ear cavities and the correct outflow of sulfur from them.

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4 Cold and flu

Acute respiratory viral infections are always accompanied by a runny nose, which causes congestion and tinnitus. Rhinitis is very often not only present throughout the disease, but also for a very long time keeps after it. This is due to the fact that colds provoke swelling of the mucous membranes of both the nose, the ear and the throat. Increased mucous impedes the normal penetration of air into the ear cavity, which is expressed in pawning. With flu and cold, it is almost impossible to breathe through the nose, negative pressure when inhaled and leads to pawning. To remove this unpleasant phenomenon, it is necessary to restore the possibility of proper nose breathing. In that case, without drug treatment can not do.

You should start by rinsing the nasal cavities. For this, salt water is used. You can prepare it yourself at the rate of 1 tsp.on a glass of warm boiled water, or buy ready-made solutions in a pharmacy. Excellent for such procedures, ordinary saline solution, used to dilute medicines, when patients are placed droppers. The saline solution should be inhaled alternately with each nostril, and spit it through the mouth. Perform the procedure 5-6 times a day. After washing, the nose should be dripped with vasoconstrictive drops. But applying them for more than three days is not recommended, becausethe body very quickly accustomed to them and creates the opposite effect. It is also good to drink as many warm drinks as possible, decoctions of herbs, gargle with infusions of chamomile and sage. Vitamin complexes and immunomodulating drugs will be supplemented.

But the well-known boric alcohol without consulting a doctor should not be used. Such self-medication can lead to serious consequences and aggravate the patient's condition. To prevent this, you need to regularly visit a doctor and undergo a preventive examination. Only a specialist can determine the cause of the stuffiness of the ears, prescribe medication and determine their dosage.

Sometimes, among the reasons for the stuffiness of the ears, you can find heart and vascular disease or disorders in the work of the nervous system.

You can detect them only during surveys that need to be carried out annually. If the noise in the ears and their obstruction arose suddenly and a simple measure to eliminate them was powerless, you should immediately seek medical help to establish the cause and begin the timely correct treatment.

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