Cyst of the pancreas - diet and nutrition

A diet for patients with pancreatitis is an important part of the treatment. Because, the complication of the disease is the cyst of the pancreas, a diet is also necessary for it. Hot, cold, sharp, fatty meals are excluded, products are crushed by any means, prepared in water, steam, in the oven( multivark).Gastroenterologists recommend frequent uninvested food. If the patient has a pancreas with a cyst, the diet is fully consistent with pancreatic( No. 5).

Diet products for pancreatic pancreas

Diet for the pancreatic cyst should consist of only allowed products, to which, in meager quantities, some conditionally permitted( with persistent remission) may be added. These include:

  • flour - wheat flour of the second and first grade, biscuits unsweetened dry, crackers, yesterday's bread
  • fish - fresh steam, boiled( pouring)
  • meat - poultry and rabbit without skin, by-products, veal, beef without fat( with(even vegetable ones), they add butter or sour cream
  • products from milk - sour-milk, low-fat, milk, cottage cheese, sour cream,fresh cheese
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  • eggs - predominantly protein in omelettes, boiled baked
  • cereal - buckwheat, unpolished and brown rice, oats, pearl barley( only with remission), semolina in small quantities, including in other dishes, wheat porridge is acceptable, but,not recommended by nutritionists

Each patient should understand why the product is harmful, and not memorize them by heart. This will avoid mistakes, add to the diet new after studying their composition.

Prohibited diet products with pancreatic pancreas

Fatty food can not be split in the body, since there are problems with the production of enzymes( or their intake from a damaged organ).Rough fiber can not be digested, will load iron, lead to pain, swelling, exacerbations. The following are completely forbidden:

  • legumes - gases guarantee pain at pressure on border organs
  • pears, cabbage( in white cabbage) - contains tree fiber, dangerous for the affected body
  • millet - the abundance of carbohydrates does not allow them to be completely processed, they will be deposited in the formexternal and internal fat
  • alcohol, nicotine, tomatoes, spices - excite the mucous, which leads to tumors, exacerbations, excessive licking( while the body digests itself)

It is enough to remember the diseasesNot provoke exacerbations, to introduce new products in small doses. Some of the fruits( avocado, papaya, mango) serve as substitutes for medicines, help the body to digest food. However, their use is also limited by one fetus per day.

Nutrition for the pancreas cyst

Let's summarize. Diet products in the pancreatic cyst should always be fresh, neutral in temperature and well-ground. This disease and diet are inseparable concepts. Having this disease, it is very important to follow the rules of healthy eating. Very useful dishes from foods such as pumpkin and broccoli. Naturally, only in boiled and stewed form or in the form of casseroles. The best breakfast for people suffering from this disease will be raw buckwheat, filled with kefir for the night.

Be sure to exclude prohibited foods for a pancreatic cyst and strictly adhere to the diet. Recommended by specialists in this disease interval between meals should not exceed more than three hours, portions should be small.

It should not be forgotten that nutrition with a pancreatic cyst should accompany the consumption of a sufficient amount of drinking, since during the restoration of the body in the body there is an increased flow of water. In addition, the fluid is needed to stabilize the bowels, which is very important for recovery.

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